《The Unknown》Chapter 3



Right now I'm laying down since a nigga don't have work today so I'm just chillin I might take Ashley out today that little girl likes to do everything she talks pretty good for her age so it's not hard to understand what she says.

As I'm watching ESPN I see Ashley standing in my doorway staring at me.

" Ash what the hell you doing little girl".i asked laughing while sitting up in the bed.

"Tv".she said wobbling over to the bed trying to climb up.

"You not about to watch no Backyardigans ash you watch it all the time, ".i said lifting her up cause I got tired of watching her fall trying to get up here.

"Da ya".she said pouting crawling over laying her head on my bare chest I knew what she was trying to do.

"Daddy yes nothing Ashley pick something else don't you get tired of watching it every time you come over".i asked looking down to find she was already looking at me.

"No yardigans da".she said now sitting on my chest she scoots up placing both hands on my on each of my cheeks she puts her forehead on mines.

"No Ashley we watching Dora".i said and it's one thing that she does not like and that's Dora I don't know why.

"Ahhhh".she screeched still in her same position.

"Aye aye aye cut that out now Ashley I'll turn it on, ".i said sighing turning it to the show she nodded and turned laying her back to my chest.


Right now I'm chasing my two 2-year-old identical twin sons around the house and yes I have two boys ones name is David Anthony Brewster and the other is Daniel Elijah Brewster they were conceived at a party me and Cj went to 2years back the only thing I know about their dad is his name because that's the only thing he told me I can't seem to remember his face I know it's sad but I was drunk.


I tried getting in touch with him but the numbers I kept getting weren't the right ones but back to David I woke up this morning to him naked walking around drinking juice from his sippy cup.

"David I'm not playing get your butt over here now".i said in my stern voice he look at me with his head tilted I tried to ease over to him but he noticed and took off running.

"Where his damn clothes India".i heard someone say turning around I see my dad and abéls mother.

"Um first off this is my house so you can get the fuck out talking about somewhere his clothes bitch where's your neck".i said mumbling the last part.

"Baby girl apologize".my dad said giving me a stern look causing me to drop my head I mumbled a sorry and turned to walk to David's room.

" that's all you're going to say James apologize ".i heard her say as I was pulling out David and Daniels clothes and bathing supplies she lucky I even said that hearing a knock on the door I turn around to see my dad standing there holding David and Daniel.

"Make sure you all are there around 9".he said I nodded taking my babies from him causing him to sigh.

" look just give her a chance India".he said I looked at him through the tears on the brim of my eyes.

"Daddy she let him do those things to me her own daughter".i said shaking my head I hear foot steps making there way towards me I feel strong arms wrap around me rubbing my back.

"Baby girl you have to forgive her she was going through a hard time".he said kissing my head.

I haven't been on the best of terms with my mother because when I was younger she would let her brother feel on me and he raped me once.

"Daddy but not one time has she apologized, ".i said scooting David up on my hip while wiping my tears as best as I can.


"We have to go but she'll come around baby girl I love you, ".he said stepping back rubbing David's stomach making him laugh and kissing Daniels forehead,

"I love you too".i said a few seconds later I hear the door shut.

"Tub mama". Daniel said I nodded.

"Yes tub baby".i said laughing.


"Ashley get your ass away from that boy".i yelled she looked over and went back to walking closer to him.

If you haven't noticed yet we at the park cause this is what ash wanted to do today but her little ass about to be right back in the house if she don't move away from this little boy.

"Ash go to the slide away from the boy".i said she looked at me and pointed to herself then took another step I look over to see this girl laughing.

"Is that your daughter? ".she asked she was cute just not my type she had shoulder-length hair brown eyes skinny.

"Yea she mines where's yours".i asked and she pointed to the little boy I'm trying to keep Ashley away from.

"That's who I'm trying to keep her away from".i said shaking my head we shared a laugh my phone ring making me stand up and walk away a little still keeping my eye on Ashley I look over and she playing with the little boy I motioned and mouthed to her to get her little ass away from that boy.

Looking down I see it just my OG calling me.


"it's so nice to have a son that cares about his mother". She said as I smacked my lips.

"Man mama don't do that you know I love you a lot of shit just been going on I been busy". I said with a sigh.

"Watch your mouth David and I called because you're going to a dinner tonight with me, my friend, her husband and kids". She said and I shake my head.

"Dang you not gone even ask just demand but what time is it gone start". I said scrunching up my face.

"9 so be there at 8:45 I love you I go to go bye". She said hanging up the phone.

"love you too". I mumbled to myself.


"Ashley come on we're about to go".I yelled she ran well not ran more like jogged not even that never mind my baby came over and I bent down to pick her up kissing all over her face she pushed my face away from here laughing.

"Shop".she said with raised eyebrows.

"Daddy money".i said laughing walking to the car opening the back door I place her in her car seat strapping her up walking back to the front once I got in I pulled off headed to the mall.

Feeling my phone vibrate I quickly connect it to the radio just to be safe since ash with me.


"wassup man what you need". I ask answering the phone.

"I need some greens". He said loudly.

"I ain't been to mamas house but I'll go pick up the greens and drop them off when I come from the mall with ash". I said making a turn.

"Alright good looking and tell ash uncle Mikey said hey". He said and I nodded.

"Will do but look I got to go". I said looking down at my watch.

"Done deal". He said hanging up.


Parking I get out and get Ashley's stroller out the trunk before getting her out the back seat walking in the mall it didn't look that busy just a few people here on there.

"Baby girl where to".I asked and she pointed to toys-r-us so I pushed her in and as she's picking out what toys she want I pull out my phone scrolling through Instagram when she was done I paid for the stuff and we left.

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