《Considered You And I // Zed X Reader » Discontinued》Chapter Three: Cheer Squad


"Y/n it's your turn" Bucky said and you nodded. Addison was already in, I took a deep breath and thought who I was doing this for. Addison, Mom, Dad, Bucky..and....Zed. I need to support him.

I started to cheer like never before

Me: "S-E-A! What does that spell?"

Crowd: "Sea!"

Me: "B-R-O-O-K! Put them together they spell? Seabrook!"

I did a back flip. And "We were made for this there's nothing we can do we're here to stay and win the day!" Then I did some awesome jumps that Addison couldn't pull off then...

" Wohoo!" "Go Y/n!" "Go Seabrook!" Everyone cheered, I get to breath normally again. "Y/n...You have made it to the team!" Bucky threw me the pom poms and caught them.

I quickly ran towards to Addison, we bought squealed like children who just got candy. I saw Bree and she looked upset, she saw me and smiled. She mouthed "Congratulations"

"What's wrong?" Addison asked. "It's Bree. We made it to the team, but how about her?" Addison smirked at me which means 'beg'

"Hey Bucky" I called him, "Yeah cuz?" "Can you get Bree in? Pretty please" Me and Addison used out cute eyes. He sighed

"Bree!" He called, Bree walked confused and nervoud "You're in the team.. I see you have...Potential but as stand in" Bucky gave him the pom poms and we squealed again celebrating happily

"Bree, Mary Jane and My two favorite cousins. Later at night meet us at the gate of Zombietown" Bucky smirked

"What are we gonna do there Buck?" Mary Jane asks. "It's cheer initiation, dummy!" Stacey exclaimed. "Every year we do this so trust us" Tracey said with a devilish smirk on his face

This is something fishy. "Nighttime and what time actually?" I asked. "7PM" Bucky said.

"Alright!" Addison and I said in awe so they wouldn't suspect anything about me. We walked out of the gym it was pretty early it was 3 hours before our first Cheer Initiation.


"Wanna..." I started the sentence, "Celebrate.." Continued Addison, "At the ICE CREAM PARLOR!?" We said it at the same time again.

"Okay!" Now Mary Jane and Bree said in awe.

.:: ::.

We exited school and went to the Ice cream Parlor.

"Seabrook has a lot of variety of" Mary Jane "Vanilla" all of us said in awe. "Okay it's getting weird, let's stop saying or continuing eachother's sentences" Mary Jane laughed.

"No we actually can't" Addison said, "Why not?" Bree asked. "We were born like this" We said at the same time, "Got it" MJ snickered and we laughed

"So Y/n" Mary Jane started and broke our silence. "Yeah?" I replied, "Bucky told me you encountered a zombie." Once Bree found out she almost spit out the water she was drinking at us.

"You encountered a zo-" Mary Jane covered Bree's mouth, "zombie" now Bree whispered

"Yeah she did. She was lucky that zombie didn't bite her ear off, she doesn't actually hate them. She gets angry if they don't get treated fairly" Addison explained.

"They were humans just like us, but because the Seabrook Power and including a LIME SODA accident was the reason why the apocalypse happens. And a green haze was formed , anyone that was touched by it turns to a zombie" I explained and sweatdropped. Now that you think about it it's kinda...weird

"See? We did research when mom and dad weren't home. Seabrook zombie History" Addison continued

"So please don't tell anyone especially cousin Bucky" I used the Neko-eyes again. "Don't worry you can trust us that we won't tell anyone" Bree said, "Yeah" Mary Jane followed. "That was the discussion tomorrow Y/n" Bree said, we started to chat a bit and laugh.

"Here's your Ice cream..Zed." The waiter, Jason.. He's a friend, gave us the variety flavors of vanilla ice cream and left.

"So who's Zed, Y/n?" Mary Jane got curious, I gulped. "No-", " Y/n isn't Zed the one you encountered a while ago?" Addison got curious. Thank you so much Jason! It's sarcasm


"The zombie?" Bree asked and ate some ice cream. "Ugh..Yes.." I frown remembering I haven't apologized properly

"Why the long face?" Mary Jane asked. "Well..I kinda miss him...he was cute for a zombie and kind. I actually punched him at the face when I saw he was a zombie..and he told me... I was beautiful and thanked me for saving them from Aunt Jesse. Because you know she can get a little...strict at times" Addison, Mary Jane and Bree's jaws dropped

"What?" I looked at them

"I feel like you like that zombie" Addison said. "What no!" I denied, "Okay then. Can you tell us all the details?" Bree asked

"Yeah sure." They smiled as I was saying the story. "But Bucky, Lacey, Tracey, Stacey and sis came to save me." I laughed

"What?!" Mary Jane and Bree's reaction was priceless. "He seemed like a nice guy" Addison said. "Sis I'm sorry if I pulled you away from him, I have grown to hate them because they took grandpa's ear" she hugged me

"It's no problem." I smiled, "Maybe Bucky misunderstood it?" Bree said. "I don't know, Bucky really hates zombies. I'm getting suspicious since later we're going to Zombietown for our cheer initiation" I replied

"True. Now that you mention it" Mary Jane said. "But let's not. Bucky isn't that bad..I hope so..." I smiled and whispered the last part

"It's still pretty early. Wanna go at our place?" Addison asked. "Sure." Mary Jane finished her ice cream.

"Let's go."

"Hey mom! These are our new friends!" Addison exclaimed "Hello. Did you guys made the cheer squad!?" Mom exclaims.

"Yes! We all did!" Me and Addison said in awe, "Awesome! I just finished baking cookies!" Mom is exaggerating. We're too happy

"We're going upstairs mom!" I yelled. "Addison here's the chocolate chip cookies!" Mom reached the cookies and we went upstairs.

"Wanna watch a movie? We still have about.. 2 hours before the cheer initiation" Addison suggested

"Yeah sure. After that me and Bree will go to change." Mary Jane agreed

"What movie though?" I asked. "What movie do you have Y/n/n" Addison asked. "Awwweee that's a cute nickname Y/n" Bree teased. "Do mind if we call you that?" Mary Jane asked. "I don't mind" I replied choosing a movie at the shelf

"Here. I haven't watched this yet. Jason gave this, Descendants 2" Bree's mouth dropped

"You have Descendants 2?!" Addison yells "Uh. Yeah," I replied kinda awkwardly "So final? We watch Descendants 2" Mary Jane said

"We have watched Descendants 1" Addison and I said. "So have we!" Bree and MJ said in awe

"Let's do it!" We all said in awe. (Warning: If you haven't watched Descendants 2. This next part is gonna have some spoiler)

"I almost freaked when Ben almost kissed Uma." Addison freaked. "The sad part is when Mal and Ben fought" Bree frowned.

"Not that much of a worry since I saw my one and only love which is f/c [favorite character]" I snickered

"Oh my god. It's 6:25, we'll be late. Let's go" Mary Jane said. "Okay. Bye guys!" Mary Jane and Bree left our home.

Addison took a quick shower and so did I. I wore my purple Jersey jacket, pink pants and same top as Addison.

Time for the cheer iniation!


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