《Triplets (girlxgirl)》17- Tryouts part 2


I yawned.

The try outs started early today and I didn’t have enough sleep last night. This morning, the students were separated in four teams of eight. The teams were equally divided between the players because we were doing scrimmage games.

The two coaches, Zoe, Ren and I were scattered around the field of play to observe the game which consisted of a forest and a wide open space. I was sitting on a tree branch, close to one of the flags. The other flag was on a small hill in the meadow. The team I was observing at the moment was bundled together, trying to come up with the best tactic to win.

“Everyone understand what we are doing?” Sean said to the rest.

“Uh- I’m sorry, but that plan leaves an opening on our defence, we should probably- a boy next to him said but was cut off by Sean.

“Look newbie, it’s not that you’re not smart or anything but I’m the leader here and you do as I say”

“Hear what Max has to say, meat boy, your plan sucks” Jimhaya said grumbly. “And who said you were the leader?”

“My name is Marcus” the boy whispered but everybody ignored him.

“Listen bitch, I was on the team last year, so I have more credibility” Sean responds.

“No wonder your team lost.”

“Why don’t you come up with a plan then?” a girl said before Sean could reply.

“No can do, I’m not a planner. I follow the strategy and do changes accordingly but I don’t create them. I’m not about to follow a lousy plan like yours. Listen to what Makenzie has to say.” Jimmy said.

“Bitch, you will go with the plan because I’m the leader”

“It doesn’t matter if you are, I will not follow a leader that will make us lose. Besides, a good leader listens to his teammates and you obviously can’t do that. Come on Mathew, we are going to watch from the trees” Jimmy said pulling the boy away from the group.

“But my name is Marcus” the boy said, his voice fading away as they marched through the forest.

“Filthy cowards. Come on guys, we are going through the same plan. We don’t need cowards on our team” I laughed, the plan Sean made was good for thirteen players, but it was not sufficient enough for six. The game started and finished within minutes.

The rest of the games were longer and more interesting. I spent most of the day watching and analysing how the students perform in a group.


By lunch, we were down the last cut which would determine our team this year. Ren and I would finally be able to play in the afternoon. The teams were Jimhaya, me and Marcus vs Red, Jess and Ren. We were ten against ten. In our strategy, I was in offensive line, coming from above while the rest of the offence would attack from the ground. Marcus was skilled with snipers so he was on the defensive line, hidden in the trees and Jimhaya was also tasked to protect the flag that stood in the middle of the woods.

“Good luck” I told her and she nodded.

We got into position as we heard the gun fire. And the game began.

I bolted upwards, trying not to get hit by the branches. When I made it out of the forest, I had a bird eyed view of the arena. The sun was bright in the sky threatening to blind me every time I looked in its direction. I could see the enemy flag in a meadow on my right. There was a clearing not far away from the hem of the forest. It was obvious that the enemy knew I would be attacking from above so it was unwise to try and steal the flag until my team was in position. I could see four enemy players around their flag so it left six hidden in the forest. I saw Red standing by her teammates in plain view looking towards the sky. She was looking for me.


Both flags were standing in great tactical position. Our flag was in the forest which made it hard to pin point its location. It was easy for the defenders as well as the attackers to hide. On the other hand, having a flag in plain sight is also good because the defenders could see the attacks from yards away and create a good defensive blockade according to the situation.

I heard a commotion down below. There was a head to head battle in the clearing: Three of my guys against five of theirs. Jess was in the middle of her group fighting with her claws but I couldn’t see Ren anywhere. He must have gone another way; I hoped Jimmy was ready to face him. I dove down behind one of the opponent and wacked him with my wing. He went flying across the air and onto the ground and didn’t get back up. Everyone stilled for a second, trying to figure out what happened. Jessica, turned around and smirked when she saw me. She completely ignored the fight around her because all of her attention was on me. With speed, she came to me with her fist held high, but I dodged at the last second. I counter attacked when she was unstable but she managed to block my blow. We continued to fight, fist to fist, trying to find a weak point. It was not easy.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw two of my partners escaping the battle and run into the woods in the direction of the opponents’ flag. It now became two against four. I retreated from Jess and made my way towards my guy. He was panting and looked tired but was still willing to fight. We were back to back keeping an eye on our enemies who were now surrounding us. At once, all four charged and attacked us from all sides. I fought back but it was getting harder and harder. I used my magic to throw power beams and managed to knock one girl out cold. I heard a scream beside me as Jess twisted my partners’ arm behind his back. She punched him in the face and he went down like a ragged doll.

All three opponents remaining tried to surround me but I backed away to make sure I had all of them in my sight. Jess made the first dash and the others followed. Anticipating this tactic I bent over, crossed my arms around my stomach and covered my body with my wings. I closed my eyes only listening to the steps coming my way. I gathered my power at the center of my core and, when the steps were close enough I opened my wings and threw my arms wide like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon and flew for the first time. I released my magic in all directions and a shock wave blasted through the clearing. My opponents were jerked backwards and landed into the forest a hundred yards away.

I was panting hard, having little energy left but it was not over: Jess was painfully getting up from the ground. The tree beside her had a dent where she smashed into it. The other two were not getting up anytime soon. Man, Jessica was a tough chick to fight. She was a very aggressive fighter but she let her emotions take control which was how I was able to see through her. She limped back into the open space and smiled at me. She took her stance and got ready to attack again. I groaned, my body was healing from the countless of hits I received. But she never came because Marcus was running through the forest. He had a scared look on his face and pointed to the direction he came from. Jess turned and frowned when she saw him.


“Guys, guys come quickly. They’re trying to kill each other. Hurry” Marcus shouted. My heart stopped beating for a second before I sprinted as fast as I could towards our base. I could hear the growls getting louder and louder. When Jessica and I arrived at the flag, we found Ren and Jimhaya going at it but it was not just a fist fight, it was a blood battle. Ren was in werewolf form and was snarling and clawing. Jimmy was growling, showing her teeth. Her eyes red eyes were wild and savage and magic surrounded her like a black cloak. Both of them were trying to kill each other. They were both bloody and battered. Ren was on top, biting in Jimmy’s fleshand she screamed in pain. The girl managed to get out from under the wolf and jumped on his back. She tipped him off his feet and straddled him with her legs. With a smug grin, she grabbed his muzzle, one hand on his upper jaw and one on his lower one. With much force she started to pull his mouth in opposite direction in hopes of breaking it. Ren was whining in pain as he tried to get her off him.

Jessica ran across the field and rammed into both figures and all three tumbled over and onto the ground. Jess grabbed her sister by the throat and threw her into a tree. Ren got up and charged back but Jessica grabbed him from behind to hold him in place. Jess grabbed Jimhaya by the shoulders and pushed her against the tree again.

“What’s wrong with you?” she screamed. Jimmy pushed her sister off a couple of feet.

“Control your dog” she shouted in Jessica’s face. She was furious now.

“You worthless peace of shit, how dare you put your dirty hands on my mate”

“Be careful with your words sister. Be very careful. I can ruin your perfect image to your petty boy with one sentence”

“Oh get over yourself, that was years ago” Jess growled angrily.

“It doesn’t matter.” Jimmy spoke threw her teeth. She stepped closer until she was inches away from her twin. “You put a leash on your pet or I will use one to make him scream” she spat blood at her sister’s feet. She body checked her sister and walked towards Jasmine and Ren who was lying at her feet. She searched her sister for comfort but Red turned her eyes in disappointment instead. Jimhaya’s face hardened and her leg flew forward. She hit Ren with tremendous force and the wolf flew in the air and crashed into a boulder. He was knocked out cold from impact.

“Enough Jimhaya” Red yelled. “Walk away now before you do something else stupid”

The mad triplet screamed in anger and shoved her hands through her hair.

“I hate this place” She stomped her way through the students who opened a pathway for her. I looked at the scene and saw Jess and Jasmine helping Ren up from the ground. After having a mental debate I turned around and ran after Jimhaya.

“Jimmy wait up, hey wait up” I said. I ran in front of run to make her stop walking.

“Go away” Jimmy growled.

“Calm down a little would you, you’re killing everything around you” I smiled. Confused, she looked around her and widened her eyes. There was dead grass all around her and where she stepped. Pinching her nose, Jimmy took a deep breath and calmed herself.

“Good, now come on, I’ll get you cleaned up” I said.

“Why? My wounds are already healed.” Jimmy said confused.

“I know that. I just want to wash the blood off your face, that’s all” I grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom. Once there, I went to a wall which held the emergency health kit, grabbed it and returned to my friend. Well, I wouldn’t call her a friend. I didn’t know what to call her.

“What about you? You have blood too” she asked.

“I’ll take a shower” I sat Jimhaya down on a bench and took a seat in front of her, both my legs on each side of the bench. Silently, I got the supply out of the bag and I gently started to wash the blood off her face. She was staring at me intently, her face was impassive.

“You’re staring” I said continuing my soft strokes.

“You really are beautiful” she whispered. I froze and looked at her. A huge smile crept on my face.

“I think that is the first time you ever complimented me”

“Oh, sorry” she dropped her eyes.

“Don’t worry. Please continue to do so, I like it”

“I’ll try”

“You’ll try?”

“Well, it’s hard to compliment you” I raised an eyebrow. She must have seen something in my expression because she started stuttering.

“I mean- it’s not- I’m not” I put a finger to her lips and smiled sweetly.

“You are not used to this kind of situation. I will give you a hint right now and stop talking before you make a bigger fool of yourself” I chuckled to myself. I continued washing the pale skin on her neck. We were close enough that I could feel her gentle breath on my shoulder. I stared into her blue eyes expecting her cold stare but it wasn’t there. They looked tired.

“You have some blood on your lips” I whispered. I slowly brought my head down and brushed my lips on hers. She responded back as our lips moved together in sync. I passed my tongue on her bottom lip and she gave me permission to enter. I deepened the kiss, slowly devouring every inch of her mouth. Seconds passed before I pulled back when I needed to breathe.

“There, all cleaned up” I said. I repacked the health bag and picked up the bloody pads and threw them in the garbage. I grabbed her hand and brought her to her feet. I led her outside the restroom into the corridor that led outside the arena. We stopped when we heard noises coming from the coach’s office.

“I don’t care what you say old hag, she is not going to be on the team” Boris voice rang through the hall. Jimmy and I crept towards the door and peeked inside. Boris, Kasumi, Miss Adams and the principal were facing each other.

“This is not your decision mutt.” Miss Adams said. “I want her to interact with the students and maybe fighting in a group will do her good”

“Why do you try so hard to make her integrate with the students? She’s clearly insane, you saw the damage she did to Ren. And he was my best player” He spat in her face.

“Would you stop? Ever since the evaluation, you have been trying to make her mad. You have been trying to make her lose her grip on whatever control she has left.”

“Enough, both of you” the principal demanded. “I know this is difficult but we need to come to an understanding. Boris, I know it’s hard but I would prefer that Jimhaya is watched as much as possible. Therefore I would appreciate if she is on the team so you and Kasumi can keep an eye on her. Now being on the team doesn’t necessarily mean she has to be on the field. Can we all accept that conclusion?”

“Yes sir” Miss Adams and Kasumi said.

“Fine. But only if she stays on the bench and nothing more.” Boris said angrily.

I heard Jimmy sigh beside me and before I knew it, she was making her way in the office. I palmed my head with my hand. This is not good.

“Excuse me for the intrusion, but you are all forgetting one major point: My opinion on this matter, since of course you are talking about me behind my back and making decisions without my consent”

“Shut up kid, this is a private conversation, get out” Boris said. She ignored him and continued speaking.

“I must tell you now before my fate is concluded: I do not want to be part of the team. I hate working with people and frankly this game is boring”

“What did you say?” Boris yelled furiously. The brown haired girl turned cold dull eyes to the coach.

“Honestly, I thought you spoke English because that was clearly the language I was using”

“What?” he repeated.

“Or you are just stupid” she sighed exaggeratedly. “Oh well, I guess I just have to repeat myself more slowly so the brainless thug can understand.” her gaze hardened when she looked at Boris. “I do not want to be part of the team” she said extremely slowly like a mother teaching her child to speak for the first time. I knew she was itching for a fight and she was provoking him. The principal put a hand on the big man’s shoulder to remind him of his surroundings. Boris hands were clenched in knuckle white fists. By this time Jess and Red had joined me in the eavesdropping.

“Then why did you come to the tryouts?” Kasumi said. Jimmy turned her attention to the Japanese woman in a matter of dismissal towards Boris, as though he was not worth the trouble.

“Because, my sisters forced me to go. They said it would be good for me”

“Alright” the principal stepped in. “but Professor Adams and I strongly believe it is the best course of action” He looked at Jimhaya pensively. “I think it is well over due for you and I to have a proper talk about our situation. Be at my office Monday morning before eight. We will settle this then. You can all go home now”

“That’s it? You’re just going to let her walk away” Boris yelled. Jimmy laughed disturbingly.

“That is if you have nothing else for me” she looked down on him “But, I don’t think you can provide much” That was the last straw. Boris screamed in anger and made his way to the girl, but the principal and Kasumi blocked his way. I saw Red moving beside me. She grabbed her sister by the coller of her shirt and used her movement to smash Jimmy in the outer wall in the hallway, not to mention right beside me.

“Enough” Red growled, pissed. “That’s an order” I was shocked. I never saw Red give her sister an order before. Jimhaya shoulder slumped in defeat and lowered eyes. She however did not show her neck for vulnerability.

“Yes ma’am” she whispered very delicately. I’m sure the adults did not hear her speak. She looked at me a moment and said to her sister “I have to go”. Just like that she teleported herself out of Red’s hands and away from the school. My heart tightened thinking about her going back to the Underground City. Red went back into the office and pointed her finger to Boris in a pissed off manner.

“How dare you Boris? I have been working on Jimhaya for five years to make sure she was secured enough to go to school. Five Years” she screamed “And you and Ren come in and try to break what I managed to glue back together for what? Pleasure?” she walked closer to the coach and sneered in his face. “I actually thought coming here, surrounded by people that bare some resemblance with her was a great idea. I thought this place would help her live again, not beat her down like the rest of the world. How foolish of me” With these words she turned around and sped away in a blur.

“You children look tired” the principal said coming into view. “Why don’t you both get some rest? You don’t have to wait Siana, this is going to be a long night for me” He gently closed the door behind him leaving me and Jess alone in the empty corridor.

“Man this day couldn’t be worse” Jess mumbled as we walked outside.

“Tell me about it” I said. “So, I guess you are going home?”

“No, I’m going to the nurses’ office, Ren was pretty beaten up and he is having a hard time healing so I’m going to stay the night with him. You going home too?”

“Yes” I lied.

“Okay then, I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Bye” I waved at her and waited until she got in her car and drove away before opening my wings and jumping into the air. I flew for an hour before arriving in the town where the entrance of the Underground was. Red told me its location and I remembered. I was happy to have brought a hoodie with me this morning so I put it on and threw the hood over my head to hide my white hair. I peeked behind the wall to make sure it was the same bodyguard as last time. Nobody was around, it was probably too early in the evening. I was getting nervous as I got closer to the giant men.

“Zoren?” I asked the one of them. He looked at me in a questioning manner.


“Few weeks ago I came here with the Twin and the Blood Princess” I said. “I wanted to know if the Princess has come out yet”

“No, she has not come out yet” he didn’t sound too sure about who I was.

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