《Dare: Love within the student council》head spinning truth


Kim Seunghun sat in front of the man he knew was behind everything, a cold-looking, jet black haired man wearing an immensely bored expression.

Ha Yoonbin had his legs crossed, fingers tapping the warm cup containing his beverage, a newly brewed americano. His eyes was trained against the man who summoned him in this cafe.

"Leave my family alone" Seunghun exhaled, his calm obviously breaking. His usual gentle eyes now filled with hostility earning a small smile from the raven eyed chaebol.

Yoonbin hummed in response, he placed his cup back on the table and chuckled. "Why do you think I am doing this?"

Kim Seunghun grimaced, he did not expect that the man across him would admit so openly. He somehow felt so belittled as the other readily admitted his ploy without putting up any kind of resistance or defense in his behalf. Seunghun narrowed his eyes in rage, he had never wanted to smash somebody's face like right now.

"Are you doing this because of Jihoon?" The low growl that escape Seunghun's mouth was not left unnoticed. Yoonbin laughed slightly.

"Yes, I am" the Kings member admitted casually making the lawyer aspirant to dart his hands to Yoonbin's collars gripping it tightly.

"For Jihoon? You are destroying my family!" Seunghun eyes was filled with unchecked malice. Yoonbin remained poker face, calm and as if guiltless. "You already have him. What more do you want?"

"I'd do anything for Jihoon" Yoonbin clenched the arms that is restricting him applying a force that made Seunghun wince in pain. Yoonbin glared murderously. "Anything to keep him safe and happy. Anyone who dares hurt him, do you think I would let go?"

"What do you--"

"Just because you dont know, do you think you're blameless? You delivered him to the devil's hands" Yoonbin's voice shook with anger, his eyes squinting in blatant hatred. Seunghun shuddered. "What are you talking about?"

"Here" Yoonbin let go of his grip in Seunhun's hands and offered a flash drive. "If you would still have the same opinion as now then you dont deserve to even utter Jihoon's name. You can resist all you want but I'm gonna raze through until not a single thing is left standing"


"You!" Seunghun clenched his fist and rashly took the device from the other's hands. He walked out of the cafe in a huff and Yoonbin leaned on his seat as he watched the other stomping out of the store.

Yoonbin closed his eyes and breathed, he was doing his best to collect himself. He would have to meet with Jihoon after this and knowing his boyfriend he would have deducted everything by now. Then, he had to explain himself again. Without experiencing it yet, he knows what the other would react to. Forgiveness. Jihoon might forgive easily but he was not one to take a wrong and leave it be. His grandfather taught him that the best medicine for people has always been the bitter medicine. Revenge is always better.

Park Jihoon hissed as he read the information displayed on his screen. He was watching the news earlier and saw the coverage of how the law firm he personally knows got dragged into the mud. It started with a scandal about a case back five years ago where the accused was prosecuted incorrectly but now the real culprit had admitted to his wrong doings. Similar cases has been dragged out and issues of blackmail and bribery were started to be investigated.

When he watched the news, he knew something did not feel right. Someone obviously set up the whole thing so he decided to browse round. What he did not expect is that he'd be routed to his boyfriend's personal laptop. He blushed as he recalled the password. IloveyouJihoonsomuch. That was a long password to type.

When he had access to the computer, he did not browse through anything there was a file in the desktop that was titled "Jihoon's viewing purposes". The smooth bastard is actually confessing to his sins confidently. He read the files inside it and shuddered. He now knows what happened.

He felt a little bit of guilty though. Instead of getting mad at Yoonbin for dragging Seunghun's family with his revenge, he felt warm and happy that he'd go as far as rampaging for his sake. Jihoon has always been scared about how Yoonbin truly felt.


He always the same recurring nightmare. Yoonbin realizing that it was just pity and adoration as a childhood friend rather than love. When he had not felt Yoonbin's kisses and his sweetness, he was able to live just by the thought of him being happy. But, once you tasted the joy of being loved back you become greedy.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the door creaked open. He raised his eyes and saw his love's pools of black. For the first time, he saw the deep love that the other has always wore in his stares. It was always the same look Yoonbin stares at him with. He was just too preoccupied wih his fears to see it.

Yoonbin crossed the room to sit on Jihoon's bed. The bed creaked slightly at the additional weight added. Jihoon was embarassed. He had always wanted Yoonbin to act sweet with him for him to be assured that the other loved him. But, now. Now, where even just by breathing Jihoon sees Yoonbin's devotion as plainly as the sky. He suddenly was at lost.

"Love" Yoonbin called huskily making Jihoon enter in a trance. The hacker hummed in reply. Yoonbin realized that Jihoon was obviously enamored but he don't know why. But, since its a rare case he decided to exploit it. He smirked as he guided Jihoon with his low voice, "Love, my lips misses yours."

Jihoon snaked his arms in Yoonbin's neck and heard the other chuckle making him blush furiously. Jihoon felt his body attacked by warm electric sensations bursting from his stomachs then to his spine. Yoonbin raised his brows waiting, "Well"

Jihoon was half dizzy with the charms Yoonbin was exuding and half tranced with the sweet atmosphere. He brought his lips over Yoonbin's and kissed the other.

Yoonbin smirked as he trapped Jihoon in by tightening his hold on the other's waist. He responded to the kiss and started to fought for dominance. He honestly was not expecting to be greeted by this kind of Jihoon but he was not complaining.

Honestly, he was expecting Jihoon to sulk at him and convince him to spare his friend. But. Yoonbin pushed Jihoon softly to lay on the bed and smirked as he hovered above the other. Jihoon was still lost in Yoonbin's eyes when he heard him say, "Ji, my love, I love you more than anything else." Jihoon trembled at the sincerity in Yoonbin's eyes.

"You're doing all this for me"

"Partly. And for myself. I would go crazy at the thought that the other that dared hurt you would live a normal life as if nothing happened. My pride would not let me live with that."

"You never let emotions take over your decisions before"

"It's you we are talking here. My future" Yoonbin stole a kiss on Jihoon's cheeks. "My heart" another kiss to his forehead. "My dream" another to his nose. "My inspiration" another to his right eye. "My everything" then to his left eye.

"Ji, you are the only exception to my rules. The only key to the locks I set to myself. You are my weakness and my strength. Remember that always" Yoonbin let out a besutiful gummy smile filled with love and warmth and Jihoon knew that he would never be able to love again as much as he would love Ha Yoonbin. Yoonbin initiated the kiss this time but instead of his normally jealous or aggressive ones, it was filled with nothing but sweetness.

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