《Marvel Women One Shots》Part.2 The Winter Soldier - W.M


Let's just say the team wasn't happy when they found out she talked and couldn't tell them but after som convincing and some explanation most of them understood.

Another week past. She talked two more times one time when I was completely alone and one time when only Nat, Wanda and Maria were watching. I don't know why but she didn't seem to want to talk to any man except me for some reason

Her answers has been longer and she is acting more like a human with some emotions. Well at least a few once. I convinced Bruce to take her out of the bed she was strapped to so she is now walking around. She eats but very little and the same with drinking. Only water tho

I once again open her door slowly and walk in. She is sitting on her bed as I walk in. "Hi" I say and sit down on my usual chair. "I'm no doctor but I was told to look at the arm. Because well I had another metal arm before this one" I say showing her the one I got in Wakanda. "And that one wasn't good for you because of wires so I need to see if you need a new one"

I walk over to her slowly and she moves giving me space to sit down. I quickly look for the things Tony and Bruce told me to look for and then I say my good byes and leave


Let's just say she needed a new one. So me and Nat are taking her to Wakanda. Nat is flying and I am keeping her company and will probably do the taking

When we land y/n looks around confused before I start to lead her into the place after T'challa and a few guards. "Okey, what's the problem today brother" Shuri say was we walk in


"I need you to remove this arm and then we need a new one. Like Bucky's"

"Well sure" She say and I look at y/n

"She is going to change your arm. Okey? Not hurt you. You just have to trust her in this" She slight nods her head as she lay down on the table and Shuri goes to work


It felt nice with a new arm. The old was uncomfortable in the shoulder and the new one was cooler and more me.

We left Wakanda, I think it was called that, after four days to go back. I'm starting to warm up to people again. Bucky is really nice and the fact that we both have metal arms makes me kinda trust him

Then we have the women. I haven't talked to them but they are okey I guess but the men scare me. I don't have good experience with men and because of that I tend to either stay away or kill them and I don't enjoy the killing so it's usually the first said if I have an option

When we landed outside of the big white box again I was lead inside by Bucky we walked past a red man and a women on the way. The women seem scared of me which made me said not knowing why

Bucky lead me to a new room. One that looked more like a home. "I hope you like it. We decided to give you your own room so it feels more like home. I'm sorry we can't give you everything because you still need to ask for food and stuff" He say

"It's fine. I like it" I say picking up a book which was placed on a desk. He walked out behind Emma be closed the door. I could hear it lock so I sat down with the book in my hand and started ready happy that the bed at least was comfier


The room was quite nice actually. The theme was very and black which I liked. I was never the one for color. I had my own bathroom but I could see that it was restricted from things that could be use as weapons. I understand them. I have killed so it a responsible measurement.

The days pasted. At first I couldn't really see anyone but Bucky who gave me my food and sometimes a new book to read. After a week or two I got to leave the room to walk around the big white box we lived in. With Bucky of course

I then talked to Natasha I think her name was. She was nice but didn't show many emotions.

I few more days went. I got to train with Bucky and a girl named Maria took notes probably to talk about later with the others. She seemed nice to but once again pretty emotionless. It was at least nice to train again

The things I got to do slowly grew and grew and right now I was shooting with Nat. And she didn't talk much which I like. I have never been the one for conversations

"You are good you know" She said after we both had hit all eight bullets straight through the middle again

"Well I am an assassin after all"

"Ex-assassin. And welcome to the club"

We then ate in the kitchen having small talks here and there. I got to eat in the kitchen sometimes. It was at least a nice variation. But as we were eating the girl named Wanda walked in but quickly turned around when she saw me

We have never talked. I just know her name from Nat and Bucky telling me. She is really pretty but I would never admit it so it kinda hurts that she seem scared of me. "Do you know why she finds me scary" I am say out of the blue

"Wanda?" I just hm in response. "Well I think is because the day we found you. At the base. You pushed her up against a wall and chocked her. Bucky pushed you of just before she pasted out. She usually don't land in those situations because well her powers is next level strong but she said it just wasn't working"

"I'm sorry"

"I know you didn't mean it and would never do it now but she will warm up to you" After that I felt kinda bad. I had almost chocked her to death and now I was walking around in her house with out even apologizing

Well now I know what my next step is. Making at least one of my wrongs right

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