《bratty girl》😛twenty-two😛


(Ps: if you don't like my choice of outfits please just imagine whatever you like and move on ♥️)

today, I dressed up despite that It was a Saturday because I'm going to The Cullen house!

I woke up to find myself snuggled on Rosalie's boobies , the fact that they are soft despite that she is a fucking indestructible .. i don't know how that works but I'm not complaining.

I stayed snuggled up with them for a while till Rosalie reminded me that I should get ready to leave .

I sluggishly took a shower,did my hair with the help of Rosalie and dressed up .

They didn't let me eat breakfast in the house saying that Esme is so excited to make me food and she'll be sad if I already ate.

When I tell you I almost cried to the fact that Esme is making food for me... she made me lunch that time and I'm still emotional about this!

and that's on Mommy issues I guess..

" aren't you cold baby?" Emmett asked seeing my outfit

" Fashion first , health later" I looked at my outfit for the thousandth time but Emmett was not having it .

" alright alright.. I'll wear a coat then" I sighed grabbing my light blue fake fur coat and skipped my way out of the house .


" Lily hiiii.. I miss you " Violet hugged me a bit too tight , dazzling me with her smile

" miss you too bestie .. " and we started talking about our week, since she went on a hunting trip with her daddy and we didn't have time to talk on the phone.

" I didn't know what will you like for breakfast so I went with sweet and pink?" Esme said putting a plate of absolute perfection!


" omg Esme.. that's super nice of you thank you" I thanked her and grabbed my phone to document the art before me before eating it..

By the time Edward's car pulled up , I was in a food coma laying down on the fancy couch while Rosalie and Emmett are forced to help in the kitchen ..

violet insisted to watch my little pony with me to catch up on some episodes but I want to watch attack on titans ..

in short , she won cause her pouting game is stronger than me ..

I can hear Bella stumbling to go upstairs but I couldn't move from the couch , totally ruining my outfit by unzipping my skirt and taking off my cashmere sweater cause I get hot when I eat .

" hey Lily" Bella waved at me and then I heard glass smashing

" great let's keep pretending that this is not dangerous for all of us !" I turned to look at Rosalie that looked angry

It was scary ..but weirdly turned me on .

" I'll never say anything! To anyone .." Bella stuttered and I rolled my eyes

" Rosie you woke up and chose double standards today? I'm literally over here.. a human .. a weird one too " I pointed at myself rolling my eyes

My girlfriend is a more drama queen than me when she wants to .

" hi! You must be Bella " I heard Alice speak her voice is like a beautiful song .

I zoned out overthinking while jasper nodded to Bella and zoomed to sit next to Violet, sniffing her like a creep .

I rolled my eyes , weird but awesome family .. more like the Addams family but make it vampires.. with no cool costumes .

A/n: I decided to update this mess cause I'm depresso and I don't want to be more of a disappointing author than I already am.

Happy valentines everyone ..

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