《Considered You And I // Zed X Reader » Discontinued》Chapter Four: Cheer Initiation


It's almost 7. I'm gonna call Mary Jane. Dialing. Don't ask if there's a heart.. I don't like her..

MJ Me: "Okay. Hey can you call the 'threesome' which you know who"

MJ Me: "Okay, love. See you"

Love is the way we call each other, I actually thought of it.

"Bucky! The van's waiting!" Mom called, "Okay mom!" I replied and went downstairs to pick up Lacey, Stacey, and Tracey.

"Get ready to know who's boss zombies" I said as I start the van.


"Addison! Hurry! Bucky's gonna kill us if we're late!" I whined. She hasn't finished yet and she is STILL in the bathroom!

"Shh! Wait. I'm putting my wig on!" She growled. I frowned, I'm already dressed. "Why are you so pumped up anyways, Y/n/n?" She asked

"Don't ask. It's 6:40!" I yelled. "I'm coming. Don't worry about Bucky, I'm sure we'll still be earlier. He still has to pick those 'threesom' and his love Mary Jane" We laughed and she FINALLY went out the bathroom

"Let's go" She smiled

We went downstairs. I took a soda and Addi just took water. "Where are my lovely daughters going?" Dad asked. "Cheer initiation" We replied. "Mom forgot to tell you?" I asked

"Unfortunately yes" Dad replied. "Anyways, I had gotten you guys a special gift! Somethings you wanted for a long time" Dad cheered

We saw 6 boxes of presents. "Three for each my beautiful girls" he chuckled and instantly we were teleported there..no ran there actually.

The one I opened first was the purple gift. But the red and blue gift caught my eyes, it was huge! I opened the purple one.

"Oh my sassy pants! Y/n look I got the key necklace I always wanted! Thanks so much daddy!" She chirpped

"That cost like..200 bucks Addison so take care of it" Dad said

"How about yours Y/n? Haven't opened it?" I looked at the present and opened it..Oh my zombie! It's a brand new cellphone! And it's Samsung Galaxy Note 5.


"Oh my zombie! We finally contact each other Y/n/n!" Addison exclaimed and we squealed

"Open the big one Y/n." Mom came and smiled.

I opened the gift. "It's a puppy!" I squealed. "I'll name you..Zeddie!" I said, Addison smirked at me. The dog was a Shitzu

"Why Zeddy hun?" Mom asked, "I don't know. It just popped up in my head" I lied

"Addison open yours!" I whined. "Okay, okay" She replied, "A rabbit! I love rabbits!" She yelled in joy

"Meow?" We heard..a cat?

"Is there a cat around here?" Addison questioned. "I hear it at the box..My last present box" I stuttered in amusement

Mom and Dad suddenly got stiff and sweatdropped. "Open your present already!" Addison whined. "No way! Open yours too!"

"In the count of three?" Mom said, "3" Dax counted, "2.." Mom continued, and "1!"


"Ahh! Another rabbit!" Addison lifted the two rabbits in joy. "Names?" I questioned while playing with my cat and dog, " This rabbit with blue eyes is named... Sea! And the brown one Brook!" She exclaimed

"Your dog is named Zeddie. And your cat is?" Dad asked. "Zoe!" Thought of it already.

*Beep, beep*

"That must be Bucky." Mom says. "Okay! We gotta go" We kissed mom and dad goodbye and left

"Good evening Ms. Y/n and Ms. Addison" Tracey said. It's mocking me and I'm pissed yeah

"Where's Mary Jane?" I asked Bucky, since all of us are here in the van already. Bree's here too

"Oh sh*t! I forgot to pick her up!" Bucky quickly drove even if we haven't sat yet

"Bucky! Calm down! You're gonna kill us!" Lacey yelled, she's in front. "Nope. I'm driving so I drive fast!" He replied

He drove so fast. Me, Addi, Tracey and Stacey were just laying at the floor of the van

"He has got a major issue." Addison chuckled and both of us giggled, not that you can deny it. It's pretty obvious that Bucky likes Mary Jane, he just can't admit it to himself


After 2 minutes we got there.. In one piece. He sighed because Mary Jane didn't wait."That was close " He said in relief and looks at the five of us laying at floor. "What happened to you guys?" He looked confused even Lacey was dizzy

"Hey Bucky!" Mary Jane exclaimed, "H-hey! You startled me" Bucky IS FREAKING SURPRISED?!

They were just talking. Us Bree, Addison, Tracey, Stacey and me were quiet. The feeling that in a horror movie and someone had a chainsaw and was looking for you that's our reaction

"If you guys are done chit chatting, can we go now?" Addison broke the mood. "..yeah" I just said awkwardly

Addison looked at me and I stood up because that means 'Y/n/n open the door I can't take it!' I chuckled and open the door for Mary Jane

"Let's go!" The Acey's exclaimed and Bucky drove to Zombietown

"Here we are" Tracey said."Zoey! Dinner!" A yell was heard and a cute zombie girl who looked like she was 7 years old. She quickly ran inside they're home

Then Bree was the first to step out of the van and we followed. "Here we like showing zombies that they're nothing but monsters " Lacey gave us two carton of eggs

"What is this for?" Addison asked. "Duh. Egg that zombie house and let's go" Stacey replied, "That's not cool. What the hell Bucky?!" Mary Jane whisper shout (1)

"Are you lost?" A zombie appeared and they drove away screaming leaving us. The zombie shakes her head and goes back into her house.

The four of us hid at a..some kind of bushed trash bin We heard footsteps coming towards our backs, me and Addison hold our hands and we were nervous.

I noticed him. Zed?! He looked at me getting teary and he frowned. I felt guilt, I hurt Zed. I wanted to mouth 'sorry' but

"Zed everything okay?" That must be his dad. "Yeah dad, everything's fine", "Then come back in son" he says. He nods and gives me a sad look before entering his house

"Are you okay Y/n?" Addison asked worriedly, "He's the zombie I encountered earlier" My voice cracked. "I need to talk to Bucky" Mary Jane said angrily

"This is wrong.." We stood up and threw the carton of eggs. We went home and I felt guilty the whole night

"Y/n/n? Are you okay now? I fed Zeddie and Zoe." Addison entered our room. "Yeah..sort of. Thanks for feeding Zeddie and Zoe" I was laying at my bed

"You know if you have something troubling you, you can tell me" I looked at her and smiled. She sat at my bed and says "Do you wanna tell me then Y/n/n?" She had a smile

"Yeah. It's Zed.." She raised a brow. "What happened?" She asks, "He saw us and I feel bad for them getting treated like monsters" I replied feeling guilt

"So do I, the zombies don't deserve this and I don't know why Bucky acted like a jerk" she chuckled

"I did encountered a zombie earlier I just didn't know what he was saying. He was funny" She somehow smiled. "He has long green hair. His zombie language, his beautiful eyes, his kissable lips"

My eyes widened as I realized what se has just said and who that zombie was. The one who almost got in trouble earlier, what was his name again..Banjo? Banko? Bondo?... It's in the tip of my tongue...BONZO

"So..you like Zed's friend..Bonzo?" I smiled her response was a blush. "So..that's his name.. Bonzo"She smiles

"So I'm not the only one liking on a zombie" I chuckled and covered my mouth. "Did I just..?" She nods

"But yes. I do like Bonzo, so sleep tight Y/n/n we still have badminton tryouts tomorrow. I'll let you talk to Zed, it won't be a problem" she smiled

She's just the best sister I could see have. She may not be perfect but I love her

"Good night Y/n/n" she says

"Good night nee-chan (2)" I replied, I felt less guilt than before.


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