《NEVER LET ME GO ✔️ (COMPLETED)》Chapter 5~ Try Outs and Lucky Charm


After that incident, everything changed. Rajeev was no longer intimidating and was kicked out from the "cool gang", while Rishabh was welcomed with open arms. Aashi, Kajal and Suchitra were no longer the out casts and students actually feared Aashi. She liked being the Don of the place; they were still the "nerd gang" though. But the best part, Aashi and Rishabh were friends again, this time they promised to never fight again, pinky promised.

One week later, the final bell rang ending the session for the day.

'Hey, coming over for next week's test preps?' Kajal asked. Yesterday the three had planned to have group study for the tests next week, it is a simple test which carries 10% weight in exams. Suchitra nodded her head while Aashi shook her head.

'I love to guys, but can't.'

'Why?' the other two asked curiously

'For now, I am going to Rishabh's football match. It's tryouts, he wants to get selected and wants me there,' - Aashi smiled, - 'he thinks I am his lucky charm.' A light crimson red adorned her cheek. Kajal and Suchitra passed a grin at each other.

'You like him, don't you?' Suchitra nudged Aashi's arm.

'Of course, I like him.' Aashi said casually.

Kajal and Suchitra's grin widened, - 'Oooo, someone is in love.' they gushed. Aashi frowned and looked at them.

'What?' She pressed her lips tightly. Her friends giggled. Without saying anything they walked away, Aashi frowned staring at their backs and not getting what they meant.

Of course, she likes Rishabh, but only as a friend. Love, Rishabh? Yuck, Aashi made a face.


Aashi hurried towards the field, there are many boys standing there lined up. A well-built man in a track suit who Aashi assumed to be the coach was giving a lecture to them. Everyone had their eyes on him and were focused except for one boy, Rishabh. He kept looking everywhere. When his gaze met Aashi, she waved at him smiling widely, only then he relaxed.


Aashi gave him thumbs up which he acknowledged with a small nod. Aashi took her seat right in the front so that Rishabh can easily see her and she too can see him play. As the Coach blew the whistle, Aashi began to make silent prayers, she had her fingers crossed as she watched her best friend play.

Once the whistle blew, Rishabh was completely zoned out. He was fully focused on the game. Aashi watched holding her breath. Every time he made a goal, she cheered the loudest. There was hardly anyone present here and so she stood out. Rishabh passed her a smile every time their gaze met.

Soon, there was time out and Aashi quickly leaped from her seat.

She took out a water sipper filled with energy drink and hurried towards Rishabh, all the while adjusting the sling of the bag on her shoulder.

Rishabh took a towel and wiped the sweat off his face and nape when Aashi came to him.

'Here.' She forwarded him the bottle.

'Thanks.' He said gratefully and took the bottle from him. As he drank, Aashi talked about how impressive he played and will definitely get selected in the team. Rishabh felt so much motivated by her words, she knew he was, she could see it in his eyes.

'Thanks.' Rishabh said patting her shoulder, Aashi smiled at him and whispered all the best as the coach blew the whistle again.


The match went on for fifteen minutes more, after the match, Aashi stood up and walked towards the field. As she did, she dashed into someone, a girl.

'Sorry.' Aashi apologized. She looked up and saw a gorgeous young girl, her age, stare at her.

Her hazel almond shaped eyes twinkled, her full lips pulp, her flawless skin glowed, and her wavy tresses reached her waist.


'It's okay.' She said sweetly. Aashi smiled at her, she smiled back before adjusting her bag and walking towards the field, Aashi followed her.

They had to wait for some time till the coach is done talking to the players. In this time Aashi decided to strike the conversation with this beautiful girl. On seeing her Aashi realized she hasn't seen her in the class, perhaps she is in the other section.

'Hi, I am Aashi Verma, Commerce first year, section A.' She stuck out her hand. The girl looked at her hand first and then at her. She looked like a timid young girl. Aashi smiled warmly at her to make her comfortable.

'Laila Ranawat, first-year Arts, Section B.' She shook hands with Aashi.

'Oh!' Aashi nodded her head.

'I am here to support my best friend, Rishabh. And you?' Aashi asked looking at her. Laila looked towards the boys briefly and then back at her, - 'I am here for my boyfriend, Jeet.' She said.

Aashi frowned, it has just been few weeks they have joined College and this girl already made a boyfriend. She then shook her head, she shouldn't be judgmental without knowing the girl personally. Aashi smiled awkwardly, the girl smiled back.

Before either of them could speak they heard the boys disperse. Aashi looked at the boys and then turned her head to say Bye to the girl but she had disappeared. Aashi looked around for Rishabh but her gaze fell on the girl. She hugged a boy, who had a tall and lean body, she kissed him on the cheek and the two walked holding hands. Aashi watched them.

'Hey!' Aashi is startled when someone patted her shoulder. She looked away from Laila and smiled at Rishabh.

As they walked towards the building, Rishabh kept telling her everything that the Coach had said, he also mentioned the result of the tryouts will be announced tomorrow.

'Don't be nervous, you will be selected.' Aashi held his hand and assured him, he smiled at her.


Next day, Aashi sat with her friends who told her about what they learned last night just then Rishabh came to them. He stopped in front of them. His breathing heavy.

'Dude, what happened?' Aashi asked him concerned.


'First, relax.' Aashi held his shoulder and tried to make him sit but he shook his head and looked at her.

'The results of the tryout is out, come check the result.' He said, his breathing had calmed a little.

'But why me?' Aashi asked confused.

'Because you are my lucky charm.' Rishabh grabbed her hand dragged her with him. Aashi sighed giving up.

Rishabh stood away from the board while Aashi squeezed her way through the crowd.

Aashi squinted her eyes and checked the results, her finger moved from the name on top. She stopped and a smile appeared on her lips as she read his name


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