《The Other CEO》Chapter 6


It was now Tuesday and I was sitting in the conference room with the board of directors. It was only Pierce's second day but we had to have an emergency meeting. I was taking down notes as Pierce was explaining to the board how he was still new with the operations but he promised that he would be able to cope in no time. He asked them for help and their cooperation in the decision making process for Alexander Corporation's ongoing and incoming projects.

I kept tapping my pen since I dozed off when they talked about the current situation and what needed to be worked on. I then remembered that Wilson never held meetings like these. There was a bit of laughter and a full blown discussion while this meeting was lifeless and it could put anyone to sleep.

"Olive." He suddenly called out my attention.

I was still an olive, great. I looked up and stared into his eyes. I didn't bother answering him because I had no idea what he was just talking about a few minutes ago.

"Did you get all that?" he asked.

I just nodded even if I didn't.

"Good, I want a summary report on that by tomorrow morning," he demanded.

I resisted rolling out my eyes to him. Instead, I just meekly answered, "Okay."

Pierce and I didn't get much interaction for the rest of the week. I just handed some files for him to look at and served him his coffee which was brewed with a dash of milk and a spoonful of sugar as per his request. He was pretty much out of the office doing god knows what. I actually didn't mind since I didn't like his arrogant aura around the workplace.

When I came home from work, I was happy to see Hugh home early. He was whipping up dinner for the both of us and it smelled really nice. I was getting hungry.

I plopped down on the couch and sighed heavily.

"I can feel your negative energy from here darling!" Hugh yelled out from the kitchen.

I chuckled weakly. He knew me too well. I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I sat myself on a bar stool and leaned my head onto my hand.

"Hugh, Alexander Corporation has turned into a hellhole," I muttered as I began to talk about my day.

"Why? Is your new boss that bad?" He turned his head to look at me and asked curiously.

"Yes," I quickly answered.

"Tell me what he's like. Is he old?" Hugh was now curious. I hadn't had the time to tell him about Pierce since he kept working late since last week.


"No but he's a zombie with an attitude," I told him. It was a short description that fitted my new boss well.

"A – what now?" Hugh's face contorted into confusion.

I rolled my eyes. "Wilson decided that it was wise to let his only son run the company, who by the way is a complete opposite of his father. He had been walking around the office like a dead person uttering only a few words. I can't believe he calls me Olive." I shook my head then groaned as I hid my face with my hands.

Hugh started laughing at my misery. I almost added that despite his aggravating attitude, his face was nice to look at. However, I knew Hugh would just pay attention at how good-looking he was. I gave him a glare so he would stop making fun of me. He eventually got the hint and stopped.

"Vee." He was still stifling a laugh but quickly changed into a concerned tone. "If he's good-looking then it doesn't matter! You should show him who's boss. Wear a tight skirt, open up a button and get his attention!"

Ignore what I said. My best friend was crazy. He now had a mischievous smirk on. This was the reason why I couldn't tell him about a guy. He would force you to get on with him every chance he got. I never had a boyfriend, by the way. I knew that he was only trying to help but you just couldn't force me to like somebody. I was also too caught up working for Wilson which didn't give me much time to mingle. I didn't even have that much of a life. Yet, Hugh would try to get me out of the apartment just so we could meet a few guys in a club. In my honest opinion, when you meet a guy from a club, it wasn't in his best intention to want a relationship. It was either a casual fling or a one night stand.

"Seriously, Hugh, stop it." I didn't want to talk about him anymore. "Anyway, I have this other thing to tell you." I told him changing the topic as I hoped that would catch his attention.

Another thing I forgot to tell Hugh was about the money I received last week. I already deposited it into my bank account but I had no intention of using Wilson's money. It was for safe keeping. I knew he would be screaming when he hears this.

"Go on," he said while he transferred the spicy pan-fried noodles onto a plate.


"Well... Mr. Brent gave me a letter from Wilson, and in that envelope... it contained money," I told him.

"How much are we talking about?"

"Um..." I trailed off awkwardly and avoided eye contact.

"Vee, how much?"

I looked up to gaze into Hugh's eyes and I could see that he was dying of curiosity. I sighed and muttered in a low voice. "He left me five hundred thousand dollars."

"No freaking way?!" His smile widened as he threw a giggly fit. "Oh my god! That's really great! I mean, that way, you could quit your job and go to university. That's what you want, right?"

The idea sounded really nice but, "I can't."

"Why the hell not? That money could support your education." Hugh all of a sudden turned serious.

I sighed. "I know but Wilson made me promise that I would take good care of the company... and Pierce. Maybe if things would go smoothly within a year then maybe I could go."

I felt Hugh's hand on mine as concern was etched on his facial features. "You've been taking care of Wilson for so long and I think it's time that you should be thinking about yourself. I mean, Pierce is a grown man. I'm sure he can handle the company."

I knew that he was right but I just couldn't let go of Wilson just like that. I would probably give it a year before I could decide to leave the company completely.

"Thanks, Hugh, but not right now. They need me there. I'll think about it, I promise." I smiled at Hugh and reassured him.

"Okay," he replied.

We then proceeded to eat our dinner as we talked more about how my week went. We had been pretty busy lately so it was nice to catch up with him.

Saturday night rolled in and Hugh was dressing me up for a 'girls' night out since he was free this weekend. I wasn't even sure how he had convinced me to come, but maybe I needed it right now. Hugh hid a stash of garments that he made a while back and told me that it would come in handy someday. It did, seeing as my closet contained more of my office clothes and a bunch of T-shirts and jeans. I had been trying out a bunch of dresses for half an hour already and it seemed that most of them just didn't work out.

"Hugh! This is ridiculous. I am not opening up my 'soul' for everyone to see," I whined. I was bothered that he might try to sell me off to some strange guy in the night club.

He rolled his eyes at my exaggeration. "This is a night club, Vee. You're not going to look like a virgin if you're stepping in with me. That's like the fifth dress you've tried on. Pick something already!"

I was getting frustrated. I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath. "Okay, okay! Just get me a dress that would at least properly cover my boob area."

"Hold on, I think I have something that you would definitely approve of." Hugh shuffled back to his closet and took out a black fabric. He then handed it to me. "Here. Try this on."

I put on the dress and looked at myself in the mirror. My mouth curved into a smile when I saw that it didn't show much. I loved the feel of the fabric. It was a black backless V-neck skater dress. It hugged my body comfortably while the bottom flowed just above my knee. I was a bit concerned with the back since it was bare. But in totality, I liked it.

Hugh couldn't contain his excitement. "You look gorgeous babe! That would go great with your red pumps and put on a red lipstick."

I wasn't really into make-up. My daily routine only consisted of me putting on some cheek tint, loose powder and a light pink shade of lipstick. Since this was a once in a lifetime thing, I applied mascara and eyeliner just to let my eye color pop. My natural hair color was dirty blonde, a bit on the wavy side, so I curled them loosely to accentuate them and straightened my fringe.

Hugh and I were now ready to go. He was wearing a dark blue suit jacket with a light blue striped dress shirt. He paired it with light khaki pants and brown boat shoes.

"Ugh, why do you have to look so good? Why can't you be my boyfriend? I have my eyes only for you." I pouted as I took a step closer and placed my hand onto his chest.

"Gross." Hugh took a hold of my hand and gently shooed it off him. "Vee, you should probably try that line to men that like women. Maybe they will say yes and you'll finally get laid."

"Hey!" I slapped his chest playfully.

Hugh just chuckled. "Come on virgin, let's go have fun tonight!"

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