《Everlasting ღ Newt TMR¹》4. Greenie Broke the Rules


'WICKED is good' plays over and over in my head as darkness swarms my vision like moths to a flame. What does that even mean? What, or who, is WICKED?

I hear voices speaking, having a conversation. I also hear my name mentioned a few times. I attempt to open my eyes, but it doesn't happen at first, so I stare into the darkness a little longer.

Finally, I feel my head clear slightly and my eyes open. I expect to have a blinding light block out my view, but I am only welcomed by shadows and a small flame. I turn my head slightly, to see a few of the boys standing in the doorway.

"Hi Lori, my name's Clint, I'm Med-Jack here" Clint walks closer and holds the back of his hand to my head, causing me to flinch slightly. "Calm down shank, just seeing if you've cooled off yet."

After Clint is done, I swing my legs over the side of the bed, and attempt to stand, before falling back down. "Alright. Not just yet" I mumble to myself.

"So what happened out there?" Clint asked as he stood back up.

I can't tell them I heard voices, that would just make me even more suspicious. I sigh before beginning to talk "I- I have no idea, I was just running, and, I don't know. It might have been all that noise or something" I shrugged. Then a thought crossed my mind, "Hey, how did I get away from those jaws of death?" I over exaggerate just a little.

"That would be me, shank" Minho holds up his hand. I can't help but smile. He has been the only one to treat me normally since I showed up here. And the blonde, but I don't even know his name.


"Thanks" I smile at Minho.

At that moment, Gally decides to join the conversation. I didn't even realize he was in the room. "You should have just left her. The Greenie broke the rules."

"She didn't know the rules shuck-face" Minho scoffed at Gally.

Gally was about to speak again, but I cut him off "You know what?" I ask, as I push myself off of the bed and cross my arms, a new strength helping me stand. "I realize you don't like me, Gally, but I am new here and have no idea what the hell is going on. I woke up in a grave! Cut me some slack for five seconds and stop being such an arrogant jerk!" I shout.

It felt so good to finally stand up for myself. Just because I'm the only girl, doesn't give these people the right to treat me like I'm from another damn planet!

I take a deep breath, before walking towards the door. I'm about to leave, when Alby blocks my path.

"Can I help you?" I ask. Wow, someone's in a bad mood, I scowl at myself.

"Gotta take the tour Greenie. What d'ya say?" Alby instructs, more than asks as his arms slowly cross against his chest. I nod, and allow him to walk me out side, into the Glade.


The Glade is a large encampment, surrounded by the four large walls. In the north west corner, is the Homestead, where I just was. From the outside, it is a tall, rickety building, looked to have been constructed by the Gladers themselves. And on the outside of the Homestead, is the Slammer; their jail of sorts. The north east corner is full of gardens and fields. The south west is a large grove of trees, in the centre is the Deadheads, where they found me. And in the south east corner, is where they keep all the animals.


Other features of the Glade include the Box in the centre, where Alby says 'Greenies' are supposed to arrive. And between the trees and the animal pens but to the south of the Box, is a small cement building, which I don't know what it contains. It is constructed from cement with a large, thick door.

We finally stop underneath the shade of a tree.

"And there you have it Greenie. The Glade. Welcome home" Alby smirks.

"Gee, thanks" I reply sarcastically. I take a glance around, and my eyes land on the little shack, before asking Alby what it is.

"In a few days, after you're out of the Slammer, you'll find out when you try for a job" He replies. I must give a questioning look, because he stands up and begins to walk again.

"There are three rules of the Glade you need to understand Lori. Rule one, everyone does their part, no slacking off. We work to keep this place running." After I give a nod of understanding, he continues.

"Rule two, never hurt another Glader; we have to be able to trust each other. And last of all, rule three, never leave the Glade" Alby finishes, gesturing to the four walls of the Glade. I glance at the walls.

"What's out there, Alby" I ask, curiosity taking over all my senses.

"Nothing that concerns you, unless you're a Runner" He states.

He does realize that he is just giving me more questions, not answering any of them.

"But what is -" I begin, before he cuts me off.

"Like I said before, you'll find out in a few days. But first, you have to spend the time in the Slammer. You're lucky we're not adding more days after that stint you pulled Greenie."

I can't help but sigh, as Alby walks me over to the Slammer, not bothering to fight back this time.


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