《Little wolf》Of England.


Chapter eleven

The great hall was alive with a feast, her mother sat in all her glory at the center table. Ragnar had taken a spot at a smaller table to the side. Bjorn was drinking away with Ülf, and Thurin.

He was tall, dark haired and vivid green eyes, he was muscular. Handsome, if you like that kinda thing.

Skadi had no time for boys, no matter how handsome he was. She was on a mission.

She plunked down across from her father, who met her eyes with a neutral face. She raised her eyebrow, smirking at him.

"I want to go to England with you."

He thought for a moment, "No."

Skadi laughed, it Ragnar's time to cock an eyebrow.

"It wasn't a question, I'm going with you."

"No your not."

"Yes I am."





"Skadi, your staying here, with your mother. That's the end of it."

"It's funny how you leave for ten years and come back. And somehow you think you get to play parent now. You missed that chance. I'm going whether you want me to or not."

He looked hurt, which wasn't her end goal, quite the opposite really. She wanted to spend more time with him, but dammit he was making it hard.

"What has your mother said."

"Nothing. She doesn't know this plan and she won't."


"If it were up to her, I'd stay her baby the rest of my life. I don't want to live and die in the same place without seeing anything else."

He thought for a long time before coming out with a mumbled, "fine"

Skadi all but launched herself over the table, nearly tackling the man. Who didn't seem to mind.

"Hey," Ragnar brought her attention back, " you do as I say, understood."


"Yes, yeah."

"And this was your idea, so when your mother finds you it's on you."


Skadi was positively giddy as she tried in vain to sleep. There was however a problem, her brothers. Father had told her Ivar was coming as well.

It's not that she didn't love him, he was her brother. He was cocky, and annoying. He often ignored her when she'd visit Kattegat with Bjorn.

Couldn't have been Ubbe she supposed, or Hvitsick or Sigurd or literally anyone but the youngest son of Ragnar.

"What do you think Freki, think you can handle him for that long?"

He didn't answer, obviously. Sometimes she wished they would.

A knock at the door interrupted her one sided conversation.

"Yes?" The door pushed open revealing Lagertha. "Mama"

"Your talking to Ragnar a lot, given you ignored him for days."


"Come here." Lagertha sat on the bed patting the space next to her. Skadi day next to the women as she began combing through her long hair.

"Your going to England with your father."

She didn't sound angry, nevertheless Skadi spoke carefully.


Lagertha said nothing as she continued to braid the girls hair. They sat there for a long while.

"When I was your age I wanted nothing more then to go on raids. My father never let me, and I resented him for it. I do not want that to be our relationship," Lagertha brought her daughters eyes to hers, "promise me you'll be careful?"

"I promise."

Lagertha brushed a few stray hairs behind Skadi's ear. Smiling softly, the way she only did around her children.

"Alright, goodnight sweet girl." She kisses her forehead, leaving the room.


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