《Alone Until You: Parents: Laurenzside x Smajor1995》Talking To Yammy


"Yammy?" I asked. "Yessum?" She asked. "Don't break the fourth wall..." I told her. "But breaking walls is fun!" She said. "Yammy who are you talking to?" Joey asked. "Just my friend The Author." She said. "Yammy! No wall breaking!" I warned. "But..." She started, "No buts..." I said. "Kyle I think you should be worried about her..." Scott said. Kyle just looked around pretending he didn't know any of them. "I like breaking the walls though..." Yammy complained. "Don't even right now Yammy..." I said. "But I wanna break walls!" She cried. "Fine! Not too often though Yammy..." I warned. "I won't!" She smiled.

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