《Our Everlasting Melody》Our Everlasting Melody (11)
"Your nose is purple."
This was the first thing Christian said to me when he saw me during our last period of the day. He had been in first period, but for some reason he hadn't seen it then. I gave him a look, knowing perfectly well what color my nose was. People had been telling me all day.
"Thanks for the information," I couldn't help but grumble back.
"What happened?" he asked now.
I didn't really know if I wanted to tell him, because it was embarrassing. I mean, Jaz hadn't even meant to punch me. It had been a complete and total accident and she spent all first period apologizing to me for it.
I pulled out my tiny mirror that I used for makeup. I had covered my nose with cover up as well as I could that morning, but my nose was still an obvious off-color from my normal skin tone. And now, the cover up had completely worn off so I now had a purple bruise on my nose. I didn't know why I had decided to leave my cover up at home.
"I'd let you use my cover up," Cassie said from the other side of me now, "but you're paler than me so your nose would just be darker than it already is."
I didn't feel like walking around with a tanned, bruised nose while the rest of my face was practically white as snow. That'd look even worse than it already did.
"It doesn't look that bad," Christian shrugged, but I didn't believe him. "What happened, anyway?"
I was about to ask him how he didn't know what happened after Jaz kept apologizing to me first period, but then I remembered. All he did first period was read through his script for the eighteenth time. He was even more serious about it because today was our first rehearsal. Though it wasn't required to be off book for a couple weeks...
So I explained to him what had happened. He knew about Jaz's schizophrenia, everyone did, so he understood that it was only an accident.
"I'm just glad she didn't break my nose," I finished off now, since it was the truth. "It's bad enough Sandy's going to have a big purple nose for the next couple of weeks. It'd be even worse if I had to walk around with a nose brace for even longer."
Cassie started snickering. "Remember when Aveline got her nose broken when Maxine punched her last year?"
Christian blinked at her. "Someone broke someone's nose last year?"
"You didn't hear about it?" Cassie pretty much squeaked, hurting my ears greatly. "You went here last year! It was all over the school! People were glad that Maxine did it because everyone else wanted to. No one liked Aveline so everyone was happy when Maxine did it."
She snickered again, but I didn't find this very funny. Sure, I found it funny when it had actually happened, but it wasn't so amusing anymore.
I have my best friend a look. "Her name's not Maxine."
"If her name's not Maxine, what is it?" Christian asked now, his eyebrows knitting in confusion.
"Maxynn, or something like that, I think," I shrugged, not knowing too well because I never spoke to her. "I remember she'd say that it rhymed with Jackson, of whatever."
"Wait, I think I know her!" Christian called out, his excited tone almost making me jump. "I'd know that name anywhere, considering how much my cousin has talked about her in the last two years."
"Cousin...?" my best friend questioned.
Christian nodded. "My cousin graduated from here last year," he began to explain. "His name's Zach."
Both Cassie and I just stared at him. Though it wasn't a common name, we knew exactly who he was talking about.
"Your cousin is Zach Deveraux?" Cassie nearly squealed. She had always had a huge crush on Zach. Then again, she had a "crush" on anyone that was attractive. "You're so lucky!"
Christian shrugged. "Not really. He was a jerk before Maxynn started paying attention to him."
I scoffed. "That's true."
Not only had Cassie made out with him, but I had as well. I should have known better; even then I knew he was a player. But I was just excited that Zach Deveraux had shown interest in me. When I'd seen him with another girl a week later, I hadn't even been hurt. I was even expecting it. I was pretty sure the only reason Zach had come onto me was to just piss off Sean, which he had succeeded in doing.
The bell had already rang a few minutes before, but Mr. Summers was too busy helping one of our freshman classmates, so class had yet to start. I then noticed that Mona wasn't there, and I immediately felt better. I did not want to have to deal with her. She was already in my math class, and though she had been there today, I hoped that she had left early.
My hopes were crushed when she quickly made her way inside, late. She just had to ruin this period for me, didn't she?
"Sorry I'm late," she apologized as she took a seat behind me. I didn't trust her behind me.
"Why are you late?" Cassie asked her, the look on her face and the tone of her voice suggesting she wanted a specific answer.
Mona's cheeks turned red. "I was... I was just talking..."
Cassie's eyebrows wagged. "Talking to...?"
I wanted this to stop. I already knew the answer to this. They had the previous class together, so I knew Blake walked her to class. As if they were dating or something.
"Blake," Mona answered the question I already knew the answer to.
Cassie giggled, and I remembered how she felt when it was Blake and me that we're like that. Furious would be an understatement.
"If you're late and you were right outside, how is Blake not going to get in trouble for being late?" Christian now asked her, and I wasn't going to answer even though I knew why.
Mona shrugged. "I have no idea. He's walked me to class and been late before, but he just never gets into trouble."
For someone that had known him for so long, and who knew about his schizophrenia, she was actually very stupid. Wasn't it obvious that he could get away with so much more than a regular student because of his schizophrenia?
This just made me even more annoyed with Mona. She assumed she knew him so well, but she didn't. She didn't know anything about him and it was really making me angry that she was forcing her way back into his life.
"So, you and Blake, huh?" Cassie continued the conversation now, and I really, really hoped Mr. Summers would stop helping that stupid little freshman and just start class so the conversation would end.
Christian seemed to be the only one of my friends that noticed I was not comfortable with this conversation. He seemed to be the only one to know that I wasn't over Blake.
Mona seemed embarrassed. "What about us?"
"Are you dating?" Cassie bluntly questioned now.
I hated this. I hated this! How was I supposed to get out of this? If I changed the subject, it would be obvious that I was uncomfortable with all this!
Mona giggled now. "It's not official or anything, but it seems like we might be."
I started coughing; I was choking on my own saliva. It wasn't even a few coughs, but a whole storm. So loud that it got Mr. Summers's attention.
"Leah," he called out, but I wasn't done coughing. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," I choked out after a few more coughs. "I just... swallowed the wrong way, that's all."
No, I was just trying to stop myself from vomiting.
Mr. Summers went back to the freshman, and I wondered how much longer it was going to take.
"Here," a new voice now said, and I looked over to see Christian offering me a water bottle. I took it, taking a huge gulp from it.
Letting out a shaky breath, I cleared my throat a few times before turning toward Mona. She asked me if I was okay, and I said that I was. My voice was back to normal now.
I let out another breath and asked as civilly as possible, "How does it seem like you're dating?"
Mona gasped when she saw me. Since I had been facing away from her the entire time, she hadn't seen my nose. I ignored her in the class that I had her earlier that day, so she couldn't have seen it then either.
"Leah!" she nearly squawked. "What happened to your nose?"
I was tired of telling people the story, and I definitely didn't feel like talking to her any more than necessary.
"I got hit, it was an accident," I explained in a nutshell, just wanting to know her answer. "So... how does it seem that you're dating Blake?"
"Well," Mona began, and I was already annoyed with only this one word, "he walks me to class when he can. We hang out a lot and talk all the time. We haven't kissed or anything, but that may just be a matter of time. It seems like things are just like they used to be."
I didn't even have to ask her the questions had had for her ever since I found out about her past with Blake. I didn't have to ask if she still liked him or not because it was obvious.
I didn't understand how it wasn't obvious to her or anyone else that I was obviously still in love with Blake. It wasn't completely obvious that we were still together, since we rarely ever even looked at each other in public, but with the way I had been acting, how did no one know that I still loved him?
"Good afternoon, class!" Mr. Summers finally greeted, saving me from having to talk about this anymore. "As most of you know, today is the first rehearsal for Grease. We won't be rehearsing during class because not all of you are in the show, so well just be having rehearsals after school like you all were informed."
That was fine with me. I never did anything but go home and sleep after school, since I couldn't be with Blake and I didn't feel like hanging out with my friends. This would be a nice distraction.
The class went on like it normally did, with the freshman complaining and the sophomores thinking they were better than everyone else. But don't even get me started on the juniors. They thought that they didn't have to do anything at all and it would be okay.
I wasn't looking forward to rehearsal, honestly. It just meant less time with Blake and more time with Mona. But on the bright side, it meant that Mona got to spend less time with him as well.
So it wasn't all bad, I guess.
"Are you okay?" Christian suddenly asked me, and it caught me off guard because it was completely unsolicited.
I blinked at him. "Yeah," I nodded. "Of course I am. Why would you ask?"
"You just seem... off today, that's all." He shrugged, and I didn't know how I was supposed to respond to him. I had been having a couple off days lately. I didn't think anyone had even noticed. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
I shook my head now. "I'm fine," I assured.
I didn't know why I lied to him. I might have been a lot better than I used to be, but I still wasn't back to normal. I wasn't sure what I had to do to get back to normal...
"Are you bothered by Mona and Blake?"
I nearly tripped. Why did Christian have to know me so well? It wasn't fair!
"Blake can date whoever he wants," I simply shrugged, trying my hardest to act as if it was no big deal at all. "We're not dating anymore, so it wouldn't matter even if I did have a problem. It's his life, not mine."
Christian didn't look like he believed me, but I didn't blame him. I had turned into such a horrible liar, which was such a shame. I used to be very good at it.
We didn't do much in rehearsal at all. Christian already had all his lines memorized, while I had absolutely none. Memorizing them was definitely not going to be fun at all. That had always been my least favorite part of doing plays.
After rehearsal ended, I remembered I needed my math book for my homework. So instead of going toward the entrance of the school, where my car was, I had to go the opposite direction to my locker.
The school was quiet and empty. It would actually be kind of scary if it wasn't still light outside.
I was surprised when I saw someone walking in the opposite direction toward me once I got near my locker. I smiled at him, recognizing the headphones immediately.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him before we even got to each other.
He smiled at me. "I had to take a test that I missed the other day."
But when we both stopped in front of my locker, I remembered what Mona had said to me and I got annoyed again.
"So, I had a nice conversation with Mona today," I informed him, not angry at him but the whole situation.
He blinked at me. "What about?"
"How you guys are practically dating again."
Blake coughed, just like I did. Only, it wasn't nearly as violent or as bad as my fit had been.
"We're not..." Blake coughed, clearing his throat. "We're not dating. We're nowhere near it."
I believed him. I didn't have any reason not to. Even Mona said that they hadn't kissed. Blake probably had no idea what was even going on.
I let out a sigh, turning toward my locker and beginning to unlock it. I stopped and nearly jumped when I felt Blake's arms wrap around my waist from behind, his chin on my shoulder.
"You know we can't do this here," I mumbled, even though I wanted more than ever for him to stay pressed up against me. "Someone could walk by."
He let out a sigh. "I don't even care anymore."
I wished that I could have agreed with him. I wished that I didn't care what everyone thought. But I did. Everyone didn't want us together and I hated displeasing people.
I rested my head against his. I missed being with him. We rarely had time to see each other in private, so since we couldn't see each other in public, we barely saw each other at all. It wasn't fair.
"This weekend," I whispered, just in case there was someone around. "I'll spend the whole weekend with you. Okay?"
His grip on me tightened. "That sounds amazing."
When we finally broke away from each other, it felt way too soon. Probably because it was.
"How's your nose?" he asked me now.
I shrugged. "A little better, I guess. I just can't wait for it to stop being purple. That's all everyone mentions to me now. Do they not think I know my nose is purple?"
Blake laughed. "Well, I'm glad you're feeling better."
I couldn't help but smile at him. When he had seen my nose for the first time earlier that day, he had nearly freaked out. He thought that I had gotten into a fight, or I had been jumped by someone for some reason. He was very relieved when I told him the real story.
It reminded me how great my boyfriend really was. Even though he didn't notice how Mona was obviously after him again, he was still faithful to me while being nice to her. Blake had never been the type of person to be mean, even after all the crap that he had been through with his schizophrenia and my friends the year before.
"So," I began, turning the dial on my locker. "When are you going to be able to take your headphones off?"
Blake leaned against the locker next to mine. "Soon. Probably in the next couple of days."
I smiled at him, but this smile quickly went away when I noticed an unknown yellow paper in my locker.
I picked it up and read what it said. Then I wanted to crumple it up and throw it down the hall.
I continued to look down at the poster Cassie had obviously shoved into my locker. It informed me that cheerleading and football tryouts were the next day.
Cassie just couldn't take no for an answer, could she? But I should have been used to this by now.
"Ugh," I groaned, leaning against my locker and sliding down onto the ground. "I don't want to!"
Blake blinked down at me. "Is everything... okay?"
"It's Cassie," I explained in a huff. "She keeps bugging me about joining the cheer leading squad even though I keep telling her no."
I didn't understand why she wanted me to try out with her so badly. I'd get it if she didn't want to be alone, but she knew pretty much everyone there was to know. She did not have to be worried about being alone.
"I tried out for the squad sophomore year, and I made it," I informed my boyfriend now, cringing at the memory. "But the only reason I tried out was because Sean blackmailed me into doing it. He just wanted to be closer to me. But after that horrible year, I told myself I never wanted to be a cheerleader again."
"You should really try out," Blake suggested, and I wanted to ask him if he was okay because I thought he hit his head. "I mean, if you made the team once, you can make it again, right? I thought it was very girls' dream to be a cheerleader."
I made a face. "Not my dream."
He laughed now, sitting down beside me. I placed my head down on his shoulder and let out a sigh.
"You really should do it, though." Blake leaned his head on mine. "But it's up to you."
Suddenly, I got an idea. This was definitely going to change his mind.
"If I try out for the cheer leading squad, you have to try out for the football team."
A smug smile made its way onto my face. There was no way he'd want me to try out now.
"If I try out for the cheer leading squad," I began, "then you have to try out for the football team."
I knew that this was the last thing Blake would ever want, especially after everything that happened with Sean and Derrick. Even though they were all... acquainted now, they were still pretty harsh on him.
His smile suddenly mirrored mine. "Sure," he agreed.
The smug smile that had been on my face immediately disappeared. I had expected him to turn down my offer immediately, but he did the exact opposite. What was up with this?
"Uh..." was all I was able to say, since I didn't know if this was a joke or not.
"You didn't know that I played football all throughout elementary and middle school, did you?" he asked me, and I felt very stupid since I didn't know this about my own boyfriend. "I played a little bit during freshman year, but I quit after I was diagnosed and stopped talking."
I was still in shock. My boyfriend had been a football player, something that Sean had ruined for me. And now I had to try out for the cheer leading squad.
But only hope now was to not make the squad.
Look at the new cover! I kind of love it. >.>
And if there are any typos in this, it's because I wrote this entire chapter on my phone in my first period... so yeah.
I think everyone hates Mona even more now. xD
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