《Triplets (girlxgirl)》18- Date


I was pacing in front of the principal’s door, impatiently waiting for Jimmy to come out. She and the principal have been in there for an hour and I was starting to get worried. The school was closed today because there is a huge party happening for the team selection. It started last night, after the tryouts and will probably end tonight. Jimmy and I only made an appearance yesterday for about five minutes before going to bed. Today was the day I brought her on a date and to say that I was nervous was an understatement because I was freaking out. I had an idea of where to go but I was not sure Jimmy was going to like it. Then again, she doesn’t like anything so that’s a plus.

The door opened and my girl and my foster dad came out. They both looked satisfied, which means they weren’t at each other’s throats. That is always good.

“Enjoy your day girls, don’t do anything to reckless” The principal said in a happy tone. He saluted us with two fingers and made his way to across the hall. “Ciao”

I looked back at Jimmy, she her expression was blank but her body seemed relieved.

“Is everything ok?” I asked her. She nodded “What did you guys talk about?”

“We established boundaries for how far I can take things and to whom. We set guidelines because he reminded me I am in fact a guest into his home and it would be improper to cause trouble under his roof.” She grinned, her fangs showing a little. “I like him. He is excellent in governing this place”

“Yeah, he is great” I said. “It’s funny because he never wanted to be a principal and he hates politics”

“Oh Siana” she said smirking crookedly, “he is so much more than a simple principal. Are you sure you know your foster father very well? He has deep secrets that will make your skin crawl if you find them out” I frowned disturbed. How would she know anything about the principal?

We continued walking towards the parking lot in silent. I was dwelling over what she just said. It made sense, I knew the principal had secrets but they were not for me to know. He has lived a very long time and I’m sure he has made some bad things but I couldn’t picture the principal being cruel. He always made jokes and made sure his students had everything they needed and were safe.

Jimmy nudged me out of my thought and I noticed we were at my car. She eyed me frowning. “Are we still going on a date?”

“Of course, sorry. I was just a little distracted but don’t worry, I won’t think about it anymore. Promise” I unlocked the door and sat in front of the stirring wheel Jimmy hesitantly following me in. I started my grey, RS 5 Audi and made my way out of the parking lot.

“What kind of music do you like?” I asked her.

“Classical” she said bluntly.

Great, I never listen to that and I had no idea what channel they played it on.

“How about normal pop music?” I said. She shrugged her shoulders, staring out of the window. I started the radio and made sure the volume was low so I could hear her speak if she wanted to talk. We drove in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes before Jimmy said something.

“Where are we going?” she asked. I smiled and turned my head to face her only to be surprised she was staring at me already.


“You will see” I winked before I brought my back to the road.

“Is this how normal dates go? You, not telling me where I’m going to spend the day and me, waiting for you say something?”

“That is about right” I smirked “Since I am the one who invited you and I want it to be a surprised. But if you want to talk, we can”

“It’s fine” she said “I wouldn’t know what to say”

“I won’t force you to have a conversation with me but if you have questions about anything, beside what’s related to the date, then feel free” I smiled at her again.

The rest of the ride was fairly quiet; Jimhaya asked me some questions once in a while. I was singing with the music until we arrived to our destination twenty minutes later.

“Now, your sister told me not to do anything inactive, so I brought you here because it is fun and you get to hurt people legally. Not that this is a dangerous game but it still hurts.” I explained. Jimhaya looked around from her seat in the car and frowned at me.

“Paintball? Really?” she asked. I gave her an innocent smile and shrugged my shoulders.

“Hey, this is a great game” I pouted. “Come on, it’s going to be fun”

“But I don’t know how to shoot a gun” she mumbled. She was so adorable.

“Don’t worry love, I will teach you” I winked at her before stepping out of the car. Jimmy followed me to the counter where I ordered our equipment. After we got dressed, Jimmy and I went to the back of the cabin, where there were targets to practice on. I placed Jimmy in front of a target and moved behind her. I slowly pushed her legs apart and leaned my chest on her back. My heart beat picked up when slowly slipped my hands across her arms to her hands making sure not to lose physical contact. I raised them up so that the gun was facing directly in the middle of the target. I felt her own heart beat pick as I bent my head down so my mouth was to her ear. She turned her head slightly, giving me better access.

“This is simple” I whispered “you bring the gun close to your eyes and aim likes this, then you pull the trigger” she pulled the trigger and the bullet hit bulls eye. I smirked and slowly brought my hands to the hem of her pants by dragging them down her chest. I pushed my body closer to hers and sighed in her hair.

“Why do you always wear clothes too big for you?” I asked.

“Because it’s comfortable. I don’t like it when the clothes are too tight, they bother my movements” she responded

“Hmmm, but when they are too big, they can give bad ideas to people and they give easy access” I said seductively. I pushed my hands down her pants and to her thigh. Jimmy’s body stiffened and I moaned into her ear. “We can skip paintball so we can have fun together if you want” I bit her earlobe. Jimmy cleared her throat.

“Uhm, aren’t you supposed to teach me how to use a gun?” she stuttered. I chuckled.

“We can play with guns too” I laughed “but not real ones, there too- aaaarrgh” I screamed and let go of her body. I fell to my knees and held my side. “You shot me”

“You were making me uncomfortable” she yelled, her face was flushed.


“So? You don’t shoot your friends, Jimmy. Damn” I got up and walked towards her. “Fine, fine, I’m sorry, let’s just go on the field play the next round okay?” I grabbed her shoulder and led her to the field. “Just remember how to shoot and we are going to enjoy ourselves” I kissed her red cheeks.

Jimmy and I played in the next game with a bunch of guys and we got destroyed.


“Man that was bad” I said. We were walking back to my car while massaging my shoulder. I was sore everywhere, we had played most all day. “Had I known you were so bad with guns, I would not have brought us here”

“I told you I never used one before” Jimmy stated beside me

“So, it does not mean you would be this bad”

“Hey, I can’t be good at everything. Besides, it’s your fault; if you didn’t prevent me to running at my own speed then we would have won”

“Well, excuse me if I want to protect us from the Moggules. And running faster than human vision is called cheating, especially when we were playing with them” I laughed at a memory. “Seriously, what you did to that guy was hilarious even though it got us kicked out”

“He deserved what he got. He wouldn’t stop hitting on you and don’t make any ideas Siana, he was disturbing out battle and weakening our ranks. I didn’t do it for you” she grumbled. I laughed again and kissed her on the cheek.

“Of course you did” I blew in her ear and whispered “Thank you for saving me the trouble to kick some guy’s ass” I felt her body shiver but she turned her head away from me.

We got in the car and I drove us away. “We have one more stop to do before we go back to the school but first I need to get us some supplies”

We stopped at an A&W, my favorite fast food restaurant and ordered us super to go. I drove another half hour before stopping the car in front of a park. We hurried through the forest, because the sky was starting to get dark. There was a magical gate within the forest that led to another city hidden from human eyes. This city was more of a countryside, where farmers lived with their animals and spend their days working labor. Jimmy stopped to stare at the land in front of us. There were no big buildings, just fields and a bit of trees here and there.

“We have to fly from here” I told Jimmy. She nodded, still dazzled by the landscape. We flew across the town towards a mountain that was situated at the end of the fields and across from a lake. Once we arrived and settled ourselves on a tower at the top of the mountain we had come just in time for the sunset. It was a beautiful sight: the colours in the sky, reflecting on the calm water. There was not one cloud in the sky as we watched the town’s people finishing their long day of work. We watched the children play with each other and the dogs and other creatures chasing each other around. The birds were singing their last song of the day before retreating to their nests and the horses, Pegasus and bulls were helped the farmers bring the crops back to their homes. The orange sun was setting over the town and the light went through the houses creating an imagery never to be forgotten.

“My family and I used to come here every summer to visit some old friends. We would sit on this watch tower every night before going to bed. This mountain is called Mount Wellansdale, in the name of a great man who saved these people during the time of war. He sacrificed himself in order to protect this town and their fields so that his unborn child and wife could live peacefully.” I told her. “This watch tower was built in order to see the enemies coming from far away, there is a bell inside and if you hit it, it creates a loud bong that disperses around. It is said that it is so loud, the people from Annwn would hear it and send reinforcements. The bell can only be struck by a single stick because they were afraid the children would play with it. Unfortunately, the stick was lost after the war so the bell has not been heard since.”

“When was the war?” Jimmy asked me.

“Eight centuries ago. My parents and the principal fought during that war. It lasted twelve years and many people died”

The sun was set by now and we had finished our meals. The sky was filled with thousands of stars giving light to the earth. It was a new moon tonight but we could clearly see the dark ground. We heard the night creatures come out and the hoot of and owl bidding us a good night. Here, the air was fresh and a breeze was felt from our position at the top of the mountain. Jimmy laid her head on my legs and sighed.

“I am not used to this natural peace. The world has calmed down” she said “She is content tonight and I can finally breathe”. I stroke her hair and remained silent. I told her stories about the constellations and the stars. She would point a star and I would invent a story just say something to her.

I looked at my watch and it was getting late. “We have to go because we have school tomorrow” I told her apologetically, “ We can do this again if you want.”

“I would like that” Jimmy said standing up “I had a good time today” She smiled at me, the smile she rarely shows and reached up to give me a peck on the lips. “You keep surprising me Siana, I never once believe I would be able to do this one day. I think you have a death wish”

“Maybe I do, but I love challenges more and you my dear Queen of the Damn are the best one”

She closed the distance between us and engulfed me in a sweet hug. She told me to shut my eyes and take a deep breath and teleported us to my car. I exhaled, disappointed to release her sent and lifted my head from her shoulder. We got back into the car and made our way back to the school. This time, it was JImhaya who change the radio station to classical music and I was impressed by the quality of the music. I was silently driving on a deserted road that brought us to Dawnsville, our home town when I heard Jimhaya coughing beside me.

“Jimmy are you ok?” I asked worried.

“Stop the car” she said through her gritted teeth. She was panting and sweat was pouring down her face. Suddenly I heard a bone crack and Jimmy screamed in pain. Surprised I jerked the car to the right before taking control again and stop the car. Jimmy was still screaming as her bones were reconstructing themselves in her body. She was shaking uncontrollably and I tried to help her calm down but with no luck. She opened her eyes and stared at me as her teeth grew and her mouth was twisted in an unnatural way. Her wild eyes were bright red and held no humanity in them.

I fumbled with my seat belt and took out my phone at the same time. I dialed a number quickly before opening my door and falling out back first on the cement ground and crawled away from my car. Jimhaya wouldn’t stop screaming and she punched my dashboard. Her fist went right through my car like it was tissue.

“Come on, pick up the phone” I chanted to myself as I kept my eyes on the car. “Pick up, pick up, pick up”

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