《NEVER LET ME GO ✔️ (COMPLETED)》Chapter 6~ Treat and Suspicion


Rishabh and Aashi walked happily through the corridor. Aashi kept nudging him demanding a treat. Rishabh kept making excuses.

'No more excuses, Dominos.' Aashi said determinedly.

'Yeah, Yeah, we will see.' Rishabh said sounding uninterested. Aashi was about to counter that when they heard sobs coming from the storeroom. They stopped in their tracks and glanced at each other perplexed.

'No, Aashi.' Rishabh held her hand as she was about to walk towards the storeroom. Aashi knew he is worried about her, but she was curious to know who is crying. More than curious she was concerned.

Aashi squeezed his palm gently and tiptoed towards the room. Rishabh clenched her hand tighter. The door was slightly ajar, Aashi carefully pushed the door open. There sat a girl in the corner, with her face buried in her palm and she was crying. There are bruise marks on her arms. Aashi looked at Rishabh, he looked scared.

Aashi approached the girl cautiously, - 'Hello.' She extended her hand, but before she could touch her Rishabh pulled her back. Slowly, the girl looked up and Rishabh held Aashi tighter. Aashi is stunned to see the same beautiful hazel eyes, except now it wasn't twinkling. It is sad and swollen. Aashi's heart sank a little.

'Laila.' She said softly. Rishabh let go of Aashi and looked at her surprised.

'You know her?' He whispered and Aashi nodded.

Laila looked from Aashi to Rishabh and back again, - 'What do you want?' She croaked. Aashi simply smiled making Laila frown.

'I have come here to help you.' Aashi said politely.

'I don't need any help, get lost.' Laila said rudely and looked away

'Hey, you can't talk this way to-' Rishabh began but Aashi held his hand and he stopped. When he frowned at her Aashi smiled blinking slowly at him. She then let go of his hand and walked towards Laila. She shifted little as Aashi sat beside her.


'Go away.' Laila mumbled hugging her knees. Aashi doesn't go, she placed her hand on her shoulder and squeezed it gently.

'I am your friend, I want to help you.'

'Friend? We had just met yesterday. You need a gossip.' Laila said irritated. Aashi sat there patiently.

'But I consider you my friend, you can consider me too. Trust me.' Aashi said calmly. Something about her voice, or the way she looked at her, or her smile made Laila cry again. She leaned forward and placed her head on Aashi's shoulder and began crying. Aashi wrapped her arms around Laila and consoled her, she caressed her arm.

Aashi looked up at Rishabh and silently asked him to leave but he shook his head. She sighed and looked back at Laila, this is more important than getting into an argument.

'Jeet and I were in a relationship since school. Every time he fails in something he takes the anger on me and I cry this way.' Laila said in between her sobs. Aashi felt angry on him but she pushed back her feelings and held Laila closer. She looked up at Rishabh who looked concerned too.

'Why don't you leave him?' Rishabh said after a while. Laila looked up at him with tears in his eyes.

She shook her head, - 'No, I love him.' she said seriously

'What love is this, Laila, when someone abuses the other? Get out of this.' Aashi said calmly. Laila blinked at her.

'Yes.' Rishabh said this time he sounded confident.

Aashi nodded her head, she held Laila's face and made her look at her, - 'Leave that jerk.' She said. Laila slowly nodded her head.

'Yeah, and join us. We are going to Dominos now.' Rishabh said brightly. His smile faded when Aashi looked at him with an eyebrow raised.


Laila refused but Aashi insisted she came with them. Seeing Aashi probe her Rishabh joined in too. Eventually, Laila agreed.

'By the way, I am Rishabh.' He introduced himself and extended his hand. Laila smiled at him and took his hand. Aashi frowned when neither of them let go and stared at each other, instead. She cleared her throat and then they moved apart.

'Come, we will get you fixed first.' Aashi held Laila and took her out, Rishabh following them.


Rishabh waited outside the girl's washroom while Laila washed her face and fixed her hair. Aashi also combed her hair. The two then drove to the nearby Dominos outlet in an auto while Rishabh was on his bike.

The girls came little before Rishabh and waited outside.

'Your friend is very sweet.' Laila said with a smile. Aashi looked at her and nodded, but something about her ticked off an alarm inside Aashi's head. Laila has just met Rishabh, they hardly even spoke to each other. But then Aashi pushed back the thought thinking maybe Laila liked his gesture of taking her to Dominos.

Soon Rishabh came. Aashi looked at Laila eyeing him as he climbed down his bike, remove his helmet, and push back hair off his forehead. He smiled at the girls and walked towards them. Aashi isn't liking the smile on Laila's face. But then she shook her head, why is she getting so insecure, it's irrational, she thought.

Rishabh opened the door for them before Aashi could step in Laila cleverly nudged her and entered first, she smiled at Rishabh, extra sweet smile. Aashi frowned when Rishabh let go of the door and it almost hit her face.

'Sorry, sorry.' He apologized but soon got distracted as Laila, very sweetly, asked where they should sit. Aashi isn't liking this, but she kept pushing back the thought thinking it to be her irrational insecurity.

As they had the Pizza Aashi noticed Laila's body language to be suspicious. She kept smiling and batting her eyelids too much. She laughed, gracefully, even on the lamest joke that Rishabh cracked. She also noticed Laila unnecessarily touch Rishabh's palm. No one, who sees her now, will believe that she was crying her eyes out just a while back. Aashi was annoyed because Rishabh seemed to enjoy the attention she was giving him.

After they were done eating, Aashi was happy as it is time to leave.

'Jeet used to take me on bike rides too.' Laila said sadly as Aashi sat behind Rishabh on the bike. Aashi noticed tears glistening in her eyes.

'Don't worry, Laila.' He turned his head little and looked at Aashi, - 'You always sit behind me, let Laila sit this time. See, she is upset. And your house is just around the corner, walking distance.'

Aashi's mouth dropped when he said that. She glared at him, but he insisted and, so she got down.

As Aashi got down her gaze caught Laila and for one crazy moment, she thought she saw her smirk.

'Thank you, Aashi and Rishabh, you guys are the best.' She said and quickly sat behind Rishabh. She held his shoulder and leaned forward hugging him. Aashi felt uncomfortable watching the two.

'Bye, Aashi.' Rishabh said

'Bye.' Laila waved at her.

'Bye.' Aashi said slightly annoyed.

She watched them drive away, feeling strange.

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