《The Human Luna》Part 21


When I finish my cereal, Ryder gets up and walks to the living room. I see that Ethan and Selena are just walking down the stairs.

Ryder sits down and I scooch off him. He growls and picks me up, like I'm a feather, and plops me back on him.

I roll my eyes and try to get away. He wraps his huge arms around my shoulder, his biceps efficiently trapping my arms.

His face goes to my neck from behind and I squirm. I hear Ryder groan from behind me and I blush red.

"Damn, Ryder stop torturing the poor girl! She can sit by herself!" Selena comes to my rescue.

Ryder just growls into my skin. Ethan comes up and sits down with his mate, pulling her to his side.

"Ugh, why are you all so touchy! You back there! I'm fine let me go!"

Ryder's chuckle vibrates my whole body.

"Here, if you can get away, I'll let you go." Ryder says, smirking. My mouth drops open.

"But! I- that's not fair!" I say. He just raises his eyebrows.

"Fiiiiiinnnneeee, but the girl's have to do it with me. It'll make me feel better when they escape."

All the boys chuckle. Stupid cocky werewolves. Ryder looks around and everyone nods.

My friends shift so all the girls are on the guy's laps. When we're ready, each guy has their arms wrapped around the girl's stomachs.

Ryder only has one arm around my torso and I'm not that I'm complaining.

"Ready? 3....2....1....GO!" My captor yells. Immediately, all the girls go for their arms, pulling, and squirming.

I grab Ryder's wrist and pull with alot of strength.


He didn't even fudging flinch.

Just then I hear a groan from across the room.

Stupid challenge.

All the she-wolves know that the male wolves are stronger than them. My little mate thinks they'll escape? Nope.

Even Selena, who's got Alpha blood, can't fight Ethan. It's impossible to hurt your mate, but also the werewolf culture is just based off of males being stronger.

"Dude who agreed to this! Selena won't stop squirming!"

Ethan complained.

"Man, I agree. This is it's own type of torture."


That was Nate.

I hear Damien groan across the room and see Bryli's purposely grinding on him.

"Bad." Damien scolds his mate while holding up a finger at her face. Bryli doesn't stop.

I can see she's slowly slipping out of his grip. Just then I feel Mar's ass brush up against me and I bite my lip.

"Dam, she's getting away from you."

I tell my friend, not wanting to loose this challenge.

"Not for long."

I can tell Ryder's not even paying attention to me thrashing and that makes me more frustrated.

I sit back, trying to get a better grip when I feel him tense. I look up and see he's biting his lip.

Maybe I should use Bryli's method. I can tell she's doing sinful things over there, I can also tell she's getting away.

All the sudden i here a yelp. I snap up to Bryli and see she's desperately trying to get Damien's head away from her neck.

I can tell know just how much stronger the boys are now.

"Guys help!" She pleads. I try harder to get away but nothing works. I wonder what's so important about her neck.

It seems like Damien's done with the playing because he traps Bryli's arms with one of his and pulls the tshirt, that's probably his, down her shoulder.

"No! No! No!" Bry exclaims desperately. "That's cheating Damien!"

He just chuckles and pulls the shirt down more. Then I see what he's reveling.

Her mark.

When it's in full view Damien leans down. Bryli squirms with what seems like all her might. Nothing.

Damien closes his eyes for a second before lining up his two canine teeth with the puncture wounds and biting her!

As soon as his teeth come in contact with her skin, Bryli shivers. I hear her sigh and then Damien smirk.

"Are you done fighting baby?" A voice whispers in my ear. I jump slightly at the sudden pleasure.

"Never" I challenge. He shrugs and leans back. Seeming pretty comfortable.

Little Fudger

I lean back, enjoying the pride I get knowing Mar can't escape. She looks at me in shock.

"What?" I ask her. Her mouth opens and closes a few times, making her look like a little fish.


"I- how are you guys this strong?!" I laugh, as do all the boys.

"The Moon Goddess made us extremely strong so we could protect our mates and pups." Damien says.

Bryli has turned around and is now snuggling with her mate while Damien runs her back.

I have to admit, using her mark was pretty smart. I can tell Ethan and Nate are getting hard with their mates squirming around.

Mar's not helping me at all. She's staying on the edge of my knees, but when she leans back she'll know.

"Don't you dare!" I hear Selena scream. I look up and see Ethan slowing capturing her arms.

"No! That's cheating! No marks aloud!" Ethan completely ignores her and moves his tshirt away from her body.

When Selena's shoulder is bare he leans down and nips it. Not nearly hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough for Selena's eyes to flutter cold.

Her body immediately relaxes and she melts into him. Ethan is grinning triumphantly.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Nate about to do the same. But just before he can, Rylin gives up and leans back into him. Nate seems content with the submission because he kisses her head.

I notice Mar stopped moving. I look down to see her scanning the room. All the she-wolves gave in.

"You ready to give up?" I whisper in her ear. She leans back slightly before shooting forward. For a second it surprises me, but not nearly enough for me to loose my grip on my mate.

"Now you see" I tell her. "The boys used their marks as a way to calm down their mates. Usually it's only for rage situations but you can see the affect it has."

I place my lips on her neck and she shivers. I turn her around, so Mar's straddling me.

"R-Ryder?" She asks breathily. I hum against her skin. Leaving open-mouthed kisses all along her neck and jaw.

"My mark, would go right........." I search her skin for the perfect spot, when I find it I say. "Here" before nipping it slightly.

She let's out a faint moan that doesn't help my situation down there at all. I pull her forwards and Mar's crotch lands right on mine.

I can't help the groan that slips through my lips.

"Bear? You might want to go fix that" Mariah suggests.

"Will you help?" I whisper to her, a cocky smile on my face. She shakes her head, chuckling.


"So you guys are super fast right?" Mar asks from my lap. We're currently eating dinner of pizza while Mar tries to figure out more about werewolves.

"Yup" Damien says before shoving a piece of pizza in his mouth.

"And strong, and all of our senses are enhanced." Ethan adds with a proud grin.

My mate nods. I put her my face in her neck, craving her smell.

"And why do you guys do that?" Mar says pointing at my head. Everyone chuckles.

"That's because you mate's smell can calm your wolf and you. The neck part is just because your scent is the strongest."

Bryli speaks up. Mariah nods again.

"And when a boy marks his mate they get a telepathic ability?"

"Minklink" I remind Mariah. "And yes"

"Will I be able to do it?" Mar asks me excitedly. I chuckle and kiss her head.

"Yes baby, you'll be able to mind-link with me." She beams when she hears this.

"And you can somewhat feel my emotions along with read my mind if I leave the link open?"

"Yup" Rylin pipes up, telling my curious mate.

I finish my 5 piece of pizza. Mariah's only had 2.

"Is that all your having?" I ask her concerned.

"Yah, I dont know where you guys hide all the food you eat." We all burst out laughing. Werewolves eat alot more than humans.

"You guys wanna watch a movie?" Bryli asks. All of my friends agree and happily walk towards the couch.

I pick up Mariah and she grumbles. When I sit down, she tries to push off me again. It was funny at first but now me and Luca are worried that Mariah actually doesn't like our touch.

That thought makes me wanna cry.

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