《Dare: Love within the student council》ii


Asahi grimaced as he entered his office and saw a familiar man leaning comfortably on his seat. He let out a sigh as he let the door close behind him locking it properly.

He made his way to his seat and glared at the man occupying it while having a cocky smirk on his face. "Jaehyuk, why are you here again?

"To visit you, of course" the korean chuckled conceitedly as he raised his head to meet the general's eyes. "Is that a problem?"

Asahi shrugged, he gave up trying to reason with the other. Jaehyuk stood up from the seat and stood in front of Asahi, height looming over the shorter. Asahi stared at his guest intently, his poker face unbreakable.

"Who lets you in each and every time?"

"I have my ways, Sahi." Jaehyuk narrowed his eyes as Asahi shifted his gaze away from him. "Else, I would not see you for about six months again."

"I don't really need to show myself to you every time" Jaehyuk grimaced at the statement from the military man and took a step forward, eyes still trained on the shorter. Asahi reflexively took a step backward at the action.

"That's a little bit mean, Sahi. I've gone through all the lengths to have your master approve" Jaehyuk took another step forward, voice dropping lower and smirk etched deeper. Asahi took another step backward at the sudden proximity of the other. "Mashiho san finally gave the okay"

As Asahi retreated every time Jaehyuk step forward, he hit the selves where he keeps his documents. Jaehyuk slammed his arms on the shelf trapping the shorter. "Hyuk ah"

"Hun, it's been six months. You've been avoiding me" Asahi slightly quivered, he was unlike the demon commander that his soldiers knew. He might have been too busy with his work to give attention to the text and calls he had been receiving. The ninja tried to regain his cool as he felt the warm breath of the weapon dealer masking his lips.


"Hyuk ah, you are at the base" Asahi reminded the guest. He had dropped the pretenses of resisting since he knew that it would be always a losing battle. He would never be able to deny the other's advances even when they were back in high school. "Mind your bearings"

"What if I say no? Would you disappear again from me, Sahi?" Jaehyuk whispered huskily, laughing darkly as he remembered what happened ten years ago. He had been a transferee to the well-known school of genius and rich. His father decided that graduating in that school would give him more reason to boast and be proud of him. A trophy that he could always shut his competitors with. That was not entirely false at all.

Jaehyuk watched the small general shudder slightly beneath him and basked in the total control he had over the other. The Kings. A group of genius that came from an extremely powerful family. His father had wanted him to befriend or better yet join the group. But, he was a black sheep. The more you tell him to do something, the more he doesn't want to. This silent man was one of them and he never knew that until he was pulled to a corner by one of the more known members, Bang Yedam.

"You've always been a mystery to me, huh" Jaehyuk dropped his head and playfully bit Asahi's earlobe. "Driving me crazy"

The duality had interested Jaehyuk. The silent and innocent looking beauty being named as a ruthless monster, a bloodthirsty killer.

"H-hyuk" Asahi quivered at the sudden action, he felt the heat rushing into his face, electricity zapping his strength and his control. This has been the reason he had been avoiding the other. He hated the feeling of losing reason. "S-stop"

"Do you really want me to stop, Sahi?" Jaehyuk tasted the ninja's lips feeling that sweet taste of honey-soaked apples from the other. Addiction. Jaehyuk dominated the battle of the tongues. Asahi felt the strength of his knees leaving his body and had let the shelf support his full weight. Jaehyuk chuckled as he watched the other trapped in his charms. He won't let the other escape again. He had searched for him for three years and chased him for seven years. He had given up all pride and shame long ago, all for this man. "Do you really want to? I could stop here, Sahi. "


Asahi reflexively reached for Jaehyuk, snaking his arms around the other's neck and pulled him closer to crash their lips one more time. The general was losing his reason. His master would kill him for being the reason for losing a bet for the first time in his life. Keita and Mashiho made a bet if Asahi would give in to Jaehyuk's charms or not in front of him.

"Too addicting" Jaehyuk licked his lips as he broke the kiss once again. "Too damn addicting."

"Shit" Asahi muttered as he pushed Jaehyuk till he plopped into the black swivel chair. Jaehyuk whistled as he saw the desire hooded black eyes of the usually calm and composed general. Asahi straddled a top of Jaehyuk's laps and pulled the collar of the weapon dealer. "You, you're a fool" he groaned as he aggressively kissed the other, control flying away. Jaehyuk smiled at the passion.

"Hun, you should have known that the moment I chose to chase after you even after seeing you kill people" Jaehyuk hissed as felt Asahi bit his lips mercilessly. The taste of blood and the sweetness of the other's kiss is making Jaehyuk's head lose all of his rationality.

Asahi had left without a word when they graduated. He had wanted to make sure that Jaehyuk won't be a part of this world. Unlike the Watanabe who walk in the light, the Hamada's walk in the dark. They would kill even their own if it needed be. He doesn't want the carefree idiot to be a part of this bloody world. But, he just had to willingly jump into danger.

"Idiot" Asahi muttered as he buried his head on the clavicle of the other. Jaehyuk leaned comfortably on the chair and embraced the owner of the office. They reunited seven years ago. Or more like, Asahi had no choice but to reveal himself seven years ago. Jaehyuk had just entered the business of selling tools of murder and was treated as a greenhorn that can be easily tricked by one of his clients. But, he was a fox. He reversed the situation and was able to take advantage of the deal which resulted in his life being targeted. Asahi was the one who saved him from being killed, the japanese general appeared with his troops.

"I'm an Asahi loyal idiot" Jaehyuk sniggered as he felt the other softy punch his stomach. His eyes slightly squinted as he remembered how he set the very first trap for Asahi seven years ago by betting his life. He chuckled at the thought of how the liege of the man in his arms grimaced at his very first lost. Mashiho lost against him in a bet. The other betted that Asahi won't bat an eye on his predicament while he took his chances and he won. He eyed the general who now softly breathed in comfort, he fell asleep. "I took my chances and won. How do you think I get to chase you around without any backlash?"

Yoon Jaehyuk chuckled to himself as he kissed the head of his general. His own. "You won't be escaping me this lifetime, hun"

A special chapter dedicated to @lettenicx

thank you for being such a detailed reader.

I've been wanting to write this kind of Jaehyuk as he seems to suit it very much.

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