《The Unknown》Chapter 19


Hitting the alarm I sit up grabbing my phone to text India where we gone meet.


DB-aye we gone meet at that coffee place down the road from our house


DB-man don't start that one-word shit dog

Babymama-O.K.A.Y nigga damn


Getting up I got to the bathroom and handle my business after that I cut on the shower and went to go find some clothes.


Right now I'm getting the boys and Ashley ready to go over Dave's motherhouse so we can have this meeting.

"No, I don't want to".David said moving as I try to put the shirt on him.

"It's a good thing I didn't ask your ass what you want now stand your little butt right here and let me put it on". I said trying to grab him.

"No mama it's ugly".He said pouting.

"David do what mama said the shirt now ugly".Daniel said walking into the room causing David to look up and raise his arms.

"Thank you, Daniel".I said placing the shirt over his head and standing up.

"You're welcome".He said smiling sometimes I wonder what age these kids really are.

"Hurry up and go get y'all things we got to go or we gone be late".I said walking out the run to go get Ashley's things ready since I dressed her first.

"Bitch don't be trying to fight that hoe just get your answers and come back".CJ said walking into the room scaring me.

"Bitch don't scare me like that and ain't no promises I might just whoop both they ass again for the hell of it".I said picking up Ashley walking past CJ.

"Well since you got your mindset on whooping they ass get somebody to record so I can watch when you get back have fun".He said walking away laughing Shaking my head walk to where the boys were.


"Let's go boys".I said standing in the doorway while the grabbed their things and walked out to the car.


I text Ciara before I left the house so she should be coming but I don't know hopefully no shit go down.

"Hey, baby".A voice behind me said turning around I see that it's Ciara.

"Man chill with that shit I ain't yo baby I'm India baby". I said mugging her as she came from behind me to sit down across from me.

"You was my baby when we were fucking".She said smirking I opened my mouth to disagree but somebody beat me to it.

"Bitch wrong he ain't your baby now I have a few questions for y'all ".India said pulling out her chair and placing her bag thing on the table I got up and as she sat down I pushed her chair in then sat back down.

"Thank you, baby now were we".India said placing her hands on the table.


Nobody said anything so I decided to start the conversation off.

"So why did you do it".I asked looking at Dave to let him know I want to hear his reason why first.

"To be honest I don't know why I did it India".He said shaking his head looking down.

"He knows exactly why he did it I'm pretty as fuck and you weren't giving it up".Ciara said smirking at me causing me to look at her sideways.

"Bitch reverse your comment and pause it I didn't ask you shit when I feel like asking you a question then I will".I said throwing a fake smile her way turning back to Dave.

"Anyways is that true Dave".I asked.

"Nah baby that's not true".He said grabbing my hands.


"Yeah okay, so you Ciara why you do it".I ask turning my body towards her but Dave still had my hands.

"Bitch I did it cause I wanted to and I wanted your man and that's what I got you thought I was really your friend bitch please it was all an act to get closer to Dave".She said laughing I tried to get my hands free from Dave's grip but he was holding on tightly.

"Then next time you call me a bitch that's your ass I'm not fucking playing with you bitch you really playing with your life right now I will kill you".I said pushing the chair back with my legs standing up bending over cause Dave had my hands.

"Bitch you ain't gone do shit but get your ass whooped like last time ".She said standing up.

"Bitch sit the fuck down don't fuck with me I'll have you and yo mama touched stop playing with me bitch I'll put a price on your head".I said freeing one on my hands from Dave's grip I reach over and swing hitting her in the face before I could go for another one Dave pulls me back.

"Chill India we were supposed to be talking Ma y'all sit down damn".Dave said sitting down then pulling me to his lap.

"So you gone let that hoe hit me, Dave ".She yelled causing people to look at our table.

"Bitch calm down you was talking shit".He said running my thigh.

"When did y'all start fucking around".I asked leaning into Dave's chest.

"That day you took the kids to my mom's house".Dave said sending vibrations to my back.

"So a week".I ask.

"No honey more than a week ain't that right Dave ". Ciara said looking at Dave.

"Dog quit lying you know we only fucked that week".He said sitting up.

"Y'all know what I don't even care, Ciara, I'm gone tell your ass this one time stay away from my man and Dave fuck another bitch and we done for good". I said standing up and grabbing my purse.

"Where you about to go".Dave asked standing up.

"To pick up the kids you coming".I asked walking towards the door.

"Yea I'll be behind you".He said walking over to his car getting in we drive off.

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