《The Human Luna》Part 8


"Luna!" Lily cried, jumping into my mates arms. Mariah whimpered and I stepped forward.

What happened!?

I was about to make Lily get off but Mar wrapped her arms around the young pup's waist and Lily visibly relaxed.

Mariah started humming a soft tune. I melted at the silkiness of her voice. I could see my friends relax from their Luna too.

I was hoping my mate wouldn't notice the names we were called. After a silent 5 minutes Lily pulled back.

"Thank you Lu-" I growled. Whoops.

Mariah whipped around her head to look at me and raised her eyebrows.

"Now that was not a cough" She accused. Damn it. I was able to hide my growls with coughs yesterday but Luca wasn't allowing it anymore.

"Are you okay Lily!" Bryli asked. Running up to her sister.

"Yah I'm okay now Li" Lily told her.

"What the fuck was happening here?" I snarled at the three Blood Moon pack members.

"Uhh, we didn't know you to would find out! We thought it was just her!" One squeaked. Weak.

I punched the one. Nate, and Damien did the same to the others. I saw Mariah looking at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked her, worried. She was close enough where I could grab her forearm and pull her against me.

Oh how I wanted to do that.

"Nothing" She tried to lie. I knew she wanted me to drop it but I couldn't. It physically pained me to not help her.

My skin itched when I wasn't near her and I knew it was just a matter of time before it started to burn.

I would need to touch her, and it wouldn't stop until I marked her. But then again, it wouldn't totally go away.


I would always want to touch her.

"What's wrong?" I asked again. More urgently. Mariah sighed.

"I just- did you really need to hurt them? Like we're being no better than them by hitting the boys back."

Oh little mate. You are so adorable.

"It's okay sugar, they deserved it." I heard her heart rate pick up like always when I used a nickname for her.

Just as we were walking back to the cafeteria, the bell rang. I saw Mariah shiver again.

She really wasn't good with the cold. I was just about to grab onto her, to warm her when she called "See you guys!" And jogged off.

I was gonna follow her but the two cake-face twins came up to me. One of them touched me and my body stung under her hand.

She was the one that was wearing my hoodie. I hated my scent was on her. I could tell my pack was angry too. Apparently these were Mariah's step sisters.

The ones who were glaring at her. I didn't want to cause trouble so I pushed past her, specifically avoiding her gross body from touching mine.

I walked to class and sat down. I just wanted to hold Mariah.

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