《The Human Luna》Part 16



That's all I felt.

I wanted the darkness to swallow me whole the pain was so intense.

But life wasn't that kind. Instead my eyes open.


The colour that covered me, and the floors. The walls and destroyed furniture.

Blood was everywhere.

My blood.



I stood at my door until Ryder left, then I ran around the back of my house. Climbing up my tree I slid through my window.

I breathed a sigh of relief but it was to early.

I turned around. There they were. All 4 of them. Drunk and holding some kind of tool.


A bat.

A cigarette.

A glass beer bottle.

My own father stood there with pure hate in his eyes. My destroyed room had the odor of alcohol and I almost gagged.

"WHERE WERE YOU BITCH!" Dan screamed. Grabbing my hair and pulling me towards a chair.

It had ropes. I was thrown into the chair and each person started tieing me up. I screamed and thrashed but I just got a backhand to the face.

They had never hit me in the face before. Once I was immobile Sara started speaking, well slurring.

"You fucking bitch! I told you to stay away from Ryder! He's my boyfriend! But what did you do? You fucking skipped the whole fucking day to hang out with him!"

With that I felt the bat slam into my stomach. I screamed. Another hit.

Everything was blurry. My right eye was glued shut because of the bat hitting me.

Cigarette burns littered my thighs and cuts gushing blood were sliced all up my arms.

The bat had breaken at least 4 of my ribs and I could barely breathe. The beer bottle had smashed onto my head. The oozy marron liquid dripped into my eyebrows and lashes.

Metallic scented the room but I couldn't care less. While my body was being beaten and destroyed like my room had been the other day, my heart and mind sucked in the words they were saying.


"Kill yourself"

"No one loves you"

"Ryder is messing with you. How could he like a pathetic bitch"



"You should've died instead of your mother."

"She would be so disappointed in you"

"I hate you"

"Keep your fucking legs closed you desperate hoe"

They rung in my head until I believed them. I believed every single word they said.

I felt the knife slide into my skin, caressing it like the blade would with butter.

I welcomed death with open arms. I wanted to be done. I wanted to be with my mom.

What had I done to possibly deserve this?

My last thought before my body shut itself down. Unable to keep up with the torture.

(End of Flashback)


School. I was excited. I got to see Mariah. I was gonna convince her to come and live with me and our friends.

"Common lover boy!" Bryli yelled at me as I fixed my hair for the 17 time this morning.

"Coming!" I screamed back. Then I jumped down all the stairs. Everyone looked at me in disbelief.

Maybe it was because I was bouncing on my toes and my smile was ear to ear so wide my lips were about to crack.

"Damn, she's got you good bro" Ethan teases me. I try to glare at him but my smile won't fall.

"Hurry the fuck up!" I push and everyone gets in the car. Once we reach the school I stumble out and sniff the air. Desperately trying to find my mate's amazing scent.

It wasn't there. Immediatly I was on alert. For the first time since last night my smile vanished.

I ran at an inhuman speed up to the school and growled.

"Has anyone seen Mariah, or the barbie twins?!" I get a couple snickers but I don't focus on that. I'm to damn scared.

Where's my little mate!?!?


"She's not fucking here. She's not here. Do you think she's hurt? She's hurt I'm going to her house."


I don't even wait for a response before I'm in the car. I turn on the engine and all the doors. I'm shocked when all my friends get in, looking determined.

"What? You didn't think we'd come if out Luna could be in danger?" Selena asks me dumbly.

I just shake my head and drive all the way to Mar's house. As soon as I pull in front of the house I smell it.


A growl bursts from my lips and I dash to the door.

I knock so hard the door creaks back.


I burst through the door and am welcomed be the gag-worthy odor of sweat, alcohol and blood.

I also smell something else.

Lemons and sugar.


"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" An overweight old man screams at us his voice rough with sleep.

"WHERE IS SHE!" I scream. My Alpha aura floods the house and my friends lower their heads in submission.

"Daddy make it stop" the most bitchy voice whines. She gets up holding her head. Makeup is smudged everywhere and her clothes are covered in blood.

I can't help it I jump over the couch and grab that plastic bitch by her throat. Wide awake now she claws at my hand, trying to get me to release.

"Where the fuck is Mariah" I snarl. Just then an evil smirk slides onto her face.

"That bitch got what she deserved last light baby."

I don't think. Squeezing I snap her neck. She falls to the ground.


"SARA!" An older lady with a bra on screams and runs up.

"You killed my daughter for a whore like that bitch! Curse you, you fucking dick! Your going to jail! I'm gonna personally kill that bitc-"



I go over to the other twin and grab her in her sleep. Bathing in the bliss of the sweet crack her weak neck makes.

Mar's father is up against the wall shaking in his pants.

"Loo-ook M-mar-Mariah's my daughter! I love her! You already took away my family let me take her! I lov-"

"DONT YOU FUCKING SAY THAT!" I scream as I grab his neck. His while demeanor changes and he grins evily.

"Good kill me because I hate that fuckig disappointment so much I would save her just so I could torture her all over again."

With that I laugh a dark, scary chuckle.

"I'm not gonna kill you. I'm gonna leave you in my basement and torture you so bad until your life hangs on a thread, then I'm going to do it again and again until-"

I pause for a dramatic effect and see that the fuckers face is completely white and he's shaking. I lean in and whisper in his ear.

"You'll be begging for me to kill you"

"NO! Please! Please! I'm sorry! Let me go! I'm so-" I punched him so hard he blacked out.

"Take him to the house Nate and Rylin. Lock him in the cellar. Try to keep him away from everything. I dont want parasites."

They nod and grab the man. I instantly climb the stairs 4 at a time and brake doors. Nothing.





"MARIAH!" I scream in horror.

She's red. There's blood everywhere. Her blood. My mate's blood.

I run to her and gently take her broken body in my arms. I can tell she's barely alive.

"EVERYONE CALL THE WITCH!" I scream as I take my mate back downstairs.

Selena and Bryli burst into tears at the sight of their Luna and the boys are craving blood.

We all jump into the car and rush to the witch's house.

Stay with me my little mate. Please Mariah.

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