《The Unknown》Chapter 6



Right now I'm getting ready to meet up with my cousin he said had something to tell me shit sounded pretty serious but we gone have to see as I'm brushing my waves my mind drifts off to last night I can stop thinking about India I know I said fuck her but damn I wish things could have went down differently.

"Da go".Ashley asked holding on the side of my pants to hold herself up.

"Yea baby daddy leaving but I'll come get you when I'm done".i said even though she don't I understand half of it while I'm meeting with my cousin she's going to her mom's house I was supposed to drop her off last night but the bitch mouth was too reckless.

"Me go too".she asked poking her bottom lip out and it before tremble I don't know what her mama let her do that.

"No and put your lip back in I told you about that Ashley".i said and she still kept it out crossing her arms shaking my head I sigh I don't like whooping or popping her but she needs to know everything don't go her way so I flicked her lip three times not too hard but enough to where she knows I'm not playing.

"And your ass better not cry either".I said sitting her down and she ran out the room

Shaking my head I pull out my phone shooting Bianca a text that I'm about to drop Ashley off.


Instead of replying back I went to Ashley's room to see her sleep cutting off her tv I walk over and pick her up grabbing my phone and keys on my way downstairs once ash is strapped in I head over to Bianca's house.

Pulling up I see Bianca standing on the porch with some other female and when she sees my car they stand up walking over while I got out unbuckling Ashley.

"Why you always take forever to bring her crybaby ass".she asked causing her friend to laugh I looked over and she stopped laughing.

"Say check this here say some stupid stuff again in front of my daughter and I'm gone break you and this dog jaw".i said she reached for Ashley but I pulled her back and stood her up on the ground putting her necklace on that I got for her it got a camera on it that's set up with my phone so I can see everything.


"Are you done yet damn you do this shit on purpose and what do you have to do anyway hmm you going to see another bitch".she said snatching Ashley up I slowly stood up pushing her friend over to give her what's looks to be a hug for Ashley then I lean close to her ear.

"Bitch keep up with the bullshit don't ever in yo life snatch my baby up like that it's gone cost you yo life".i whispered and I squeeze her waist tight I step back and smile at Ashley who was watching.

"See you later baby girl".i said kissing her forehead and getting in the car heading to the spot we supposed to meet up at.


Right now I have the kids sitting at their little table because I put a new word on the board Cj told me to stop doing it because they're young and want to have fun but since I got them started early they actually enjoy it I'm not forcing them.

"Okay, I want y'all to write down what you think this word means, ".i said giving them their notebooks.

"I don't know ma".they said at the same time nodding I walk up to the board.

I didn't expect them to know the word.

"Okay the word we have today is noun right okay so a noun is a word used to identify a person, place or thing".i said writing it on the board as I said it I saw them writing it down the way they would remember it I looked at Daniels book and he wrote the words then I looked at David's and he drew pictures I didn't mind because they learn differently.

"Do y'all remember when mommy taught y'all the word identify can y'all tell me what it means".leaning on the wall I wait till one of them answers.

"It's a means to recognize who or what someone or something is right mama?. David asked looking at me to tell him if he was correct I nod smiling and high fives him and Daniel I know Daniel knew the answer but he wanted his brother to answer.

"Alright so do y'all understand we have to get ready for school".i said while erasing the board.

"Yes mama".they said running out of the room they're already dressed they just needed their backpacks walking down the stairs I grab the keys and we head out.


Pulling up to the front their teacher walks to the car while I'm handing them their lunches.

"Have a good day and be good".i said waving at the teacher they were getting out.

"Wait where is mommy kisses y'all was just gone get out".i laughed as they moved back and kissed each of my cheeks getting out I pull off to the modeling studio.


Pulling in the parking lot I grab my portfolio and purse stepping out of the car I lock it and walk in the building looking around at all the pictures I make me way over to the front desk.

"Hi welcome to Dreams how may I help you sweetie".the lady behind the desk asked she looked in her mid-50s but still beautiful none the less.

"Hello my name is India Westbrook and I have an appointment with Jose Gusttavo".i said looking at the card he gave me a while back as she typed away on the computer.

"Ahh yes please take a seat he'll be with you in just a moment sweetheart".she said motioning to the row of chairs I go and sit.

Scrolling through Instagram I see India posted a picture I ain't gone lie Ma is looking sexy double-tapping I got to her page to follow her.

"Say nigga who we looking at". My cousin Anthony asked trying to look over my shoulder at my phone.

"Well if you must know I'm looking at this girl named India".i said placing my phone back in my pocket as he sat down.

"That name sounds familiar but how you been young blood I ain't seen you in a good Lil minute".he said leaning back into his chair.

"Been good got a daughter now and I'm working on my rap career wassup with you? ".i asked looking over at the door only to see Bianca and her friend but not my daughter.

"Man I just been chillin you know and I meet this guy I use to talk to and he yelled me that his friend girl got some kids by you". He said as he was talking I was staring at Bianca feeling a push on my shoulder I look back at him.

"Son I'll break yo jaw do some shit like that again".i said laughing shaking his head he looks behind him to see who I'm looking at.

"Did you hear anything that I said".he asked turning back around shaking my head no I stand up.

"Say I'll be back I just need to holla at somebody real quick".i said pulling my pants up walking over not giving him a chance to reply.

Snatching Bianca up I drag her outside the building to the ally way as she clawed at my arms and hand pushing her up against the wall I wrap my hand around her neck enough to let her know she fucked up.

"What the hell Dave get your motherfucking hand off me".she said trying to push me but a nigga didn't move and inch.

"Now I thought I know this ain't Bianca walking in here with her pussy popping dick hopping ass friend and she don't have my baby girl so where is she".i asked tightening my grip around her neck.

"She's...she's...at my mama's house".she said trying to breath sighing I look down trying not to lose my cool.

"Yo you know how I feel about my shorty man why you continue to play with a nigga I let you see her this one time to spend time with her and you throw her off to yo mama".i said letting her go she dropped down to her knees trying to unbuckle my pants I push her back.

"Nah son answer my question dog why you ain't keep her you do this every time I drop her off with your stupid ass yo mama ain't make Ashley we did so women the fuck up cause until you do you not seeing her".i said walk away back inside the building where my cousin was.

"Hey man we gone have to reschedule cause something came up my bad nigga".i said slapping him up as he stood up.

"Nah you good son Handle your business I'm about to go to my nigga house".he said licking his lips shaking my head laughing I push him back walking out to my car.

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