《The Human Luna》Part 25


I woke up absolutely freezing. I groaned. Why was I cold? When I slept, Ryder kept me warm.

I rolled over, thinking he was over there, to be met with more cold sheets. I flipped onto the other side but when my mate was not their i called.

"Ryyyyderrrrr" I thought I heard a chuckle and then I felt the insane warmth of Bear.

He snuggled into me and i did the same. I started thinking about how I was never cold because he was here. Then I thought about why I was so cold. Stupid Dan and Melissa.

I heard Ryder's heart beat faster under my cheek, but I was to tired to come back and ask him what was wrong. Instead I fell into a warm, safe sleep.


When I woke for a second time it was because of a tickling sensation all over my neck and face.

I giggled and opened my eyes to find Ryder's diamond irises inches away from mine.

"Goodmorning little mate" He told me. My heart fluttered at the name. He smirked and now I knew he could hear my heart.

Stupid traitor heart.

He laughed at the pout on my face and kissed my puckered bottom lip. I laughed again and he chuckled along.

"Is it time for school?" I ask him. I shook his head saying.

"Baby, I had to take you to the pack house hospital yesterday. There's no way in hell you're leaving this house."

I opened my mouth in shock. I passed out all the time!

"Bear I'm fine! Common let's go." I tell him, while going to sit up. It was a bad idea. As soon as I got somewhat up, Ryder rolled ontop of me.

"Ah! I'm dying! Get your fat butt off me!" As I struggle for air. I can tell he's still holding some of his weight off of me but damn.


"WHAT! Baby! This is all muscle! Look at my guns!" He yelled while lifting an arm to flex his really impressive biceps.

"Yah right! That's just cause your a werewolf! I've seen better before Beary." I tell him while patting his fluffy brown mob of hair.

He gasps and accuses "You're lying!"

I laugha and shake my head then challenge "Am I Ryder? Am I?" He frowns and it causes my face to falter. I don't like seeing him hurt.

"NO! Stop the guilty puppy eyes!" I tell him shielding my face so I can't get sucked in. Then, then he whimpers. Like a little puppy.


I groan but the sound his too adorable to ignore. "OKAY! You win! Your muscles are amazing!" I tell him, moving my arms from my eyes.

Ryder has a stupid, smug look on his face. He attempts kiss me but I shove my head back and cover my lips.

"Oh hell nah! You don't get to kiss me after you manipulated me with Luca's little puppy whines!"

"Hey! We're not a puppy! I'm an Alpha werewolf!" Ryder tells me. I can't help but laugh.

"Bear you literally just cried like a little doggy so I would stay in bed with you! How is that Alpha Werewolf King!" When I was mocking his title my voice lowered a couple octaves and my chest puffed out.

Ryder came up close to my ear and whispered. "Need me to remind you how much of an Alpha I can be sweetheart?"

My breath catches in my throat and I hold completely still. I don't know I'm about to do but I take a huge risk.

"I don't think you could do it Alpha" I smirk up at him and see as the playfulness in his eyes turns to lust and determination.

In a split second, I'm grabbed, and straddling Ryder's lap. I gasp out in suprise but it gets cut of my the explosion of sparks I get on my lips.


I don't leave much time before my mouth's moving feverishly against his soft lips. My hands wrap around his neck as Ryder grasps my hips.

He grinds into me and I can feel just how hard he is. The dizzy sensation overloads my system for a couple seconds again before I'm looking up at Ryder again.

His lips waste no time to latch onto mine again. I'm laying on my back once again, and Ryder's over top of me.

My arms are still wrapped around his neck and Ryder's holding his weight from his elbows.

Again, he starts slowly grinding on my crotch. I feel the heat between my legs just as he deepens the kiss.

Ryder slides his tongue along my swollen bottom lip. I'm not sure exactly what he's asking for, since I've never kissed like this. But I didn't do it because Ryder gives a warning growl.

My mouth opens from the vibrations that spread through me from his growl. All the sudden Ryder's tongue plunges into my mouth.

I moan accidentally as his tongue explodes every inch of my mouth. I can sense my mate's smirk that adorns his face.

He leans back and puts are foreheads together as we greedily suck in oxygen. When Ryder collects himself he puts on an innocent face and says.

"Hey, uh, Mariah, you look a little flustered. Did something happen?" I stare at him in shock as his whole smug face moves further away, and he gets off the bed.


Stupid Controlling Werewolf.


Everyone was staring at me.

I gulped, my hands shaking. I hated all the attention. Ryder seemed to notice, cause he grabbed me and sat me on his lap.

I didn't fight it at all. Finding major comfort in him. He grabbed my shivering hands and kissed each one.

"It's okay" He comforted. I gave him a shaky smile and nodded.

"Well, first of all. The reason I blacked out when you said v-v-vampires exist, was because the thing that killed my mom looked alot like a vampire. I was 8 at the time and it's all blurry but I remember thinking he wasn't human."

"Why do you think this?" Bryli asks. I let out a breathy chuckle because she sounded so much like a therapist it was scary.

"Well, I think this because, he ripped out part of my mo-" I couldn't say it. My chest heaved with sobs and I buried my face in Ryder's chest.

He comforted me while I cried. After a while I calmed down enough to stutter out.

"H-he ri-ripped out a ch-ch-chuck of my mom's ne-neck and he bit my da-dad's. I sw-swe-swear he dr-drank his bl-blood."

"-I sw-swe-swear he dr-drank his bl-blood." Another sob racks my little mate's body and my heart clenches for her.

Nobody should go through what she went through. Mar hid back in my chest as I rubbed up and down her back.

My wolf was pacing back and forth in my head, ready to kill anyone who had caused this kind of pain on our mate.

I rested my cheek on Mariah's hair and kissed her temple. Everyone sat around and watched with anxious looks on their faces.

"Our poor Luna!" I hear Bryli cry through mind-link as Damien brings her closer to him. We all silently agree with her.

The questions swirl around my already frazzled mind.

Did a vampire attack Mar's family?

Why would the vampire target her mom?

Why is Mar still alive?

How is Mar still alive?

I could tell everyone's deep in thought by their expressions. I'm not gonna tell them the rest of the story.

Of why me and my dad are still alive.

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