《// Girls // The 1975》six.


// I said, "Yo, I think you better go; I can't take you."

You just sit and get stoned with 30 year olds

and you think you've made it.

"Well, shouldn't you be fucking with somebody your age

instead of making changes?

God help me now."//

5 p.m.

I am pissed off, over the edge pissed off. She lied. I thought we had something special.

It was two days ago when she moved into my house after how she stayed with me the whole day. She was laughing with me, cuddling, having a great time.

I had seriously thought of a possible future with her, hell I was gonna fucking ask her to be my girlfriend but what I found out and what I saw today ruined every inch of my so called great relationship with her, everything was just a mere fantasy I conjured in my stupid fucked up mind.

I was walking around school today looking for her; I wanted to ask her to eat lunch with me. It was the first time I actually felt nervous and giddy about asking anyone out rather than giving off a cocky-confident act.

And there she was, her body turned away from me, leaning against a locker, getting on with no other than the person I hated the most, Kyle Michelson. I was infuriated; I swear all I could see that time was red. Kyle was the campus dealer and was known for not only selling good shit inside the campus but also to stoned bikers loitering outside, I hated his guts. The guy could get away with anything, even with practically selling weed during class, must be great to be the principle’s fucking nephew eh. Josh hates him too, he was basically the reason that Josh’s ex, Rebecca or as we call her Becca, broke things off with him. Kyle ordered Becca to break up with Josh in exchange for a tiny pack of weed. The bitch was happy to oblige.


I know that Lacey and I are just messing around and we aren’t together so I don’t have the right to be possessive but still.

Instead of coming at him with my fist I turned away and sprinted home, it’s not like it was my first time to cut classes so fuck it.

That happened 5 hours ago, technically I was stuck at home for 5 hours trying to prevent myself from wrecking up the place.

I was on the verge of becoming a little less mad but a sound that so much could destroy my sanity right now is heard through the front door of my house, creeping its way to the core of my anger.

Lacey. Lacey’s fucking laugh.

I open the door of my room that has been locked for the last 5 hours and walk down the stairs in angry steps.

“Oh hi Drakieeeee!” She greets me while giggling. She’s wasted.

“Lacey, you’re wasted at 5 in the fucking afternoon.” I tell her with a stern voice. I ignore the nickname she just baptized me with and try to prevent my anger from boiling over the edge.

“I was having fun! Don’t be such a kill joy Drakie wakie.” She giggles louder and wobbles towards me; I was still standing on the 3rd step of the stairs.

Having fun with Kyle I bet. I say to myself in an attempt to remember why I’m pissed at this girl wobbling in front of me. I notice something from her eyes, they’re red. She Isn’t just wasted off of alcohol, she’s fucking high!

Before she reaches the 1st step she trips and I reach for her before she plants her face on the concrete step.

“Lacey get a hold of yourself.” I tell her not realizing she had actually fallen asleep in my arms, she was way past wasted.


10 p.m.

I laid Lacey on my bed to allow her to sleep off the high she was currently in. She’s been out for 5 hours; she needs to wake up by now. I was about go and wake her but she jolts up from the bed and groans reaching for her head.

“That’s what you get for getting stoned.” I tell her as I keep my place, sitting on the sofa opposite to my bed.

“Shut up, Drake.” She scoffs.

I chuckle, a humorless chuckle, the anger I’ve been holding in starting to boil again.

“Yo, I think you better go.” I tell her with a cold voice.

“What?” she says chuckling, she thinks I’m joking.

“I can't take you anymore.”

“Excuse me?” she’s now looking straight at me.

“Leave, I don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore. I saw you and Kyle today.”

“Drake, I-I can explain.” She says as she stands up, walking towards me. I stop her from moving closer by raising my hand.

“I don’t understand what I thought I would gain from you, I thought you and I could be more than just kids messing around, I thought you we’re different. You made me feel alive, but I guess you are one of those things that will in the end, kill me, you’re killing me. You proved me wrong. You just sit and get stoned with 30 year olds and you think you've made it, you just think you’ve made it, but you haven’t.” I tell her.

“Drake I-” she says, almost pleading but I remind myself that Josh warned me about her, she’s like Becca, A manipulative bitch.

“Go on. Leave. Well, shouldn't you be fucking with somebody your age instead of making changes?” I insult her trying my best to make her feel what I’m feeling, but I guess those words are hurting me more than it’s hurting her.

I stand and walk towards the door, “Leave if you already feel like leaving, but don’t be here when I get back.”

And that’s when I start hearing the most painful sound that might come out of her mouth, she screams and starts to cry.

“Drake, I love you.” I hear her whisper before I slam the door.

God help me now.

// this has been the longest chapter i have ever written ever gaaahh I wrote this at 12 something am so yea haha hope you guys liked it and this is the first chapter where the main guys name | DRAKE | is mentioned so yeaaa ily guys peeaaceeeee! ♡

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