《Mine (LenxMiku/Lenku/MikuxLen)》5


I slowly rise from the bed like a zombie, and crack my back.

It's so early.. welp. Early bird gets the bird, after all, hm?

I giggled at my thoughts only to find that Miku wasn't sleeping next to me.


I slowly creep out of bed, my feet lightly touching the soft light pink carpet below.

I start to walk out, the door making a large creaking noise.

I can see Mikuo from upstairs, with a cup of hot chocolate. I can also see him snickering at something on... the couch?

"What's up?" I say a bit loudly, in confusion.

He almost drops his cup of hot chocolate.

"SHHHH!" He puts a finger to his lips and then points to the couch.

I raise my eyebrow and walk over to the velvet masterpiece we call a sofa.

I can see Miku's teal hair sprawled out on my brother's face, tickling his nose lightly.

I chuckle a bit to see his nose twitch.

Len's eyes slowly flutter open.

His eyes widen in awe. He was embracing a girl.

A girl was embracing him.

"Holy hell-" I cover his mouth with my hand.

"Shhhh...!~" I point at Miku silently.

His face was almost burning from how hot he looked. Even though his blonde bangs covered his eyes, I could tell that his pupils were wide.

"So, what does it feel like to have a girl's boobs on your chest?" I teased.


Miku's eyes started to lightly open.

That's when we knew-

We screwed up.



She called me Len. Not Kagamidiot, not moron, not neatfreak.

But .

My heart started to beat out of my chest.

With one swift movement, she pushed herself off of me, slightly wobbling as she fell off the couch.


Her minty hair was still in my grasp.

Unconsciously, I brought it to my face. It was so soft and it smelled of roses.

What am I saying??

I quickly released her hair and tried to help her up, but she pushed me away, covering her face with her reddish hands.

"S-Stupid Kagamidiot! Pervert!"

"H-Hey I asked for a movie at 2:00 AM, not for you to fall asleep on ME!"

That sounded weird on my part.

Movies at 2:00 AM?

The world seemed to stop.

Mikuo spat his hot chocolate out as if to nonverbally say,

'What? She fell ASLEEP on Kagamine?'

Rin gave me a squeal which I think meant,

'So cute~~! Heeeee~~!"

This was not cute. This was just the prologue of Miku beating me up in the near future.

"W-Well- I- um..." She blinked, and laced her fingers together, playing with her thumb.

"I need to go home."

"Waiit! Can we at least have breakfast??" Rin pleaded.

"I'll manage," She muttered back, grabbing her school bag.

"I'll be in the bathroom, changing."

"Got that, Kagamidiot?"

"Loud and clear, soldier."

She made a cute- uh- little 'hmph!' noise before trudging upstairs with her bag.

Could that be.. a slight smirk on her face?

No, I'm hallucinating.

In your dreams.

I trudged upstairs, my bag clinging onto my shoulder.

"Should I talk to him about it?" I ask myself.

"No way! It's a stupid and not to mention EMBARRASSING subject!" A part of me protested.

"Maybe he'll understand!" Another part of me chimed in.

Maybe I should wait. For a bit.


After I finished changing, I was ABOUT to walk downstairs until an evil part of me said,


"Heeeyyyy~~ maybe you should eavesdrop...~"

It echoed.

I agreed with my evil side like I normally do and wait at the top of the stairs.

Rin is rubbing Kagamidiot's back and Mikuo's making 'Tsk' noises repeatedly.

"I'm so stupid... movie at 2:00 AM?? WHY did I think that was a good idea!"

I felt a strange sensation in my chest.

I have a heart... what do they call it...? It's something to do with hearts.

Oh yeah.




Guilt? Guilty for what! It was HIS fault...! Kinda!

"Hey, calm down Len. You don't want your girlfriend hearing you~" Mikuo and Rin said 'girlfriend' in a high pitched, almost- no- FULLY mocking voice.


The feeling's in my chest again.

I don't like it.

It makes me... feel weak.

It's supposed to be the other way around. I know it.

"S-Shut up..." Kagamidiot muttered slightly.

Len- I MEAN KAGAMIDIOT- 's eyes start to bright up as he turns to Mikuo.

"Say... what did Miku mean by 'he works for me'?"

Mikuo immediately had a nervous expression on his face. I knew why.

We both knew why.

"Why do you want to know?" Mikuo's nervous expression turned dull and bland.

"Because..." Kagamidiot scratched the back of his neck.

"I want to be able to comfort her on whatever happened. And you. For the 27 hours, 30 minutes and 57 seconds I've been with you guys, I have a feeling that you're hiding something from us."

On one hand (more than I'd like to admit,) it was... sweet? Kinda??

On the other hand, he's onto us.

On the last hand..


Nerd. That time was so precise.

I sigh, and smile at myself.

"We should tell them eventually. We have to." I muttered to myself.

"Where's mommy, M-Mikuo?" My small, cherry red lips quivered in agony as I mentioned my mother's name. Well, nickname.

"You're not going to see her for a very long time." He replied blandly.

I could tell he was on the verge of tears.

"I love you, Mommy. Please come back soon. We miss you..." I muttered almost silently, hot, silent tears rolling down my cheek.

Please come back to us.


"Miku?" I hear a voice call out to me, basically putting me out of my misery.

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