《Cold Night Boy (Larry au; BDSM)》~ 24 ~


Is there anything specific you guys like in this fanfic and that you want me to write more often? Whether it be Harry cute, Harry rough, Louis in his headspace, anything? Tell me/ give me feedback what you enjoy so I can !:)

~ two days later ~

"Niall, you gotta look after him, okay? He can have friends over and whatever but please, I don't want anyone damaging my stuff at a wild house party," Harry flicked his eyebrow up before he laughed, "but Louis isn't one for parties, isn't he?"

The older man smiled gently down at Louis and ruffled his hair as he pouted and looked down. He was going to miss daddy lots..

"We'll manage, Harry, don't worry." Niall muttered and smiled patting Harry's shoulder gently as the curly lad looked from Niall to Louis and back. "Okay.. It's an important meeting, I wouldn't fly all the way over to New York if it wasn't. I'll be available on Skype," Harry sighed and zipped his coat up.

"You will miss Louis' first football match tomorrow though.." Niall pursed his lips before he chuckled and looked at Louis whose lower lip wobbled heavily, "hey but I'll be there okay? And I'm going to record you scoring your first goal so you can show Harry.." Niall smiled and stroked over the younger boy's hair.

He didn't know that Louis sometimes went into his headspace, he just thought that the boy was very petite and fragile. Girlish. But Niall had no problem with that at all.

Harry's eyes flickered to Louis before he sighed.

"Will you give us a moment, Niall?" Harry smiled gently and knelt down in front of Louis who sniffled and looked away, not wanting to cry in front of Harry. "Hey, baby boy.. Don't be sad. Daddy will be back in a few days, okay? You can call or text me whenever you want to," Harry murmured and curled a hand around Louis' neck, pressing his lips to Louis' forehead.

"I-I'll miss y-you," Louis hiccuped and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck, snuggling gently in there, "I wish you wouldn't have to go on that business trip for a week.." Louis exhaled slowly and swallowed.

"I'll be back as soon as possible, baby. Spend some time with your friends.. Have an eating contest with Niall. You really have to try to beat him in the Marshmallow- Challenge," Harry chuckled at Louis' confused face before he straightened himself up and brought the smaller boy to his chest, hugging him tightly.

"I love you, baby," Harry whispered and leaned down to press his lips lovingly onto Louis'. They've shared a lot of kisses this weekend. And every one that was following seemed to be even better.

"You can sleep in daddy's bed and wear my clothes, yeah? Don't be sad.. Daddy finds you best when you're smiling," Harry smiled and dipped down to kiss him again before he checked his watch and sighed.


"Yes baby?"

"I love you, more."


"Niall?" Louis trotted in the kitchen, hands shoved in his pockets as he looked up to the blonde Irish man, smiling softly. "Yeah, fella?" He raised an eyebrow and smiled gently.

"Well, first thanks for coming to my match tomorrow it means a lot," Louis blushed, "and second, what is the Marshmallow Challenge?"


The smirk that formed on Niall's lip was huge. He hummed and finished the two hot mugs of chocolate for them before he walked with Louis to the desk and sat down. "Harry told ya, eh? He can't beat me in that even though he has indeed a big mouth," Niall raised an eyebrow and pursed his lips.

His daddy indeed had a huge mouth. But Niall didn't need to know that. So Louis giggled and nodded, eager to find out about this Challenge. "Well, it's basically about who can stuff the most Marshmallows in their mouth. Do ye wanna try?" Niall grinned as Louis nodded his head slowly.

"But that's mean cause I don't have much practise," Louis ( who indeed had a little mouth practise over the past week) raised an eyebrow before Niall got up and grabbed a package of Marshmallows just as Louis' phone ringed.

"Oh, I forgot! It's Zayn and Liam.." Louis chewed on his lip and eyed Niall carefully who just smiled, "well, the more people, the more fun!"

Liam, Zayn, Louis and Niall ended up sitting around the desk, staring at each other with their mouths full of Marshmallows. Liam already lost and Louis did, too. His mouth was just small. Harry would have cooed at him. Louis sighed and looked up at Niall and Zayn with a soft blush.

"Looks like my boyfriend is going to beat you!" Liam squealed in excitement as Niall moved to shove another marshmallow in his mouth. It was indeed a little disgusting.

But suddenly Zayn spluttered with it and spit them out in a bucket, snorting. "Man, you're the real champ how do you even do that?" Zayn looked at Niall in disbelief who smirked and spit the Marshmallows into the bucket as well. "Well.. I just can. Seems like you gotta have to practise some more on Liam"

They all laughed before going for watching a football match. Usually, Louis would be happy and interested in it but he just didn't feel well because he missed Harry. Was he on the plane already? Louis didn't know anything about airports..

He looked over to Liam and Zayn cuddling and quickly blinked the building tears out of his eyes. He felt stupid, but he needed closeness. Louis looked up at Niall before he laid down and gently placed his head on Niall's lap, just gently resting it there.

Niall's finger gently moved to slip through the younger boy's hair but it didn't even feel weird. Just good and like home.


"Hey, Harry.. How are you?" Louis spoke quietly, cuddled up in Harry's bed once Zayn and Liam left and the film with Niall finished. Niall had trotted off to the spare room and had laid down there to sleep. Louis was still awake though, missing his boyfriend that was much older than him.

He tried phoning him but just the mail box went off, so he was talking on there feeling a little stupid.

"I um.. I had the marshmallow challenge with Louis, Zayn and Niall. But Niall won.. Mean, isn't it? Anyways I hope you have a good flight.. Bye bye, love you. Wish me luck for tomorrow." Louis hung up with a slight frown and turned around on his tummy, inhaling Harry's scent deeply until he stilled. He could surprise Harry for later when his phone connected to the internet again, right?


Louis blushed and swallowed turning on his back before he started the camera on his phone.

"Hello daddy!" He squealed and giggled shyly, blowing a kiss into the camera.

"Guess what I'm wearing.." Louis whispered and tugged his pyjama pants off, revealing the white Lace panties underneath it, "there daddy. Thought you might like them.. D-do you want me to get off for you? Was thinking about you.." Louis let a tiny moan escape his mouth as he gripped his cock underneath his panties.

"Feels lots better when you do it daddy.." Louis purred before he recorded himself wanking. He talked nasty while he recorded himself, wanting to please his daddy who'd hopefully watch it later.

Louis eventually came, furiously wanking to the memories of what Harry did to him and fell into a peaceful sleep afterwards. He did send that video off to Harry, though.

~ Monday ~

Niall gasped in awe and cheered Louis on who just took charge of the ball, playing around his enemy's team player, running before he shoot and- goal.

"Fuckin' heck man yas! That's my boy!" Niall clapped loudly and cheered, causing Louis' cheeks to flush lightly as he smiled shyly over to Niall who stood at the tribunes. Their game went well. And Louis just scored his first goal. He was just sad that Harry wasn't here to see him. He bet that Harry would have rewarded him in a very special way.

"Good job, man!" Liam patted Louis' shoulder and grinned, "the last five minutes are runnin' , c'mon", Liam nodded to the ball again before they ran again. They won 3:1 against their enemies.

"Geez, my boyfriend kicked ya in tha balls, looser!" Zayn snickered at the captain of the other team and grinned proudly at Liam who blushed madly, "it's just a game Zee." He whispered and leaned over to kiss his boyfriend's lips.

"Fuckin' faggots," the other one muttered causing Zayn to growl lowly and turn to the captain. Louis had bad memories of that term. "Fucking, what? Wanna repeat that again?" He rolled the sleeves of his pullover up, eyes narrowed dangerously at the guy with red hair. He wore an ugly nose piercing. It reminded Louis of a bull.

"Zayn, drop it please.. He isn't worth our time," Liam whispered and placed a hand on his boyfriend's arm, squeezing lightly as Zayn snorted and looked over at the brown haired boy. His eyes and face softened.

"Well, he's certainly not. And man I'm the happiest man alive with a hot boyfriend and fucking great sex, that is," Zayn threw a wink at the boy who just harassed them and wrapped an arm around Liam's waist walking with him and Louis off the field. Louis felt sad. He wanted an official relationship too. He didn't want to hide, he wanted Harry to do the same Zayn just did. Stand to their relationship open and proud. But maybe their relationship wasn't normal.

Louis trotted off to Niall after hugging the both of them and smiled weakly, "hello.."

"Good match, mate. That was awesome! Why aren't you happy?" Niall frowned lightly and looked worriedly down at Louis who sniffled softly, "I don't know. It's just sad that Harry isn't here. It was important to me. But business meetings are more important, right?" He whispered and looked down. He didn't understand. One can always have business meetings. Louis' first match was something special. Something that one could only experience one time.

"Hey, Lou. Don't be sad, I'm here, right? Harry would have been here if he could," Niall stroked over the smaller boy's hair who nodded sadly. "Yeah, you're right.. Let's just celebrate?"

He smiled weakly causing Niall to grin, "ay y'got the right lad for that," he winked and wrapped an arm around Louis' shoulders, "let's fetch a beer with the lads!"


It was already dark by the time Louis and Niall got home. Yet it was still around 6ish because in December everything's getting dark around 5 pm already.

"That was fun, man!" Niall chuckled and ruffled the younger boy's hair, tugging him to his side. "I really like you Louis," he smiled and kissed the boy's temple, "how neat would it be if we'd been brothers huh? You're like a little brother. The one I lost.." Niall chewed slowly on his lower lip causing Louis to frown.

"Well, we can pretend now? I'm up for that! It's fun together with you," Louis yawned and shrugged softly, shivering before he moved closer to Niall.

"Yeah, that would be nice," Niall hummed and smiled gently before his brows furrowed at the strange car that stood in their drive way. "Is Harry already back?" Niall squinted his eyes, "No.. That's not Harry's car. Are you waiting for someone?" Niall flickered his eyes over to Louis who shook his head slowly.

"No, you?" Niall swallowed hard. "No.. Let's sneak in the house through the back door," the blonde Irish man nudged the two to the side of the house, walking around slowly to unlock the back door and get inside. "Usually people are smart and don't try to break in here. Harry has a very good alarm system. One of the best.."

"Do you think they are house robbers?" Louis whispered and frowned lightly, immediately going to grip onto Niall's hand. "No, they wouldn't park so obviously in the drive way.. But maybe they thought no one would be home," Niall licked his lips.

They both jumped as the bell rung.

"And they usually wouldn't ring the fuckin' bell. Or maybe they just test if someone is home," Niall raised an eyebrow and moved to grab his baseball bat. "We should be good with that.." He whispered and sneaked with Louis clutching onto him to the front door, peeking through a little window.

"It's a woman," he said dumbfounded and placed the bat behind his back, "maybe it's a trap.." He laughed and looked down at Louis who did look a little pale, "nah I'm joking. Two strong men can defend this house against robbers, can't we?" He winked down at Louis who nodded unsurely.

"I-I think so?" He squealed shyly and cleared his throat, straightening up the best he could before Niall opened to door, revealing a small woman. They couldn't see much of her.

"Niall? L-Louis?"

Something painfully cringed inside of Louis. Inside of Niall, too. Was it possible?

"It's me, Jay. Your mother."

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