《Triplets (girlxgirl)》20- Day out



It was past three in the morning when a loud bang woke me up from my deep slumber. My head snapped up from Siana’s lap as I looked at the door. I felt my friend stir beside me as she opened her eyes to look at the commotion. My sisters walked into the apartment clothe less. Their bodies were full of dirt, scratches and cuts from the forest and probably from each other.

I sat up quickly and ran to get them some clean clothes. After they got dress I went into the kitchen to heat the leftover food from last afternoon. Jessica followed me in while Jimhaya sat beside Siana in the living room quietly talking to each other.

“Hey sis” Jess grinned. I continued doing my chore without answering. Sensing something was not right with me she walked around the counter “Hey what’s wrong?”

“How could you?” I said as I turned around and slammed my hands on the counter. My sister was looking at me with a shocked expression and completely confused to what I was referring. “Guess who came to say hello tonight? Dad. Imagine my surprised when I saw him sitting on the front steps. He said you told him where to find us. How long have you been talking to him?”

“The day before the tryouts” my sister replied.


“Because he is our father. I don’t know about you but I still love him.” Jess said angrily “In case you forgot, but he is family. Yes, I told him where to find you because he wanted to know how you were doing. Yes I started talking to him because I forgave him for his behavior. Damnit Jazzy, didn’t you see him? He needs us and I want him back into our lives”

I was speechless while my sister took a deep breath to calm herself. Siana and Jamie were looking at us from the sofa.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked her.

“Because you would have chosen Jamie over him, and you still do. I wouldn’t be able to convince you that dad is ready to change but I knew he had a chance.”

I passed my hands through my hair in exasperation. I mumbled a sorry before I embraced my sister tightly and she hugged with as much need. The ding of the microwave tore us apart and I looked into Jessica’s icy blue eyes. I got the warm plates from the microwave and placed them on the counter before my twins. Jessica told us about her and Jamie’s night in the forest and I told her about my encounter with dad.

“I almost forgot, mom is coming tomorrow, well, today, for a family shopping day” I said with a sly smile. My sisters groaned in fatigue.

“I have not seen mom in such a long time” Jess sighed. We all went to bed, Jess slept in my room and Siana slept in Jamie’s room.



Morning came fast. It was completely impossible to wake the other girls up so when mom arrived bright and early, I was the only one in the kitchen drinking coffee in my pajamas. She eyed me up and down disapprovingly before giving me her winning smile.

“Good morning sweetie” she said happily. She came to kiss my forehead before serving herself some coffee. “Nobody’s up?” I shook my head. “Okay then, we are going wait a little before waking those rascals up alright? Now tell me what’s new, I want to hear everything”

The girls slowly woke and joined us into the kitchen. Jessica was ecstatic to see mom again and even Jamie hugged her, which never happened before. We enjoyed our company while mom made breakfast and telling us the plan for the day.

“Can Siana come?” Jamie asked once we were ready to leave.

“Sure honey” she said patting Jamie’s hair.

“Well can – Jess started

“No” mom cut her off quickly. “I’m sorry but I’m trying to reconnect with my daughter and that will never happen if someone that hates her is constantly in the way. No offence, but Ren is not coming.”

With that she looped Jamie’s arm with hers and walked out of the door. Jess, Siana and I looked at each other before the latter and I burst laughing our heads off at Jess’s reaction to mom’s outburst. We all huddled into the car. Jess sat in front with mom and the talked the whole ride. Siana sat in the middle of the back seat.

We arrived at the shopping centre in no time at all. Once we got out of the car, we made our way to the doors. Mom dragged Jamie from shop to shop, asking all these questions about life and Siana followed them like a lost puppy. Jess and I followed behind but with distance. We tried clothes out and gossiped about school all morning while keeping an eye on mom and Jamie. Poor Jamie was so out of her comfort zone, she had no idea how to react with all that pampering but at least she tried to make good of it.

It was now noon and I was getting food from the food court when Jamie stopped me.

“Jazzy, something’s wrong. I’m sick” She said

“What? We don’t get sick.” I told her “What are the symptoms?”

“It’s my stomach. It keeps tightening, it has tingles and it makes my head light”

“Well, have you drunk bad blood lately?”

“No” I was thinking really hard, trying to understand what was going on. I heard my name being shouted out from the tables. My sister and I turned around to see Siana waving at us with a grin on her face. Jamie’s head whipped back to face me and startling me.

“It’s happening again, my stomach is contracting again” she said angrily. I thought for a second before an idea popped up in my head. No, it couldn’t be.


“Does it feel like you have butterflies in your stomach?” I asked

“What? Butterflies? Of course not, haven’t you been listening to me?” her voice was cross. “It tingles and it squeezes. It’s uncomfortable”

I was having a hard time hiding my grin but I had to make sure my hypothesis was correct. “Look over there and tell me if your stomach is acting up” I said pointing to a bunch of beautiful girls. Jamie looked but shook her head. “What about there?” I said pointing to some nice guys. She shook her head again. “And there?” I pointed to Siana. My sister looked closely and eagerly nodded.

“Can it be fixed?”

“Well, uh, I- I will get back to you” I stuttered failing to keep my giggles in check. Jamie stomped her foot before making her way back to our table. Jess stopped by me with her tray in hand.

“What’s wrong with her?” she asked me

“Jamie has a crush on dear Siana. She thinks she’s sick” I couldn’t keep it in any longer so I let it out and burst laughing my head off. Jess was cracking up beside me. It felt good to laugh so carelessly again.

“Ah, our poor ignorant sister, she never ceases to amaze me” Jess said in between laughs. We walked back to the table. We just laughed in Siana’s face when she asked us if there was something wrong.

The rest of the day went fast and without problem. After everything has happened since we arrived in his town, it felt very good to have a day off. I was finally able to relax and have a normal day. Mom was so happy, her smile never seemed to fade. She was hopping excitedly beside us and told these awesome stories about her adventures when she was younger.

At the end of the day, mom drove us back to our old unattended house only to be surprised by the man sitting on our doorstep. I called dad this morning and told us to meet him here so he could make amends with mom. He looked much better than yesterday: he had shaved and cut his hair. He had clean clothes that actually fit him this time even though he still looked smaller than before. Mom froze in her seat, staring in at her husband with mixed emotions running behind her eyes. Jess got out and hugged him while Jamie and Siana stayed by the car. I nudged mom to move and encouraged her to see him. She hastily got out of the car and was met by a crushing bear hug from her husband. My parents clung to each other like life depended on it and kissed like none before. I admit it was a little disturbing to see my parents tongue down each other’s throat and even Jess gaged at the scene.

“Oh my sweet, I’m so sorry” dad apologised over again. Once they separated, dad looked at my sister and bowed down.

“Jamie, I’m extremely sorry about my behavior towards you and I promise that I will change as much as possible and be a better man for you. I know it is too late to bond with you as a father but if you are willing to let me bond as a trusted ally and companion I will be eternally grateful”

Jamie looked at him with frowned eyebrows. “Why would I want to ally myself with you?” she asked dully.

Jamie, stop I said telepathically. He is your father and he is ready to accept you for who you are. And he could be a great ally. Mom would want you to.

After trying to reason with her, Jamie took a deep breath and thought everything through again. Meanwhile, dad looked lost because he was not expecting such an answer.

“Alright old man, do what you want. It’s not like I care” she said out loud but whispered the last words.

Mom and dad looked relieved but they had not heard the last thing she said. Jess and I glared at her but it did not seem to do any affect. Not a second later, a car showed up and parked in the driveway. Ren got out and made his way to Jessica ignoring Jamie altogether. We all made our way into the kitchen where dad had already made super and sat down at the table. Ren still had not said a word against my sister.

“Is there something wrong Ren? You haven’t lashed out at Jimmy yet” Siana said beside me uncertain.

“Don’t worry” Jess said “I told him that if he wanted to stay with me, he would have to cope with Jimhaya or he be gone. The same thing applies to you sis” she said looking darkly at Jamie “Don’t go near him or I will let Ren beat you up” Jamie snorted.

“He can’t touch me Jessica. Nobody can”

“What do you mean?” I asked. Jamie gave me a pointed look

“Do you really believe I came to this town without knowing every dirty secret about everyone in this little town?” Jamie laugh at our shocked faces “Trust me, what I have on your boyfriend is enough to keep me away from his claws”

“Do you have anything on me?” Siana asked

“Yup. Like I said: everyone”

We were silent, all meddling in our thoughts but mom broke the tension by offering salad to everyone. From there we all started to eat, forgetting our difference and for once we all got along. Ren was behaving very well and mom and dad were flirting tremendously it was uncomfortable.

But little did we suspect that the next day would be the worst day of our lives.

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