《The Ultimate Puppeteer, Aristia's Brother || The Abandoned Empress》Chapter 15: He's different



I-ittai, this tea is burning my skin, was it this hot in the Manhwa? It never burned him though...

"Are you alright, you're highness?"

I turned my head to see if I missed catching some spills. But why does he look so surprised? I'm pretty sure he was supposed to be mad... It's been 15 years since I came here, so my memory is a bit foggy about what I read more than a hundred years ago. Demo... this will surely leave a burn if this isn't treated right away.

"Excuse me and apologies, I will take my leave first"

I didn't wait for his reply, as I stood up and started leaving.

"Sir Anastacius are there any burns? Your clothes are -"

"Thank you for your concern sir Haren. But I suggest you check up on his highness"

I clutched my arm, trying to soothe the pain by adding more pain. I meant pressure! I think it's best for me to go home now,it's almost Aristia's birthday. But until then I have to visit someone. I need to leave now, if I want to be able to return by tomorrow...

It's been days since that happen and Aristia is still upset about it. But I guess the relationship between me and that psycho got better. We tend to have a game of chess every now and then, but I make myself lose half of the times without making it obvious. It's not like I care even if he finds out, but I prefer if he don't.

"Aristia has been quite gloomy this days, do you know why?"

He said as he moves one of his pieces to offensive. "Hmm why should I tell you?"

"Tch that's a smart move, anyways I just want to know" Len said as he moves his king away from the offensive knight.


"....I see you as her closest friend near her age gap, shouldn't you know by now?..." I said as I let him eat my bishop to save my pawn. (Apparently pawns are very valuable to chess masters... Yes I played with my friend who's a chess master, Damn! I was easily defeated ;-;)

"Can't you just tell it to me?"

"I would... But where's the fun in that?"

I looked at him straight in the eye, looking for a reaction but all I received is a deadpan expression.

"Are you trying to be funny?"

"Is it working?"

He then facepalms as he probably thinks about how I'm so bad at trying to be funny. Which is a given fact around the household, that I am bad at being funny. I mean it's not my fault I spent two- three of my lifetimes always on the edge. I never had time on trying to be funny or do things for fun... Music was the only thing that kept me sane from all the problems that keep me awake at night.

"For such a witty man, I expect a bit of humor in you..." he facepalms

"It's better to not expect, to not get disappointed" as I finished him off


It seems like he's used to losing to me now that, he's not going off.

"That's the 5th win of the day An, excellent as always"

"You're too kind sir Allendis, I am merely just trying to keep up with your expectations"

"... So your still not gonna tell me why she's been down lately?" He wore a bright smile even though in his eyes he knows that will not work.


Standing in the training grounds at a blind spot, I spotted the young sir of house Verita... Who I now acknowledge as a close acquaintance of mine, have a talk with my dear sister. Which if I recall right, will eventually lead to their heart to heart to talk with each other.


Allen is a really great person... Thank you, your such a good friend really.

"My lady-!"

"Yes?" It was sir Lieg, I wonder what he wants to say.

"I'll be go ahead and wait inside" I nodded alright to Allen before switching my attention back to sir Lieg.

"What is it, Sir Lieg?"

"Please don't get too close to sir Allendis"

Huh, what? Why...?

"What... Do you mean?"

Let's not be too heisty, let's hear his reason.

"I am a bit suspicious of his reasons, for training his swords skills, but... Even if we're in the same faction. He is from a house of officers. And they have often disagreed with us knights many occasions. Political relations can be. harsh-"

"That is enough sir Lieg"

"Sir Anastacius/Brother!" Both of us we're surprised with brother's sudden appearance.

"I apologize sir Anastacius and lady Aristia!"

"Ah- There's nothing you need to apologize for-" I waved my hands to him, while I was shocked with his sudden apology.

"Relax sir Lieg I wasn't going to condemn you, so please don't be too frightened. I'm just merely going to ask you to not scare her to much" He remarked.

He walks past sir Lieg till he's a few steps away from me. He turns his head back to him.

"She's still young and she's my sister, she shall soon be the head of this house. Let her have fun as she still can, for that I'd like to thank you for your concern towards her"

He gave a small smile, it's not that noticeable but you can see the small curl on his lips.

"And I also find that Allendis is quite different from his family... You may continue your day"

He lifts his gloved hand to my hair and places it on my hair. He brushed some of the hair on my face, places them behind my ear. He nods to both of us before he continues on his way.

Once he was out of our view, I turned to look at sir Lieg who looks like he's tearing up.

"Eh Sir Lieg are you alright!?" I got closer to him, as he rubs his eyes with his sleeves.

"I'm alright my lady, some dust just got in my eyes"

I want to disagree with him, but I understand. Brother is so calm and always give steps ahead of everyone. He may have a hard time showing how much he cares for all of us. But somehow all of us here feels it either way, he's the best brother and I guarantee that.

"Sir Anastacius is such a genius and a great master! Even if he somehow has bad blood with the eldest of House Verita"

"Your back Aristia"

Brother isn't in good terms with Allendis's older brother...?


Ayo I'm back peeps

So ya'll want it to be a switch Mc x Carsein instead orrrrr??

Anyways I'm planning on making a oneshot book with all the characters in The Abandoned Empress, you can all give me requests whether it's x fem reader or x Male reader

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