《The Human Luna》Part 24



I sobbed for 2 hours straight until my father came home. I was sitting on the floor, sitting beside my mother's dead body.

I smelt like blood. It was in my hair, on my clothes, and it dyed my skin a maroon. I gagged at the look of it.

I heard the distinctive sound of keys opening our front door. I looked up through blurry eyes and saw the red piece of smooth wood swing open.


"DADDY!" I sobbed. I ran up to him. He immediately took sight of my body and voice.

"What happened!?!?" His voice was loud and panicked.

"T-the m-man! Sh-she's d-de-" I couldn't finish before I burst into hysterical sobs. My dad picked me up and ran around the house.

When he found my mom, he set me down and ran to her. I see tears spilling down his cheeks.

"Emilia! EMILIA! WAKE UP!" He wailed for his wife. Daddy then got up and grabbed his phone.

Just as he was about to dial, a blur flew past me and I heard a thump. I looked over in complete shock.

There was the man.

The dead man.

He was shot. On the floor. I looked over to where he was laying in a puddle of dark, dark, pretty much black blood.

Sure enough, he was gone. The dead man was holding my daddy up by the throat to the wall.

"STOP!" I screamed and ran up to the man. Hitting his leg continuously, he looked down at me with a sneer.

Then I was hitting a hard wall. He had kicked me across the room.

"Don't speak a word of this to anyone or I'll come back and kill the rest of your family."

The dead thing threatened my dad. He was pale and sickly looking. He wasn't a man. He was shot in the heart. He was dead.

The thing leaned forwards and it's sharp teeth pierced into the side of my dad's neck. I stood in absolute and utter fear.


After about 3 minutes the thing dropped my daddy's unconcious form.

The pale thing turned towards me. I shook in my socks. He wiped a red, shiny, thick liquid that had dribbled down his face off.

Then he sized me up and took a step forwards with an evil and terrifying smile on his inhuman face.

I was gonna die.

(Flashback End)

Pacing, pacing, pacing.

Back and forth. Back and forth.

"Man, maybe you should sit." Nate said quietly. I couldn't. Mariah. She had blacked out. My mate has been unconcious for 2 hours.

I couldn't do anything. Just beg for her to keep her eyes open. She didn't.

"Hey, Alpha, you're gonna break the floor soon." Ethan wearily tried to lighten the situation.

The nurse had told us she had just gone into shock. That Mar would wake up any minute.

She hasn't.

"Ryd-" I snarled at Damien.

"Alpha-" He corrected himself. In stressful situations my wolf took half control and he wants everyone to talk to him respectfully.

I knew my eyes were going from black, to blue and back again. Just then I saw a doctor coming from the hallway Mar was in.

I ran up to him. He flinched back slightly. We were in the pack house so he was also a werewolf but in the hospital it says that the doctors have the control.

"Is she okay? Where is she? Can I see her? What did you give her? Is she dead!?"

You could barely hear my questions properly I was speaking so fast.

"ALPHA!" My head jerked up. The doctor sighed in relief.

"Alpha, the Luna is fine. She should be awake any seco-"

A blaring alarm cut the doctor off and I heard him curse. He ran back down the hallway and I followed after.


I ran into a room to see my mate thrashing around on the hospital bed. She was still screaming and tears were running down her red face.


"Alpha! We need you to calm her down. NOW!" The doctor demanded. The heart rate was flashing and beeping way to fast to be safe.

I wasted no time to run up to my little mate. I picked her up and sat down before pulling her onto my lap.

She was sobbing but stopped yelling. "Shhhh, baby, I got you. Don't worry, I got you. You're safe." I tried soothing her.

She snuggled into my chest and after a few minutes her sobs turned into heartbreaking but adorable little sniffles.

Mariah looked up at me with spiky eyelashes and red cheeks.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry" She whispered to me. No! Why was she apologizing!

"No! No baby! I'm sorry! Don't be sorry! You're okay. I've got you now." I reassured her. Mar nodded before closing her eyes again.

The heartrate had flatlined and I worried for a second that she had died but the doctor pointed to the end that was no longer on my mate's body.

She was just sleeping. I stood up, carrying Mariah bridal style and headed to the door.

I expected the medical staff to stop me and tell me that Mar had to stay but they just nodded and moved away so I could leave.

I walked down the hallway and were met by all my friends.

"She's sleeping right?" Rylin asked immediately. I nodded. Everyone let out a breath of relief.

We walked up the stairs and I went to the Alpha's room for when their here. I kicked opened the door and headd straight for the bed.

When Mariah was safetly under the covers, I called my friends in through minklink.

We were all sitting in the living room while Mar was in the bedroom.

"What caused it?" Bryli asks quietly.

"She had asked me if vampires were real. When I answered yes, she stopped and started gasping for breathe. I tried to get her to stop holding air out but I don't think she realized she was doing it."

All the girls had teary eyes and the guys had grim expressions. No one likes to know their leaders are in danger.

"Then, she blacked out. Whe Mar woke up, she started screaming in her sleep for someone to stay away from her." My own voice cracked when I said this. I cleared my throat then continued.

"She yelled for her dad to help her. It had to have been some kind if nightmare." While everyone was agreeing Nate murmured something.

"Pardon?" Everyone turned their attention to Nate when I said that. His cheeks heated up the tiniest but before he said.

"It could've been a memory. Nightmares are fake. Memories are real. I think she was reliving a horrible moment."

What he said broke my heart. Nate had had nightmares when Rylin was gone. But now that I think about it, he was probably also witnessing memories replaying themselves.

I heard a groan from the bedroom and quickly ran over. I opened the door to see Mariah rolling over in bed.

When she didn't find what she was looking for she whined "Ryderrrrr" I chuckled then went over to the bed.

"Hey baby" I greeted my mate as I got under the covers next to her.

"There you are! It's always cold when you're not around. I'm always cold. Stupid punishments."

That word caught my attention. "What?!" I asked her. Mariah was already asleep though.

I sighed deeply and made a note to ask her about it later. Then I wrapped my arms around her small waist and tangled my legs with her.

Just as she said, my little mate's body could've passed for a piece of ice. I moved a bit of her curly hair away from her shoulder.

Then I snuggled in, putting my head to the crook of her neck. Inhaling her additive scent of lemons and sugar, my body relaxed.

What did they do to my poor mate?

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