《Objection! Dear Love...》Epilogue


We wait for the stars to align

So we finally get the best moment

And we wait and wait and wait

For the perfection to arrive.

So imperfect seconds of serenity slip away.

Suddenly we run out of time,

And now stuck in the motion.

When life just goes on...

— K :)


Dear Rajshree,

I don't usually write letters or maintain a diary, you know it pretty well. But today I really want to share some things to let go of the burden of it from my chest. And who can be better than you to listen to my jumbled thoughts?

I know somewhere up there you're now happy and watching us. If you are, then firstly I want to apologise. I'm sorry for everything Rajshree. I know I've said this many times now, but it can never get me out of my guilt. They say you don't realise the value of someone until they're gone. You were too precious for me and I failed to keep you safe. The guilt of not being able to save you is eating me up and now I know there's no escape to it. I'm receiving the punishment for my deeds and I accept it. Yet I want to say that I am sorry.

Abir and Mishti were here today and for the first time after years I felt like being a part of my daughter's life, like she hasn't completely abandoned me, like she still considers me her father. And today I knew Abir kept his promise. He brought my daughter back to me. Most importantly he brought back that smile of hers, the smile we used to be proud of, the smile that used to make us feel like we've achieved everything in life, the smile that I didn't realise how valuable was until it was lost.


Mishti is happy, Rajshree. She's finally happy and satisfied with her life and she's getting the love she really deserves. You were right back then, Abir is actually the one. I don't know how you could see that without even knowing him, maybe a mother's heart can never go wrong. So today I fulfilled one of my responsibilities as our Mishti's father. I corrected the biggest mistake I made years ago.

I said yes to Abir and Mishti's marriage.

Can you believe that Rajshree? My daughter came to seek my blessings to begin her new life with Abir. I can't even explain how happy I am today. I know very well it was Abir who convinced her to talk to me but I'm really thankful that this happened. She at least considers me important enough in her life to come and ask for my permission for her marriage. Can you believe that? She came to me, she looked so happy and so in love and she sought my blessings. I can't put down the happiness I feel right now. Our little Mishti is getting married and this time she's marrying the man she loves, the man who treats her like a queen, the man who gives her all the love she deserves, the man who keeps her safe from this cruel world.

Abir asked me if I was happy with their decision. Honestly I couldn't really express how happy I am, I'm bad with words, you know that right? But trust me I'm the happiest father in the world. Of course it was hard for me to believe that Abir Rajvansh is the one in Mishti's life but I've seen him all this time and I've seen how his face lights up when Mishti's around and how Mishti smiles brightly when he calls her name. So who am I to object to their love? They don't need my approval in this; yet it gives me immense pleasure that they decided to ask me. They decided to give this father the happiness to witness the marriage of his daughter. I don't deserve this but they chose me. And they proved that nothing is bigger in this world other than bonds of love.


You were right, Rajshree. Love is the greatest of all powers. My guilt won't reduce, I know, I'll never forgive myself for whatever I did in the past. But now I know that Mishti sees me in a little better light and that's more than enough for me to live, isn't it? I will never be able to thank Abir enough for this. Even after whatever I did to him he accepted me and not for once he let the past come in between our present. And today he has done me the biggest favour of my life by giving me a new life. I'm forever indebted to him. I wish I could turn back time and make everything alright from the first day. If only I could have asked for Mehul's forgiveness! But maybe I'm not supposed to get rid of this constant guilt. I don't deserve this.

I remember Mishti saying the other day that maybe things were meant to be like this. Otherwise we wouldn't have been where we are now. She said she doesn't have anything to complain about because everything that happened changed each one of us for the better. Can you see this Rajshree? Our daughter is a grown up lady now and I'm so proud of her, hope she knows that too.

Rajshree, I hope you're at peace now. Please bless our daughter and our would-be-son-in-law. But Mishti called me Baba today and trust me, I felt as if the Gods were showing their mercy upon me. So maybe things have not gone back to normal yet, maybe my daughter is still not totally comfortable around me, maybe we'll never be able to mend our broken relationship but at least we both have taken steps towards each other and this time she's not alone in her fights. In fact, this is just the beginning.

But at least, I've a family to call my own, a family that's above everything for me. Most importantly, a family that taught me the meaning of love.




and but most importantly to the friendship I'm forever grateful about. Secondly to the boy I met during my high school - man, it's been so long yet you inspire me in some way. Hopefully you'll never come across this xD Also a special mention to for being the most active reader since the beginning and to every single one of you commented regularly, I hope you know that your comments literally make my day ^_^

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