《The Human Luna》Part 22


As soon as everyone gets up from the table, I do the same, only to remember my legs are still jello.

Ryder stands up, shifting me so I'm turned towards him again. I grumble under my breath.

He seems overjoyed to carry me around like an infant. It makes me look weak. My mom always told me to not appear weak.

I'm also not used to all the lovey-dovey touching. It makes me slightly sad because it reminds me of my mommy.

I see Ryder looking down at me with a hurt expression when I try to get of his grip once he's sat me on his lap again.

I'm completely shocked when he let's me sit beside him. I look back at him. Did I make him mad? That thought gives me a stomach ache.

I see Damien pull his shirt over his head then hand it to a very happy looking Bryli. She then skips towards a room.

When Selena sees this she turns back to Ethan with a cheeky smile. Ethan smirks playfully before pulling of his shirt and handing it to her.

Rylin is already on Nate's lap in that recliner chair, like this morning. I see Ryder looking deep in thought.

"Ryder? Are you okay?" I ask him quietly. He nods and smiles but it looks really sad. I'm about to call him out for lying when the girls come back.

Each are in their mates oversized shirt and I see Selena's wearing a pair of spandex shorts.

Bryli jumps on Damien's back and he groans into the pillow. She flops down and snuggles in.

Selena goes and sits in between Ethan's outspread legs. When she sits down, her mate presses a kiss to the top of her head before wrapping his arms around her.


Everyone looks at us and I feel nervous as they narrow their eyes from me then Ryder.

All the sudden their eyes turn glassy, almost like they have tears in them, and they look at Ryder expectantly.

"What!" Rylin explains out loud and now I know they were mind linking. I'm slightly frustrated that I can't hear their conversation.

Bryli shakes her head and turns to me. "Mar, do you hate Ryder?" The question shocks me.

"No!" I blurt out before I can think straight. I look at Ryder and see he visibly relaxes.

"Bear! Why do you think I hate you!?" I ask in destress. Turning towards him. He just shakes his head, telling me.

"I didn't think that Mariah." I can tell he's still upset about something because he used my full name.

I frown and lean forwards, taking a risk I press my lips to each of his cheeks, then where his unibrow would be if he had one.

I pull back and give him a smile before sinking back into his side. He seems better now. His arms are on the couch behind us and I'm under his armpit.

"What movie are we watching?" Bryli asks everyone.

"Disney!" Rylin calls. Everyone agrees.

"Which one?" Bry asks. My friends all look at me.

"I don't know!" I tell them. They look deep in thought.

"What about the Jungle Book? The live action one?" Selena pipes up.

Everyone agrees but I stay silent. I don't know what that is. My friends all look at me.

"I don't care, I don't know what that movie is." I tell them. Every single one of them looks shocked.

"WHAT! That's an original! Like Beauty and the Beast! And Wall-E!" Again I'm left blank. I sort of remember Belle but I have know idea what "Wall-E" is.


I tell all my friends this and they seem so sad. Ryder growls and pulls me closer to him. I try to reassure them but it falls on deaf ears.

Bryli turns on The Jungle Book and it seems pretty good so far. Halfway through I can feel my eyelids droop.

I rubbed my eyes and let out a huge yawn and decide to close my eyes for just a second.

"What if she rejects us?"

"What if she doesn't love us?"

"What if she is scared of us?"

Questions like these have been swarming my head all throughout the movie. I can see Mar staring at the TV intently.

It pains me to think she's never had this kind of stuff. What did they do to my little, helpless, mate?

All the sudden I hear an adorable yawn and I see Mariah's eyes close. She's been in and out of sleep for a couple minutes now, but I know for sure she's fully asleep now.

"Okay what's wrong?" Selena asks, pausing the movie. I can tell she's been waiting for Mar to fall asleep so she can figure it out.

Everyone turns to me. I groan. They already know! They bothered me in mind-link until I told them. Then they asked Mar if she hated me.

I'm happy that she said no and I got kisses but still.

"I just- what if she's scared of me!?" I ask one of my many worries out loud.

Everyone rolls their eyes. Selena gets up and walks towards me.

"I want you to move away from her." My short friend demands. I immediately growl and hold my mate's body closer.

"Ryder just trust me." Selena says through a sigh. I debate but eventually scoot over a couple feet. Mar turns away and snuggles into the corner of the couch.

"Watch" Lina tells me. I raise my eyebrows and look at Mar. I'm completely suprised when her face scrunches up.

A couple seconds later and she whimpers. It breaks my heart. I move forwards, only to be stopped by Selena's hand.

Mar whimpers again before turning and laying down where my body should've been.

"Go back now." Sel tells me and I breath in relief and scooch back over to my sleeping mate.

As soon as I'm near her she shocks the fuck out of me by coming and snuggling into my side completely.

I can't help the huge smile that spreads across my face.

"See Alpha? She's just not used to the normalness of werewolf touching. Her body still craves yours though." My friend exclaims to me while going back to cuddle with Ethan.

I take a breath of air and growl. Mariah barely smells like me anymore. I sit up and pull my shirt over my head.

Then, I lay back on the couch and pull my mate down ontop of me. Pillows are under my head comfortably and Mar's head's on my bare chest.

I see a small smile fall on her face when I wrap my arms around her. Soft breathes leave her parted mouth and I can't help but stare at her in awe.

I lay my tshirt ontop of my sleeping mate and pull her up higher on me, so my face can reach her neck.

When it does I let out a breath and snuggle into her, savoring this comfortable moment with my little mate.

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