《The Human Luna》Part 17


I groan. Trying to turn around on my bed.



I go to jump up with something is wrapped around my torso stopping me. All the memories come rushing back.

Getting home.

Getting beaten

Welcoming death.

But, this isn't death.

This is warm and comfy and safe. Maybe I'm in heaven?

I feel something tickle my necks. I open my eyes and see a bare chest.

Definently a man's. I look up and see the silky hair of one person.


Gasping I try to pull back but his grip doesn't slip on my body. Wait a second.

Shouldn't I be in pain?

I look down and see there's not a single scratch on my skin and I feel really good.

All the sudden I feel Ryder shifting and I hold my breath. Hoping he wakes up. He doesn't. His face is in my neck and I feel his warm breathes dancing across my skin.

Both of his tree-trunk like arms are securely looping around my torso. I push against his firm chest in attempt to get away but nothing happens.


I huff in frustration, needing to go to the bathroom. The squeezing of Ryder's grip doesn't help my situation at all.

I feel vibration go through my body and I swear somebody was laughing. I feel the breathes on my neck dissapear and I look up.

Ryder's diamond eyes catch mine and my breathe catches. He's absolutely gorgeous.

He smirks and leans back down to my hear.

"Goodmorning baby" The husky, deep voice makes my thighs clench and pleasure to flood into my system.

"Hi" I croak out breathily, like a frog would after he ran a marathon. I blush crimson red and hide my head back in the bare chest in front of me. He's strangely comforting and this safety I'm feeling in his arms is amazing.


Another chuckle sounds and the deep vibrations of Ryder's body stretch into me. I gasp.

"Oh my god, your so fucking adorable little mate." His voice is still sleepy and I can feel myself shiver. Damnit.

He backs up which causes me to whimper involuntarily at the loss of his skin. I must be going insane. I'm never touchy.

"Oh it's okay, you're not going anywhere." I suck in a breath. He pulls me impossibly closer.

I feel his huge hands trail down my body. I shiver in pleasure as the tingles invade my body, all going straight to my core.

They land on my thighs and he hauls me up until I'm resting on his shoulder. My head towards his neck. He kisses my temple. I close my eyes at the feeling.

His hands draw slow circles on my bare thig- holy.



I jump up and pull the covers off to see I'm in my underwear and bra, my body only covered by a long black tshirt that has ridden up my body to my waist.

I look back at Ryder to see him staring at my legs, his eyes growing a couple shades darker.

He growls and pulls me back to the bed. I fall and he crawls on top of me. I gasp when I feel his hand pinning my hip down.

"You know Mariah, if you don't get under these covers right now, I might not be able to control myself."

The lust in his voice makes me wet. He nips my ear after and I sigh in pleasure.

"Mariah" He groans, frustrated. I feel him lean down on me, still holding his weight but enough where I can feel every part of him on me.

"Ryder!" I whisper-scream.

"I told you" Ryder murmurs into my ear before inhaling deeply.


The huge bulge on my thigh is not going unnoticed by either one of us and the mere thought of his friend makes me turn tomato red.

"Ar-are you sniffing me?" I ask Ryder trying to distract myself from the extremely dirty imagines that are swirling around my mind.

"Yes, it calms my wolf and you smell so fucking good sweetheart" This is the weirdest thing anyone has ever said to me but when it comes from Ryder's lips it makes me flustered and I have to clench my thighs.

I feel his member twitch at the sudden movement in my legs and I feel a smirk on my neck where Ryder's mouth is.

"Do I make you flustered little mate?" Ryder teases me. Slowly kissing my neck up and down.

I can't answer because of the pleasure that he's inflicting on me. A breathy sound comes from my mouth and he chuckles.

Just as I thought it couldn't get any better, Ryder's lips graze over one spot, by the top of my collarbone, where my shoulder meets my neck.

A moan escapes my mouth before I can stop it. I go to move my hand to cover my mouth but Ryder takes my wrists and pulls them over my head.

"Found it" He says triumphantly before he continues his devilish assault on that one spot.

Nipping, licking, sucking and kissing that one spot over and over. I'm a moaning mess under him and I hate the fact that he can make me like this so easily.

Ryder seems to enjoy my state and his power alot.

"Ryder" I whine. A low growl comes from his lips.

"Say it again" He demands. Pink lips centimeters form mine.

I lean up and whisper in his ear. "Ryder"

Next thing I know I'm pushed back down and Ryder's mouth falls on mine. I instantly kiss back. The insane amount of pleasure I'm getting from it extremely overwhelming.

He quickly dominates the kiss and I feel myself passionatly kissing him back. He slides his tongue along my swollen lip and I open my mouth without struggle.

He grunts in approval of my actions and explores my mouth. His tongue gliding around mine has me moaning again.

I pull away to breathe and he puts his forehead on mine. His look shows pure adoration and gentleness it shocks me for a second.

The last time I had gotten this look was 8 years ago, from my mother. He pecks my lips once more before rolling off me.

He turns to his side and pulls me towards his chest. My back's away from him now so he's spooning me. I feel so tiny compared to him.

I snuggle into him which earns me a growls of satisfaction from him. The tingles still present I look at him.

"Ryder I want to get up." He hums into my neck before pulling away and looking at me with a smile.

I take that as a que and start to pull when he growls and yanks me back to his extremely toned body.

I gasp at the sudden movement.

"Ryder!" I accuse in a scolding tone.

"Sorry little one but I've been waiting for you to be in my arms for to long. Go back to sleep." He tells me then puts his face back below my face.


"Sleep" He demands in a powerful voice and I can feel tiredness flood my senses. What the fudge.

"Good girl" Ryder smugly praises me, before I fall into a comforting, safe oblivion

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