《Our Everlasting Melody》Our Everlasting Melody (9)
"Come on and smile," Cassie teased, pinching my cheek as we made our way to seventh period. "You should be excited! We're finding out what parts we get today! Aren't you excited? Aren't you nervous?"
The last thing I wanted to know was what part I had in the play. It had been driving me crazy all day. For the first time in what felt like forever, I did not want to go to seventh period.
"I just want to go home," I informed my best friend honestly, thinking she'd understand. "I screwed up my audition so I don't think I'll be getting a great part."
Cassie rolled her eyes. "You've got to give yourself some credit, Lee. You're hot and talented. Do you really think you're not going to get Sandy just because you tripped on stage? Christian totally saved you anyways!"
I said nothing more to this. She wasn't going to give up, and I wasn't in the mood to fight. So I might as well just let her think that she had won the argument.
"So, since you don't think you're going to get Sandy," Cassie began as we took our seats in our last class of the day. "Who do you think will get what?"
"I don't know," I answered, not wanting to think about it. "Honestly, if it was up to me, I wouldn't be here right now."
"Come on, Leah," Cassie continued, in that same annoying tone as she always had. "This is important!"
"Well, we already know that Christian got Danny," I had to comment, since I knew there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that he was going to get it. "So everyone else is pretty much up for grabs."
Christian rolled his eyes at me. "You don't know that I'm going to get Danny."
I didn't even try arguing with him, because we all knew he was wrong. Christian was the most talented guy in the school, and if he didn't get Danny, then there was something seriously wrong with Mr. Summers.
"Hi, guys!" a shrill voice rang out now. I looked over my shoulder to see Mona making her way toward us. "What parts do you think we're going to get?" she asked as she sat on the other side of Cassie.
"I don't know," I repeated the answer I gave Cassie minutes before.
"I really hope I get a good part!" Mona looked at all of us with a big, annoying smile. Her teeth were too white. "You guys were so good at your auditions, but I did terrible. I'd lucky if I get someone in the background!"
"I'm sure you'll get a great part," Christian assured her, still just as kind as he always was.
"I hope so!"
Honestly, I hadn't been paying enough attention to Mona's audition to know if she had actually done well or not. As much as I would have liked to think that she was terrible, I had no way of knowing for sure until I found out what part she got.
"So Mona, have you talked to Blake lately?" Cassie asked her now, a tone I didn't like in her voice. She was... suggesting things that I didn't want to think about. Had she someone forgotten that he was supposed to be my ex-boyfriend? Just because we were supposedly not dating anymore didn't mean that I was okay with listening to things like this.
"Yeah, of course!" Mona replied back to her, a bright smile planted on her face. Her teeth were so white that it was blinding. Were my teeth that white? "We've had a lot of catching up to do. It's almost like we were never separated!"
I hated the fact that I couldn't say anything. I felt like I'd snap at her if I opened my mouth, and I wasn't even supposed to care. I was his ex-girlfriend. At least, that was what everyone else was supposed to think. It didn't matter what I thought to any of them.
"This must be weird for you, huh?" Christian asked me once Cassie and Mona had gone off into their own conversation. "Another girl is trying to date your ex-boyfriend."
"She's not trying to date him," I found myself snapping without even being able to control it.
Christian said nothing to this, but I knew what he was thinking. I was in denial. I was obviously not over Blake. And both of those things were true.
"Alright, everyone," our teacher now called out as he tried to get all of our attention. "If you'd quiet down, I'd be able to tell you who got who in the play."
This sure shut everyone up, but it didn't make me feel any better. I wanted to know who I was, but then I didn't at the same time. My stomach was doing flips and I felt like I was going to throw up.
"First, I'll announce who got Danny," Mr. Summers continued, and I was sure he was getting this roll out of the way because we all already knew who was going to get it. "Christian, you're the one who I've chosen to play him."
The blonde boy smiled beside me, and I could tell he was really happy and proud of himself. Acting and performing was something he really cared about, and getting a lead role meant a lot to him. I was glad that he had gotten Danny.
"The role of Sandy," Mr. Summers continued now, and Cassie clutched onto my wrist tightly as my breath caught in my throat, "goes to Leah."
At first, I didn't think that I had heard him correctly. I was barely paying attention, so I wouldn't have been surprised if I had heard him wrong. I was almost positive that Sandy would have been the last role I would have been given.
"See?" Cassie nearly squawked. "I told you, Leah! I told you that you were going to get Sandy!"
"Cassie," Mr. Summers continued before I could say anything to the loud girl. "I guess since you're so excited about Leah's part, I'll tell you what part you've gotten. You've gotten the part of Rizzo."
My best friend practically jumped up and down in her seat because she was so excited, meanwhile I was still in shock. I still felt like this all was a huge mistake. How could I have gotten Sandy?
Mr. Summers turned back toward Christian once Cassie quieted down. "You and Leah have really great chemistry together," he informed him before he continued to scan through the names of the rest of the cast. "The two of you are definitely the perfect Danny and Sandy."
I felt my face go white. Chemistry? Christian and I had chemistry? I didn't even want to think about what Mr. Summers meant by that. It was probably something that would make me feel uncomfortable anyways.
"Great chemistry, huh?" Cassie grinned, elbowing me in the side a little too hard. "I wonder what he means by that. I'm pretty sure Mr. Summers wants you and Christian to get together, just like the rest of us."
There were times like this when I wished she wasn't dating Sean, because I would have said that if she thought Christian was so great, she should have dated him herself. That was always what I said to her whenever she wanted me to date Sean. Luckily, this time she was less adamant about it because she knew how much it bothered me, but it was still annoying.
"And now Frenchy." Mr. Summers looked down at his clipboard again. "Frenchy will be played by Mona."
I could see Mona's eyes light up as she made a very loud sound. No one even looked at her as she practically hyperventilated, and Mr. Summers kept reading off the casting list.
"I can't believe I got Frenchy!" Mona whispered hoarsely toward us. "This is, like, a dream come true! The only thing that would be better would be if I got Sandy!"
"I told you that you would get a good part," Christian said before I could snap at her. "You just got to believe in yourself, you know? That's the key to success."
"Then how come you didn't believe me when I said that you were going to get Danny?"
"Well, there're a lot of good actors here," Christian shrugged, and I knew he wouldn't believe me if I said that he was the best one here. Christian wasn't the type of guy who thought he was better than anyone else. He was too nice for that.
I looked over to Cassie now and saw that she was smiling brighter than ever. I was glad that she was so excited. "I can't believe this, Leah! I got Rizzo! You got Sandy, but I knew you were going to get that from the start! Man, it pays off to be a senior!"
"I know," I laughed at her. "Congrats."
"Here are your scripts. Highlight your lines and start reading them over," Mr. Summers informed us now as he began to pass out the massive things. "The songs that you'll be singing are in there as well, of course. I suggest listening to them a couple times so you know how they sound."
We spent the rest of the period highlighting our lines and reading them over. I had quite a lot to memorize, but I wasn't going to let that worry me. I already had other things I had to deal with, and I wasn't going to let my lines bother me yet.
When the bell finally rang, I let out a long sigh of relief. I just wanted to go home and take a nap. The best part of my day was when I got to sleep. Unfortunately, it never lasted long.
"Do you need a ride home?" a new voice suddenly asked me as I stood up from my seat, and I turned in surprise toward Christian. This wasn't something I was expecting him to ask me.
"Uh, no thanks," I declined, still surprised that he had asked me this out of the blue. Cassie had driven me to school this morning, but I wanted to hang out with Blake, so I was going to have him drive us to his apartment. "I already have a ride."
Christian nodded as we headed out of the auditorium. "Oh, okay."
Immediately, I saw Blake. He was still wearing his headphones, since his medication wasn't taking effect just yet. Without even being able to control it, a large smile stretched across my face. Christian definitely noticed, but I ignored it.
Blake smiled back at me, and then looked over to see Christian. There was a look on his face that I couldn't read, and that worried me greatly.
Once we got closer, I forced a smile and said, "Blake, this is my friend Christian. Christian, this is my... ex-boyfriend Blake."
"So, you're Blake!" Christian grinned, just like he always did. "I've heard so much about you! Leah talks about you all the time."
Blake looked at me. "Does she, now? What a coincidence. She talks an awful lot about you, too."
That wasn't exactly true. It was everyone else that brought Christian up, not me. And they only did it because no one knew that Blake and I were really dating anymore. Everyone thought I was single and possibly looking for someone else to date.
"Really?" Christian laughed, obviously not seeing how Blake wasn't exactly the friendliest right then. "Hah, that's pretty cool. I talk about Leah a lot, too."
I couldn't read the look on Blake's face, but I knew it wasn't good. My breath caught in my throat, and I forgot how to breathe for a moment. I didn't know if Christian was joking or not, but I knew Blake wasn't going to care either way.
"It was nice meeting you," Christian now informed Blake before he turned back toward me. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" He placed his hand on my arm for a moment before taking a step away. "I can't wait to start practicing with you!"
Blake's arms tightened over his chest, and I just let out an awkward laugh. This was so bad and Christian couldn't even tell. "Bye," I choked out after Christian moved away from us.
Blake still stood tense beside me. I didn't know how to react, because I was almost confused about what had just happened.
"You could have at least acted like you liked him," I nearly snapped at Blake once Christian was out of sight.
"He's the actor, not me."
For some reason, this annoyed me. I guess I could understand why Blake would be jealous, since I pretty much wanted to yank Mona's hair out whenever she got near him, but Christian hadn't ever done anything wrong. But then again, Mona hadn't either...
But that wasn't the point.
"Christian hasn't even done anything," I tried to defend, because it actually really bothered me that Blake didn't like him. Christian was already one of my closest friends, and it was bad enough that Blake didn't like most of my friends to begin with.
But he had a reason to dislike Cassie or Sean, after everything they had put them through. I wasn't expecting him to forgive them just because I did. But Christian hadn't done anything wrong and Blake already hated him.
"So you can be jealous of Mona, but I can't be jealous of Christian?"
"I'm not jealous of Mona!" I was lying through my teeth, but it wasn't like I wanted him to know that. "But if I was, I'd have a reason to be. She obviously still wants you!"
"What? Are you kidding me?" Blake scoffed, and it made me feel little and stupid. "Mona and I broke up over a year ago! There's no way she still likes me."
This made me want to hit him. Was he that blind? It was obvious that Mona still had feelings for him! Anyone would have been able to see that! All she ever talked about was Blake, even when he wasn't around. I was getting tired of hearing about all the memories she had with him.
The two of us were being ridiculous, but neither of us were going to admit that we were wrong. Both of us were stubborn, so we were going to believe in what we were thinking until we were proven wrong.
"Blake, you were dating the girl for five years," I reminded him, in case he had somehow forgotten about that. "You even told me yourself that she liked you more than you liked her. So there's a huge chance that she could still like you!"
Blake rolled his eyes. "You don't know Mona like I do."
"And I don't want to!" I blurted, biting down on my lip right afterwards.
Blake and I just stood there, toe-to-toe, glaring at each other. Was this a fight? It had to have been. There was only one other time we had actually gotten into a serious fight, and it didn't end well. This couldn't continue in that direction.
"Hey!" Mona suddenly greeted once she made her way out of the auditorium, and Blake and I immediately composed ourselves. Neither of us wanted to explain to her the reason why we were fighting.
I tugged at my shirt uncomfortably. "Hi, Mona."
She smiled at me. "I didn't get to congratulate you earlier, Leah! Congratulations on getting Sandy! You must be so excited!"
Not really. "Yeah, I'm really happy," I lied to her now. "It was the part that I really wanted, so I'm glad that I got it."
Blake blinked at me, surprised. "You got Sandy?" he asked, and any hint that we had been fighting with each other was gone. "You didn't tell me that."
"Yeah, and Christian got Danny," Mona giggled now, and I wanted to hit her for bringing Christian up. "The kiss scene is definitely going to be cute, I can tell you that! Just like Mr. Summers said, you and Christian do have great chemistry and you're just so cute together!"
And of course, she made everything so much worse.
I didn't even look at Blake, because I didn't want to know what he thought about the fact that I was going to have to kiss Christian. Mona didn't seem to think that anything was wrong, even though she knew that Blake and I had dated. Of course, she didn't think that it was anything serious, but of course... that was a lie.
"So," Mona grinned at my boyfriend now, and it annoyed me more than ever. "Are you ready to go?"
Excuse me?
Blake nodded at her. "Yeah, I am."
Um... what?
"Where are you going?" I had to ask, feeling nosier than ever before. The hostility between Blake and I from our fight was still there, but I wasn't about to let him just go off with Mona without me knowing where he was going.
I had jumped to conclusions before, and I had made stupid decisions. When Blake had accidentally called me a slut the year before, I had totally overreacted without thinking. I wasn't about to make that mistake again.
"We're going to my house," Mona answered for Blake.
I felt my eye twitch. "Really?"
"Yeah, my mom loves him," Mona replied back to me. "She hadn't seen him in a year, so when she saw him last week, she kept bugging me to see him again!"
"Oh..." was all I was able to utter.
I couldn't help but feel annoyed with the fact that not only did he not tell me he was going to go over to Mona's house then, but he also hadn't told me whenever he had gone to her house beforehand.
Realization hit me right in the face then. He hadn't come to the auditorium to see me. He had come to see Mona.
I quickly said goodbye to both of them, no longer wanting to be around the two of them. I really needed to go home and take a nap before I exploded.
So I walked home, since Cassie was already gone and Blake couldn't give me a ride like I thought he would. So walking was the only way I could get home.
Half way to my house, I noticed a car following me. When I picked up my speed, it did as well, and when I slowed down, so did it.
I was scared for only a second until I saw that it was only Christian.
"You sure you don't need a ride?" he asked me, looking concerned.
I wanted to say no, but I knew he wasn't going to let me walk home, so I got into his car anyway. Getting a ride from his was easier anyway.
"Are you okay?" he questioned now as I pointed in the direction of my house.
"My boyfriend is being a jerk," I blurted.
He blinked at me. "Boyfriend?"
"Ex-boyfriend," I corrected myself quickly, but I knew the damage had already been done. "I'm too used to calling him my boyfriend."
Christian nodded, but said nothing as if he was trying to think of what he was supposed to say. I hoped he would just stay quiet so I wouldn't have to talk about the fight Blake and I had had.
"So... you're mad because he's dating another girl?" Christian asked me when I thought the conversation had ended, and I didn't say anything right away because I didn't want to lie to him. I also didn't want to tell him he was kind of right. "You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to. It's not any of my business."
"No, you're right," I sighed with a shake of my head. "I'm not exactly... over Blake."
Christian nodded. "I could tell."
As we waited as a stop light, I turned toward the car beside us. Much to my surprise, it was Blake and Mona, who turned toward me at that moment as well.
I gasped, turning away from them as quickly as I could, even though I knew it was too late. Today was just not my day! I get Sandy in the play, which was great, but then everything else was just going wrong!
I didn't know what to do anymore. My boyfriend blows me off for his ex-girlfriend, and I was in the car with the guy my boyfriend thought had a crush on me. Everything was confusing and it was making my head, and my heart, hurt.
"Thanks for the ride," I thanked Christian with a mutter once he stopped in front of my house. He noticed how upset I was, but he didn't comment because he knew I wanted to be left alone. "Unless I drive myself, I'll probably need more in the future."
Since Blake was obviously too busy hanging out with his ex-girlfriend.
Everyone hates Christian and Mona... What did they even do wrong? xD
Question! Who's you favorite character, who's your least favorite character, and why?
Banner on the side made by Miles11011!
Happy Easter! :) It's not Easter for me just yet, but it is for a lot of other people, so yeah. Happy Easter. xD
Please COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN!
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