《The Unknown》Chapter 18


Wassup everybody well a lot has happened in the last year the boys are 3 and they're closer to Dave more than ever CJ and Daves cousin are looking to adopt and last but not least Raheem he's currently in jail for beating and killing his girlfriend anyways as for me I've been good me and Dave actually date I have a new friend her name is Ciara she's cool or whatever and as for Dave his career kicked off and I finally moved in.

"Bae what you thinking about".He asked walking over and laying in the bed and typing on his phone.

"Nothing baby but what you got planned today". I said looking at the tv not getting a reply I look over to see him typing and smiling.

"Hello excuse me, bitch". I said pushing his head gaining his attention he sighs and drops the phone.

"What India damn man".He asked aggravation leaking from his voice.

"I want to know who WE smiling at".I said crossing my arms.

"Man nobody what you doing today".He asked.

"Why so you can have a female over".I asked standing up pulling my shorts down I slip on my shoes.

"Answer my question and where you going dressed like that".He asked with a confused look pointing to my attire.

"I'm dropping the kids off at CJ nem house and talk with him for a little".I said walking out the room not giving him time to reply.

"Come on babies we going to uncle CJ house".I called out and they all ran out with their bags ready and we walked out to the car and got them settled in then I got in the front seat pulling out the driveway.


After India left I text her friend Ciara to come over we been messing around for a while now I love India but man I don't know a nigga ain't ready to completely settle down knocks on the door pulled me out of my thoughts jogging down the stairs I swing the door open to see Ciara standing in a trench coat and heels she look good but India bad.

"Wassup Ma come in".I said biting my lip moving to the side.

"Is India here did you make sure she left".She asked looking around before she stepped in.

"What you scared of her or something".I asked laughing.

"Don't play ain't nobody scared of that wack ass bitch".She said walking up the stairs closing the door I follow behind her.

"Yo watch your fucking mouth and do what you came here for".I said sitting on the bed.


CJ is dumb man I swear he was telling me about how he almost got into a fight with a girl trying to get with his man.


"But anyway bitch what's going on with you and Baby Daddy".He asked causing me to sigh and lay back on the couch.

"Awe shit spill bitch".He said shaking his head.

"Something's off with him I think he's cheating on me but I don't want to just assume stuff without asking like I did before I left cause if he's not then me accusing him will push him into it".I said closing my eyes as he rubs my shoulder.

"And you left him at the house alone bitch is you crazy come on get up we Finna go over there".He said pulling me up grabbing my keys I wait for him to come from the back.

"I asked bae to watch the kids real quick and he agreed let's go".He said pushing me out the door walking to the car I press the unlock button on the key chain and we hop in.

~20 mins later~

Pulling up into the driveway I see a familiar car I pull the keys out closing the door with CJ behind me walking up to the door I unlock it and open it slowly walking in I hear noises.

"Bitch do you hear that shit that's moaning".Cj said running upstairs I bust into the room to see Ciara my so-called friend riding my boyfriend before either one could say anything I run over and jump in the bed grabbing her by the shirt I drag her off the bed.

When she hits the floor I start sending blows to her face grabbing my hair she drags me down and gets some licks in until I flip us over and stand up.

"Yes beat her ass bitch".Cj chanted.

"Bitch get up hurry the fuck up you wanna sleep with my man bitch".I yelled as she got up as soon as she was fully standing up I punched her in the nose causing her to fall back but as she fell she grabbed onto my shirt bringing me down with her straddling her I continue to send blows to her face left and right I got up and stomped her face and that's when arms wrapped around me pulling me off of her turning around I see that it's Dave.

"This what we fucking do now Dave, huh we fuckin each other's friends now".I asked gesturing to the bloody girl laying on the floor still looking at him he opened his mouth to say something but I square up and punch him in the eye and grab his hair to bring his head down I bring my arm back and connect to his face over and over he tried to pry my hands off his hair but I wouldn't let go.

"Bitch...you wanna fucking cheat on me...huh".I asked as I Continue to hit him he pushed me back causing me to fall but I quickly stood back up.


"Yo what the fuck is wrong with you dog".He yelled looking at me crazy.

"What's wrong with me no what's wrong with y'all".I asked pointing to myself then them.

"Man she came onto me".He said trying to grab my hands but I snatch them back.

"I don't give a fuck who came on to who but guess who got they ass whooped both of y'all cause it ain't just that bitch fault you gave into it".I said walking around him to get my keys.

"Man where you going".He asked as I walked out the house wiping away the tears that started to fall hearing footsteps behind me I speed up and get in the car with CJ.

"It's okay mama you don't need to be crying over that nigga".He said bringing me into a hug I nod and wiped my eyes getting myself together I turn the car on and drive back to CJ house.


Man shit just got crazy G I don't know what the fuck just happen well a nigga know what happen but damn man.

"Hello, am I talking to my damn self why you let that bitch hit me". Ciara asked pushing my shoulder.

"What you mean why I let her hit you did you not see she beat my ass too".I said looking at her as though she's crazy cause obviously the bitch is.

"It's okay cause I still whooped yo baby mama ass".She said causing me to look over at her with the 'bitch please' look putting her coat back on she looks at me.

"What".She questioned.

"Now you know she beat your ass stop flexing yo ass barely got them three licks in dog don't play my baby mama she a g fr dog".I said putting a shirt on and grabbing my shoes.

"Nigga I know you not taking up for that bitch after you was just fucking me in y'all bed".She said pointing to the bed.

"Man what you expect she my kid's mother and I love her".I said grabbing my keys.

"You didn't love that bitch when you were fucking me".She yelled as she sat on the bed to put her heels on.

"Get the fuck out".I yelled walking over and snatching her up walking downstairs I open the door and push her out then turn around to lock the door once that's done I jump in my car and head over to my cousin's house.

~20 mins later~

Getting out the car I knocked on the door stepping back once I hear the locking moving and the door swings open revealing CJ.

"Uh what the hell you doing here".He asked looking behind him.

"Look just let me in so I can talk to India".I said looking into the house I see India walk past telling her name she stopped and looked at me giving me the middle finger.

"Well as you can see she ain't trying to talk right now so if you could just leave".He said about to close the door but I pushed it open walking into the direction I seen India go.

"India come get your ex before he gets boxed up".Cj said walking in the other direction.

"Dave what the fuck you can't just be walking up into somebody's house like that". She said looking at me crazy while folding her arms.

"Look I just wanted to talk about what happened today".I said trying to pull her closer to me only to get pushed back.

"How about fuck no".She said turning around to hand the kid's plates I didn't even know they were right there the whole time.

"Please baby".I begged.

"It's India and we'll talk tomorrow and I want that Ciara chick there to".She said sitting down in front of the boys nodding I was about to leave till the boys asked me to stay so I sat down.


"Mama is hell a curse word". Daniel asked putting some corn in his mouth.

"Depends on how you use it but you won't be doing that right Daniel".I said placing lettuce and tomato into my mouth.

"Then why the hell you ain't tell me".He said causing me to drop my fork and stare at him shocked.

"Aye don't say that shit, Daniel".Dave said in a stern voice.

"And why the hell not".David asking making me choke on the sprite I started to sip on.

"Say that mess again and you're going to get a whooping".I said point at both of them they looked at each other and smirked.

"Hell no".They said simultaneously.

"What the fuck don't say that shit again I'm not gone repeat my self".Dave said looking at both of them as tho they were crazy.

"Hell yea".They said getting up and running out but on the way out I saw CJ giving them high fives so I know who put them up to it.

"CJ did you teach them that bad word".I asked as he came and sat down.

"Hell yea".He said laughing.

"That almost got their ass beat but we Finna go to sleep like Ashley already is".I said as I finished washing my bowel out CJ nodded and I walked Dave to the door.

"Don't forget tomorrow we talking".He said and turned back and walked to his car closing the door I head upstairs to my babies.

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