《The Human Luna》Part 7


I was in my last class. It was PE. I was standing in the gym listening to the teacher rant on and on about safety my thoughts started to wander.

To Ryder.

His diamond eyes

His strong build

His cinnamon-y smell

The sparks that ignited my body when I touched him

And his lips.

Oh how I wanted to kiss him. And this was crazy because I never wanted to touch anyone. Finally after 1 hour of the useless information I went back to my locker.

I entered the girls bathroom and took off Ryder's sweet smelling hoodie off. Replacing it with my boring scratchy one I sighed. Just then i heard two annoying voices.

Sara and Sophie. They were glaring at me during lunch.

"Slut I swear of you don't get out here" I quickly complied, not wanting a beating.

"Why the fuck are you all over Ryder? He's mine. And why were you were sitting at their table!? That was supposed to be us you ungrateful whore! Stay away from Ryder or I'll make your life a living hell here too."

With that i felt a swift punch to my gut. I fell and they kicked my arms, legs and ribs until I was sobbing silently.

I watched helplessly as Sara took the sweatshirt from my hand and slipped it over her perfect blonde curls. She fixed her lipstick before heading out.

I dragged myself up and cried out in oain as an excruciating burn ripped its way through my torso. I choked on a sob and hobbled out of the bathroom.

I was just abou to leave when I saw Ryder. I quickly fixed my limp so I looked uninjured and slowly walked over to the door. The beautiful boy grabs my wrist gently and smiles.

"See you tomorrow?" I almost turned into a puddle of goo at his feet. I looked up at him and nodded. Then smiled. He seemed to believe me. I started walking out. Feeling the guilt start to eat me away slowly.





"Noooooo" i groaned at the alarm. Reluctantly, I got up and hissed in pain. Slower this time i got up and went to the shower. The heat soothes my raging bruises. The lemon scent calmed me slightly.

When I was done i dressed in sweatpants and a loose new hoodie. I wanted Ryder's back. That stupid Sara had it though. When I was done my morning routine, I opened the window and groaned in pain as i slid down the tree.


Then I started walking.

I made it to school on time this time and I saw Ryder standing out front with everyone else. A smile immediately took over my face when his diamond eyes met mine.

He jogged forward "Hi Mar!" He greeted cheerily. I giggled. "Hi Ry." I told him.

It was a perfect moment....until it wasn't. I heard loud, obnoxious music blast threw the speakers of the devil twin's car. Of course Sara walked out in Ryder's hoodie. Alot of the students glared at her.

She came waltzing over to me and Ryder, completely ignoring me. "Hey babe" She purred, grabbing MY Ryder's biceps. I don't know why but the idea of another girl touching him made me sick.

"Why are you wearing my hoodie? Ryder asked, painfully calmly. "This thing? Oh it was in my closet. Is it yours?"

That demon fake gasped. I saw Ryder's face morph into an angry one and the twins both took a step back.

"Get my fucking sweater off your STD covered body and go take a shower." Everyone watched, waiting to see if Sara would dare to disobey this angry boy's orders.

She screams and stomps off. Ryder grabs my hand and drags me inside. He takes us to a secluded hallway and hugged me. I was shocked at first, the last time i was hugged was 5 years ago by somebody's mom.

I huge his torso back and he stuffs his head in my neck. I gasp slightly but Ryder stays still.

I hear him breathing heavily and his body's really hot. I try and pull back but Ryder's chest vibrates and he brings me closer than last time.

"Ryder I need to see if your sick" I soothed to him, running my fingers through his silky hair.

He hums. If it was any other person who tried to hug me I would've pushed them away instantly but for some reason I felt completely and utterly safe with him.

The pleasurable tingles I get when he touches me doesn't help. It's like my body is trying to get me to touch his.

Finally he exhales heavily and pulls back.

"Why did that bitch have my sweatshirt" Ryder asks me.

Oh shoot.

What if he doesn't want me after this. My stupid stepsister stole it and they beat me everyday. I am having a hard time not crying out in pain from you hugging me right now.

Was what I wanted to say but instead "I put it in the laundry so it would be clean but she probably took it out thinking it was mine. I'm so sorry I promise I won't take your clothes again."


At the end my eyes were so full of tears everything was blurry and my voice was cracking.

"Hey, hey, it's okay! I'm not mad! Don't care I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you! It's okay sweetheart it's okay."

When he said he didn't mean to scare me I broke down into heavy sobs. My whole body was shaking and I was beyond mortified. I hadn't cried in front of anyone in years.

This boy brought my emotions to their peak. Ryder came forwards and hugged me. I sighed in content when he wrapped his huge arms around me.

Ryder took this as a sign and pulled me closer. He whispered soothing words in my ear.

I was so embarrassed. My sobs had turned into sniffles. Ryder pulled back and searched at my face.

I looked down in shame. He just pulled my head up saying.

"Hey hey, none of that" My eyelashes were spiky and my cheeks were red. I probably looked like a mess.

Ryder just looked at me in awe though and wiped my tear stained face with his thumbs.

"There we go Kitten" I felt my heart leap at the nickname. He smiled as if knowing it did and leaned down.

His lips connected with my forehead and I closed my eyes at the touch. He was addictive.

"Should we go to class?" Ryder asked. I nodded and gave him a smile. He didn't tease, or insult my tears. He even seemed worried.

All throughout the day Ryder was at my side. When he had other classes he would always be at the door to drop or pick me up.

I had never had this much love in years. It was refreshing from the normal hate I got.

We were in the cafeteria and I was eyeing Bryli and Damien. She was in his lap. I think its alittle wierd but everyone around doesnt even notice.

Actually every single table has one couple like my friends. I see out of the corner of my eye Rylin push her chair back and stand in front if Nate.

He smiled and set her on his lap, where she snuggled in and closed her blue eyes.

"You know, I'm still here if you want" I hear the husky whisper in my ear. I turn and come face to face with Ryder.

He is sitting the same way as yesterday. Hand patting his knee, chair turned towards me.

I blushed bright red and he laughed. I didn't deny him because it would've been nice. He was always like a movable heater.

I was freezing. Shivering, I quickly tried to stop it but it was to late. Ryder looked seriously worried. "Are you cold?" He asked me.

I shook my head but another skake vibrated my body. He got up, towering a good foot and a half over me. I barely reached his collarbone, the top of my head just met it.

"Common kitten" He told me. I smiled slightly at the pet name but shook my head.

"I-I'm f-f-fine" Damn. Stupid stuttering. Ryder's eyebrows furrowed further.

"No common I'll get you my hoodie" I shook my head frantically. When I came home yesterday Sophie and Sara beat my stomach black and blue.

Their were no broken bones but definitely bruised to a max.

"Are we still up for the movie tonight?" Bryli asked everyone. The whole table immediatly responded with a round of yeses.

I didn't know if I would be able to sneak out tonight. Dan had screamed at me for embarrassing Sara to the point where my ears hurt.

Before I could respond, two freshman girls, about an inch taller than me, came barreling in.

I instantly shot up. I almost groaned out of pain but held it in.

"LUNA! ALPHA! Our friend! She's getting hurt!" One cried out. I ignored what she called out before and ran out of the cafeteria.

I followed the girls, clenching my teeth in excruciating pain. I heard a couple mocking voices then a thump.

I have always had a problem with people hurting others, but with certain people here, I go into mamma bear mode.

"STOP IT!" I scream at the boys were hurting the small girl. They all scrambled back at my voice and I rushed up to the girl.

"Are you okay?" I asked, kneeling down. I faintly heard a conversation in the background but was any focused on the girl.

"Luna!" She sobbed, jumping into my arms. I tried with all my might but I couldn't hold back a small whimper that escaped my lips.

She was pressing on my poor stomach. Everyone's heads snapped to mine but I just rubbed her back as she took shuddering breathes.

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