《The Unknown》Chapter 5




"Ma where is our dad".

Since I wanted to know I stayed in the background moving to the side as people walked out.

"Well..um..I...you see".she started but got cut off.

"Mommy spit it out already".they yelled she placed her head in her hands.

"You guys are to young to understand".she said they looked at each other.

"We're two and we speak fine mommy we're smart".Daniel said I nodded because it is true they speak good as hell shit my ass was babbling at 2.

"He doesn't know about you guys".she said I was taken back because I would want to know about my kids and to miss two years of their life I'd fuck her up.

"But why ".David asked and Daniel shook his head earning a chuckle from me.

"It's but how David".Daniel said India sighed I believe it's my time to step In.

"Hey what y'all doing out here".i asked lifting both the boys and sitting them on each leg I looked between them they instantly fell asleep I then up at India who was already looking between all of us.

"Umm, okay can you stop that shit it's weird".i said she looked away then turned back.

"Sorry but we uh have to go to um yea".she said getting up wiping her butt reaching over to get the twins but I pulled back.

"Say back up". I said and she gave me an angry look like I'm supposed to care.

"Excuse me bitch don't tell me to back up when I'm reaching for my children".she said I was going to carry them to the car for her because I know it would be hard to carry two sleeping kids but fuck it and fuck her.

"Here Bitch I said putting both kids in her arms walking back in to get Ashley making it to the table I pick her up.


"What happened out there baby".my mom asked with a worried expression.

"Man ain't shit happen I'm heading out it was nice meeting y'all love you ma bye".i said kissing her forehead and picking up Ashley walking out.

Guess who I see India having a hard time putting them in the car I laughed placing Ashley in her car seat buckling her up I closed the door turning to India.

"You need some help, ".i asked she glared at me.

"No bye, ".she said I threw my hands up to surrender and hopped in the car when my phone rung.

~Phone convo~


Bm-where is my daughter David she was supposed to be here hours ago you know she has school the fuck wrong with you

De- say chill the fuck out I'm on my way

~Phone convo over~


Finally making it home I carried the boys inside one at a time and I notice my kitchen light on so I walk in.

"What the hell Cj you always eating my babies stuff".i said as I walked back to close the front door.

"Bitch David don't even eat this shit so shut it and how the dinner go, ".he said picking up his bowel of spaghetti and sausage yea crazy I put sausage in my spaghetti who doesn't any way I follow him to the living room where he's watching bad girls club.

"The dinner was bad the boys asked my dad to be with them for some father thing and he said he might not make it and they flipped".i stressed rubbing my forehead I feel like I failed them as a mother because I don't even know their father's name.

"Awe girl it's going to be okay because guess what I found out".he said smirking.

"You're up to something what is it".i asked laughing as he stale faced me shrugging my shoulders I turn to face him.


"Anyways before I slide your ass you remember the guy from the party I left with".he asked while trying to push my legs off of him I scoot up grabbing his neck giving him kisses all around him face causing him to push me back.

"Yea what about him".i asked trying to control my laughter when Cj flicked my forehead.

"Haha bitch anyway guess who his cousin is okay don't cause your ass dumb his cousin is your baby daddy".he said then got up and started twerking with his tongue out while I just sat and stared.

"Come on bitch get up and twerk aren't you happy ".he said pushing my arm I mean I'm happy but I don't know how to tell him about the boys.

"Don't get me wrong Cj but I'm not ready to tell him yet".i said looking up from my hands.

"And when the fuck will you be ready India when the boys have families of their own or how about when the man die you need to tell him".He preached I understand where he's coming from so I'll tell him soon as I was about to speak Daniel and David walked down stairs rubbing their eyes walking over to me I run my hand through their curls as they lean on me.

"Awe okay I guess y'all don't see uncle Cj that's cool".Cj said nodding his head the boys pushed off of me and ran to Cj.

"Hey uncle Cj why here you".David asked scrunching up his eyebrows causing Daniel to just look at him.

"It's what are YOU here we practice sentences every day David".Daniel stressed to his brother I watch as they go back and forth Cj stood up walking over to me.

"Where you going".i asked standing up to hug him.

"Girl you know they little asses can go at it all night and I don't have time for it I got a boo to meet".he said as we walked to the door with the twins behind us.

"Don't do my babies but alright I'll see you later".i said pushing him out the door I close it before he could say anything.

"Okay bitch watch I got you when we cross paths again".he said banging on the door I laugh and walk away back to the living room where I hear the boys.

" Hey hey hey what did I tell y'all about that back and forth stuff, ".i asked and neither one of them spoke.

"Okay I guess I'm talking to myself".i said pointing to myself.

"You said find an agreement and hug it out because we're brothers and we love each other".David said putting his arm around his brother's shoulder causing Daniel to do the same.

"And what does agreement mean y'all should know it was on the word board, ".I said if I haven't mentioned it there's this bored in the play room where every day we spend a little time at the board with is basically me teaching them new words and the definition.

"It means that we find a way to be on the same page or we decide together on one thing".Daniel said I'm going to give it to him he's close.

"Alright now go upstairs and get in bed remember baths in the morning since you didn't have one tonight".i said walking behind them as they ran to there room making it to mines I get in bed.




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