《Alone Until You: Parents: Laurenzside x Smajor1995》A Day To Remeber


[Scott's P.O.V]

"She's in labor Scott..." Yammy said helping her into the car. My eyes were filled with shock. I wasn't prepared. Mentally or physically. I wasn't ready for even one child, much less two. "You aren't ready are you Scott?" Kyle asked. "N-No... Honestly I'm not..." I told him. "Trust me Scott... No one can be entirely prepared. Just ask Yammy..." Kyle told me. "Kyle's right Scott, no one can be entirely prepared for something like this. It changes lives forever..." Yammy said.

We got to the hospital as fast as we could. "Alright Lauren..." Dr. Abbot said. He was the doctor we had been with throughout the whole thing. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Not at all..." She said. "Well you're about 9 centimeters dilated, so it might be a little bit until you're entirely ready..." He said.

{Lauren's POV}

It hurt so much, and only Yammy understood the pain. "Yammy why does it hurt so much?" I asked between screams and cries. "Well it's supposed to, I don't want to go too far into detail so that it doesn't get too disgusting for the readers..." She said. "Readers?" I asked. "Yammy what do you mean?" Scott asked her. "Oh nothing...." She said. I cried out again as another contraction hit.

After about half an hour of torture the contractions were unbearable. Soon the doctor came back, I was fully dilated and ready.

It took about an hour and a half just for the first one to be born. Scarlet, was the first one born. She was older than Layton by about ten minutes. It was all over, but the true challenge was just beginning...

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