《The Unknown》Chapter 2


Chapter 2 India pov

Hey my name is India love Westbrook I am 19 years old and I have a brother and his name is abél Tesfaye also know as the weekend I'm 5'3 and I have a couple of tattoos also I'm a model and I have a Bestfriend by the name of CJ and a dog whose name is Bronx.

Right now I'm on my way to the studio to meet up with my brother about this dinner we're going to with his parents tomorrow they say it's important but I have to stop by before I go to my photo shoot.

Pulling into the parking lot I get out making my way to the building when someone bumps into me.

"My bad I wasn't looking where I was going I'm Dave by the way".he said licking his lips as he rubbed my arm while smirking I tense up looking away.

"It's cool the names India nice to meet you".i said still blushing.

"So you wanna give me your number".he asked rubbing his hands together causing me to laugh and he gave me a confused look.

"yea no maybe another time I got to get going again nice meeting you".i said walking away while laughing.

Entering the building I walk up to the front desk waiting patiently for Cj to get off the phone and yes he works here when he finally got off he noticed me standing there.

" Hey bitch".he said smiling leaning over the desk laughing I shake my head.

"Hey boo what you been doing today".i ask running my hands through his hair causing him to smack my hand away and mug me.

"Get your hands out my hair India love you know I don't like that shit, ".he said rolling his eyes but that's one thing about Cj he's so dramatic but it's funny as hell to mess with him.


"Whatever you need to cut that mess you always wait till it get bushy".i said making a playful disgusted look and he came around the desk posting up.

"India you know what fight me right here right now". He said circling around me pushing my shoulders as I turned to see where he was.

"Cj you might as well go back behind that desk you know I don't fight". I said and he put me in a head lock instantly I move my hands to his arm trying to pry them away from my neck.

"I know that but I also know how to get sweet little India mad enough to fight, ".He said trying to hold in his laugh but I felt the vibration in his chest.

"Cj I'm gone get my brother you better stop, ".I said and as of on cue abél came walking in.

"What the hell are y'all doing, ".he asked walking over to a seat while shaking his head sitting down.

"Bubba that's Cj do you not see what he's doing right now, ".I said pouting while pointed to Cj who still had me in a head lock.

"What happen Cj".Bubba asked.

"India ran her dick jerking hand through my hair".He said swinging me so he could fully face my brother.

"India you know better".Bubba said obviously picking Cj side causing me to look at him in shock.

"You know what let's talk about this dinner we supposed to have with your parents".i said rolling my eyes Cj let go and walked back behind the desk I walked over to an empty seat and sat by my brother.

"Come on China doll don't be like that".he said knowing that name makes me laugh he's been saying I look Chinese since we were teenagers.


"I don't look Chinese bubba stop saying that but what do you think they're going to talk about".i asked.

"Hell if I know but mama says her friend and their son are gone come eat with us, ".he said shrugging his shoulders I smack my lips.

"Why she always got to bring somebody she so extra".i said rolling my eyes causing him to push my head bucking at him I stand up.

"Watch out now China doll".he said shielding his face cause he knows wassup.

"You already know bubba I don't play".i said smirking he nodded rubbing his chin getting up like he was about to go back to his studio room but turned around running towards me sprinting I go to hide behind Cj who was yet again caking on the phone.

"India get away from me you see me on the phone".he said shrugging me off I roll my eyes.

"I'm Finna go y'all lame".i said grabbing my keys that I dropped running from abél.

"Alright, I'm about to head back to the studio".abél said waving I waved back then turned to Cj.

"Your ass never help me".i said mugging him he looked over at me scoffing.

"Your Chinese ass really thought I was gone help you against abél hell no girl you was on your own".he said shaking his head going back to his phone I swear that's like his life one day I'm gone take it and stomp on it.

"Bitch you know I heard you and you gone get stomped on, ".he said glaring at me.

"I didn't even know I said that out loud but I'm about to get out of here I'll call you okay and you better answer cause I know you on your phone 24-7 Cj so don't play ".i said he nodded waving me off walking out to the parking lot I get in cutting the radio on making my way home tomorrow's going to be a lot day hopefully I don't snap on my so-called mother knowing her she has a slick mouth and always hides behind my dad when you talk bad to her.

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