《Mystery of Redpaw (PAW Patrol Fanfic)》The Wolf
Hours had passed. Ryder's eyes slowly opened. All he saw was darkness. "U-uncle Arite?" he breathed out. There was no response. Slowly, but surely, he got feeling back in his limbs. Propped up against a tree, he found his pup pad lying on the ground. The battery was missing. Clearing his throat, he called out for his uncles, his pups, anyone. But no one could hear him.
Artie had taken him deep in the forest, away from anyone. They had been trying to find Redpaw's 'parents', or at least, the ones that took care of him as a younger pup. That's what he's after, Ryder thought. He never cared about Redpaw, he just wants to continue his research. Angered, Ryder slammed his fist into the side of the tree, then cried out in pain. "Idiot," he muttered.
After massaging his legs, he figured he could walk, or at least try to. Hesitantly, he stood up, using the tree trunk for balance. He felt woozy, but his legs didn't give out. A good sign.
Looking around, he couldn't see much, for night had fallen. "Looks like I'm stuck out here. Hopefully the pups can find me before-"
An ear splitting howl to his left startled him. "That- that must be..." He didn't finish his thought, taking off towards the source of the sound.
As Rocky comforted Redpaw, Chase noted how close the two had become. "Hey, Rocky," he whispered. He motioned just a few feet away.
Rocky slowly moved away from Redpaw, careful not to wake him up. Meeting Chase by the window, he turned his head. "What's up?"
"You care about him, a lot." Rocky nodded. "Why?"
"Why? Why not? Poor pup's been out on the streets for dog knows how long." The mixed-breed looked out the window and sighed. "I don't know. I guess I can relate to him."
Chase turned his head. "But Ryder got all of you at the shelter?"
Rocky chuckled halfheartedly. "I had a life before the shelter, Chase. I'm-I'm older than I look."
"Well I figured that." He moved closer to Rocky. "What happened?" he whispered.
Rocky motioned towards the balcony and Chase followed closely behind. He didn't want anyone to know about his past, but trusted Chase enough to tell no pup. Sitting outside, the cool breeze tickled their fur, causing them to shiver a bit. "Alright... I was born about a year before I got to the shelter..."
Rocky lay at the end of an alley alone, shivering and whimpering. Shortly after he was born, his parents were captured and taken to Foggy Bottom. There wasn't a shelter in Adventure Bay at the time. So, he wandered the streets, alone. He was the runt of the litter and never saw his siblings.
He had to fend for himself, often getting caught in fights. Much like Redpaw, he was thrown out of deli's and bakeries, caught scavenging for food. He was scrawny and hid easily in the shadows. He would wait until owners left their homes to steal a bit of food, just enough to satisfy himself.
It was during this time that he took up recycling. He watched how different trucks collected different materials. He overheard a worker saying it was 'good for the Earth and would make the world a better place.' Rocky wanted to do his part and would spend time look for recycling.
A local deli shop, before Mr. Porter, noticed this and would feed him time to time. Rocky learned to talk thanks to him. He never got to thank him in person, though, because he moved away after a while. The shop remained empty and Rocky would spend most of his time there until one day, someone else came. THey were furious that a pup was inside the building and called animal control. That's when Rocky arrived at the shelter and met the other pups.
"Did you really steal food?" Chase asked.
"I did what I had to do to survive," Rocky said, not looking at him. "I wouldn't be here today if I didn't." Chase nodded, looking at him more closely. He had never noticed that the pup had muscle hidden under his fur. In fact, he looked a bit skinny now that he looked. He even saw a few scars. Rocky noticed his staring. "I'm not proud of my old life, but I have this one now and that's all that matters."
"I never knew..." was all Chase could say. "You and Redpaw are so similar, I just never thought-"
"I don't want him to lead the same life I did," Rocky interrupted. "He's a bit younger than when I was abandoned, but that doesn't change anything. Being here is the best chance he has."
"I agree," Chase said. "You wanna know something?" Rocky nodded. "I was the runt too."
"You?" Rocky gasped. "That's impossible!"
"It's true. Before Ryder's Dad adopted me, I was the runt. I was underfed and weak. But Ryder trained me and fed me. He made who I am now." He smiled. "We all need someone as a teacher, a mentor."
"A master?"
"Right. Ryder's ours. But, Rocky, you're Redpaw's. He looks up to you like a brother. He trusts you more than anyone."
"I never thought of it that way, but," Rocky turned, looking inside. Redpaw had woken up and was looking towards him with a smile. "I guess you're right." Chase nodded and the two returned inside. Chase barked for Marshall to come over. They needed to start planning.
Ryder continued running, but the howling had long stopped. He heard a few gunshots earlier and kept low to the ground. What's Artie doing? he thought. Soon enough, he heard voices.
"Those wolves will never know what hit 'em," one said. Ryder recognized it as one of the scientists. "This dart will immobilize them long enough to lock them up."
"Perfect." This voice Ryder did recognize. It was Artie. "We should have them by morning. The military will be so glad to have the project restarted that they'll have to resume funding."
He's doing this for money? Ryder asked himself. Unbelievable. A stick broke to his right and he froze. The growl that followed was unmistakable. Side-swept, Ryder hit the ground with a thud. He stared face to face with a snarling wolf. "You've been around my son," she growled. "Where is he?!"
"R-Redpaw?" Ryder stammered. "He's safe. Back at the Lookout. The tall building, looks like a lighthouse. But, do you know you're in danger?"
"Danger? Of what?"
"Capture. There are other people nearby with weapons."
"I smelled them a while ago." The she-wolf allowed Ryder to sit up. "Take me to my son."
"I would, but it's too dark for me to see. If you could lead me to the edge of town, I can take you to your son. Deal?" He stuck his hand out.
The she-wolf stared at it before nodding. "Alright, boy." Her large paw enveloped Ryder's hand. "But if you run..." She unsheathed her claws, pricking Ryder's skin, forcing him to wince. "It's dinner time..." With that, she turned, smacking his face with her tail.
Ryder, stunned, could do nothing but follow her. After they left, Artie emerged from the bushes. He pulled out his radio. "Converge on the Lookout. No kill stun guns. Quickly and quietly."
Chase and Marshall sat on the balcony barking at each other. They couldn't agree on a plan. "What are they fighting about?" Redpaw asked.
"Well," Skye began. "They're trying to figure out how to find Ryder and Artie." Redpaw nodded, opening the door. "Wait, Redpaw, I don't think that's a good idea."
Ignoring her, Redpaw slowly walked up to the bickering pups. "...get us killed?"
"No," Chase said. "But we don't have a choice, now do we?"
"Why can't you just track him by smell, like you said earlier?" Marshall asked.
"Because it's not incredibly accurate, especially since Ryder's scent is all over the place." Redpaw sat down and thought to himself. Maybe I can find them. From where he was, he could easily access the roof, like he'd always done. He jumped onto the railing, startling both Chase and Marshall. "Redpaw?" Chase barked.
"What are you doing?" Marshall yelled.
"While you too sit around yelling at each other, I'm going to find Ryder." With that, he scampered up onto the roof.
"Redpaw!" Both Chase and Marshall yelled. Chase readied himself to jump onto the same railing when Marshall stopped him. "Don't, Chase. It won't support you."
"He could get hurt. He could fall or worse. Redpaw!" The younger pup didn't reply.
On top of the roof, Redpaw watched as the moon began to rise. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. "Ryder, I will find you. Somehow, someway." His paws began dimly glowing. He gasped as he felt a cool breeze around his body, tickling his fur. His eyes opened, also glowing a deep red. "D-Don't f-f-fight it..." he whispered.
He took another deep breath and found himself deep in Ryder's scent. It felt as though he were standing right next to him. He watched as Ryder was following a wolf. "M-mom?" Redpaw whined.
The wolf turned and looked as if she was staring directly at Redpaw. "Son? Pup, where are you?"
Ryder looked at her curiously. "Who are you talking to?"
"I'm at the Lookout." Redpaw's tail wagged quickly behind him. "Mommy, I want to see you!"
"I'm coming, my pup!" The she-wolf took of, Ryder running close behind her.
The vision ended and the glowing stopped. Redpaw felt extremely cold and collapsed on the roof. "M-mommy... Ryder..." He tried to stand up, but was too weak. Slipping on his own paws, he hit the roof again. His body began sliding down the side. He whimpered, sticking out his claws in an effort to stop himself. Just as he slipped over the edge, he barked loudly.
He fell a few feet before falling into a net. Looking around, he found Chase's smiling face and Marshall's worried one. Chase pulled him back over the railing, easing him down gently. Still feeling weak, Redpaw managed to nuzzle Chase's chest before collapsing. Marshall rolled him over, checking his vitals. "Heartbeat is fast and he's definitely cold. Redpaw, can you hear me?"
Weakly, the wolf pup nodded. "Ryder coming... mom too."
"Wait, what?" Chase asked.
"Who's mom? Ryder's?" Marshall asked.
"No." Redpaw forced himself to stand, whining a bit. "M-mine."
Artie and his team began closing in on the Lookout. Using the cover of darkness, they slipped onto the property. Artie signaled to his team to surround the building.
Inside, the pups were all fast asleep in their usual sports. They had gone to bed moments ago, still worried about Ryder. Redpaw was curled up by the command screen, twitching every now and then. He had wanted to go back out, to find both his mother and Ryder, but the other pups wouldn't let him. It was better if he rest. He hadn't recovered from his earlier vision and they were concerned, but at least he was asleep now.
One of Chase's ears perked up as he heard Artie and the others outside. His eyes opened wide and he nuzzled Marshall. "Someone's here," he whispered.
Marshall's eyes shot open. He yawned, cracked his back and followed Chase down the stairs. Chase motioned for Marshall to stay low as they peered outside. They saw Artie and his team armed with tranquilizers, circling the Lookout. Marshall turned to Chase. "Why are they-"
"I don't know." Suddenly, they heard a loud howl from upstairs. "Redpaw!" Both pups ran as fast as they could back to Ryder's room. Their, they found Redpaw outside, propped up on the railing. "Redpaw! Get down!" Chase growled.
Redpaw stopped howling. "My mom! She's coming with Ryder!" he yipped happily. Just as he was about to howl, a dart whistled by, startling him. Chase pulled him down, rushing him inside. "Wh-what was-"
Chase began barking orders. "We've got intruders! This isn't a drill! Marshall, get Rubble and head to the basement. Rocky, you take Redpaw and hide. The rest of you-" A banging was heard from down below. "Get your packs and get ready to fight." They all did as they were told, rushing to get suited up.
Marshall, Rubble, Rocky and Redpaw all rushed down to the basement. Marshall and Rocky had their suits and were ready to protect their friends. "It'll be alright, pups," Marshall said.
"What about Ryder?" Rubble whined.
"And my mom?" Redpaw said. "I have to warn her!" He tried getting past, but Rocky blocked him. "Move!" he growled.
"I can't let you go out there, it's too dangerous," Rocky said. "I'm sorry, Redpaw." The wolf's eyes widened as he panicked. He lashed out on Rocky, growling, struggling to get by. Each time, though, Rocky pushed him back. It hurt him to see the little pup so sad, but he needed to be protected.
Eventually, Redpaw gave up and broke down. He had his head against Rocky's chest and succumbed to the tears. Rocky pulled him close, nuzzling him and providing him some comfort. He looked over to Marshall with sad eyes.
Marshall wanted to help outside. He wanted to get Ryder back inside the Lookout, but it didn't seem like that was going to happen anytime soon. They were trapped inside their own home.
"It's just past these trees," Ryder said. He and Redpaw's mother were nearing the Lookout. Thanks to her astounding sense of smell, they were easily able to navigate the dark forest. Unfortunately, she could also smell Artie and the others. She was furious. "I will not allow anyone to come near my pup!" she snarled.
"Wait!" Ryder whispered. "Those people will hurt you if you get close. If that happens, you won't see Redpaw ever again." She whined and sat next to him. "There is another way, but you have to trust me." She turned her head curiously.
"You have a plan, boy?"
"Oh, I have a plan. You might not like it though..."
Moments later, Ryder emerged from the forest, carrying Redpaw's mother. "Uncle Artie! Help! Help us!"
Artie turned. His friends aimed for them, but Artie made them stand down. "Ryder? How- What happened?"
Ryder had tears streaming down his face. "I found this wolf. I think she's hurt. You have to help her!" His cries were desperate as he pleaded with his Uncle. "Please!"
Artie looked at the wolf. He recognized her and connected her to Redpaw. It has to be her, he thought. It just has to be. He smiled and knelt down, taking the wolf into his arms. "Do you have a first aid kit inside?" Ryder nodded. "Alright, let's go."
Ryder lead him and the team over to the doors. He rung the doorbell 3 times.
Chase heard the bell ring. "Pups, you know what that means," he whispered. "Act natural." As the doors opened, the pups wagged their tails and happily went up to Ryder. "You're home!"
"Pups, this is Redpaw's mother. She needs help. Marshall, take Artie-" He looked around. "Where's Marshall?"
"With Redpaw, downstairs. Come on!" Chase barked, trotting over to the steps. "Follow me!" Artie followed quickly. As he neared the steps, Ryder whistled. The she-wolf came to life in Artie's arms, knocking him off balance. Chase growled and jumped into his chest, knocking them down the stairs.
"Chase!" Ryder yelled. As he took a few steps forward, Artie's guards aimed their weapons. Luckily, Skye and Zuma were there and pulled Ryder out of the way. Redpaw's mother attacked one guard and went for the other while Skye tried distracting him. He shot at her, but missed by inches, the dart sticking out of the wall.
Downstairs, Marshall heard the commotion. "Stay back," he whisperd to the others. Just then, the door burst open. Artie and Chase fell down the steps. They landed on the floor with a thud. "Oh no!" Marshall barked, rushing over. "Chase? Chase, can you hear me?"
Redpaw watched from afar, frightened by the turn of events. Images of past events ran through his head. The bridge. The cave. His mother. And now, Chase.
"Chase?" Marshall felt for any sign of life, but couldn't find one. "N-no..." he whispered. He started giving him chest compressions. "Chase. Chase, wake up!"
Rocky bowed his head sadly, tears coming to his eyes. Redpaw looked from Marshall and Chase to Rocky. "No. He-he's just asleep, right?" Rocky didn't look up. Rubble let out a small whine as he too cried. Redpaw's ears fell flat. He looked back at Chase, lying there completely still.
He noticed Artie began moving. Growling, he slowly walked over. Artie heard him and his eyes shot open. He saw the small wolf pup walking over to him. "Hello, there," Artie said. "Isn't that cute, you think you're scary." He smirked, slowly sitting up. Redpaw let out a deeper growl, catching Rocky's attention.
He saw his paw pads glowing. Uh oh, he thought. "Redpaw?" he called out. "Stay back!" He cautiously walked over.
"That's right, little pup," Artie teased. "Stay back, you could get hurt." Redpaw was furious.
"You-you took my family," he said in a voice not his own. "You h-hurt my friends..." His eyes began glowing. His claws came out, leaving marks in the ground.
Artie gulped. For the first time, he was actually scared. "N-now wait a minute, pup-"
"Don't call me that!" Redpaw barked. "You hurt me, now I'm gonna-"
"Redpaw!" Rocky barked. The wolf pup stopped in his tracks, turning towards the mixed breed. "This isn't right and you know it. Revenge isn't the answer." Redpaw growled. "As much as you want to hurt him, it won't make you feel any better. It could make you feel worse." Redpaw looked back at Artie. He was against the wall, afraid to move. "Redpaw, look at me. I'm here. We'll get through this, just like we always do."
Redpaw was torn. He could hear Rocky and understand everything he was saying. But his mind was focused on Artie and all the things that had happened. He couldn't take anymore and pounced on top of Artie and began clawing him.
Artie screamed and shoved Redpaw hard enough that he flew into Marshall. Blood dropped down his face as he groaned and tried to get upstairs. He heard a growl and saw Redpaw's mother waiting for him. "Crap," he muttered as he sat back down.
Redpaw had slammed into Marshall and, somehow, ended up on top of Chase. Chase suddenly gasped, coughing as he sat up. "Wh-what happened?" He noticed Redpaw laying on him. "What the heck is going on?"
Marshall licked Chase, happy he was alive and awake. "You fell down the stairs and, well, we didn't think you made it. Redpaw attached Artie and then-"
"Son," the older wolf said as she walked down the steps. Redpaw turned and faced her. She looked exactly like the wolf in his dreams.
"M-mom?" he whispered. "Mommy!" He rushed over and nuzzled her lovingly. She nuzzled him back and took him into her paws. "I've missed you," Redpaw cried.
"I've missed you too, my little pup."
"Thank you, Mayor," Ryder said, setting his phone down. He sighed with relief. Glad that's finally over with. He pushed a button on his phone. "PAW Patrol, to the Lookout!"
Outside, the pups stopped their play and ran to the Lookout. Marshall, as usual, tripped and slammed into the other pups. "I'm good!" he exclaimed, causing the other pups to laugh.
Once they reached the top and greeted Ryder, they relaxed, realizing there was no emergency. "Pups, I have good news. Artie will be stuck in jail for life."
The pups howled at that. They all had to go to his trial and testify against Ryder's crazed uncle. After weeks of hoping, they had their answer. They were safe.
"Does that mean Redpaw can come home now?" Rubble asked.
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THỨ NỮ HỮU ĐỘC Tác giả: Tần GiảnConverter: Noline412Nguồn: Tangthuvien.vn[Nội dung giản lược]Tướng phủ thứ nữ, chịu khổ tám năm, rốt cục mai kia làm hậu, phượng lâm thiên hạ. Thế sự khó liệu, phu quân thế nhưng đối đích tỷ nhất kiến chung tình, phế nàng Hoàng hậu vị, bách tử nàng thân sinh tử!Lãnh cung trung, nàng cắn răng nanh, một ngụm uống cạn rượu độc!Thề với trời, nếu có chút kiếp sau, lại không giúp mọi người làm điều tốt, tuyệt không vào cung, thệ không làm hậu!Trong Thừa tướng phủ, thứ nữ trùng sinh, ác nữ trở về:Mẹ cả ác độc? Diệu kế đưa ngươi thượng hoàng tuyền!Đích tỷ giả nhân giả nghĩa? Hung hăng xé mở ngươi mỹ nhân da!Thứ muội hãm hại? Trực tiếp quăng đi bãi tha ma!Đã không nhường ta hảo hảo qua ngày, ai cũng đừng nghĩ sống!Vốn định cách này chút tai họa vật sáng càng xa càng tốtAi biết nam nhân tâm, đáy biển châm, lao không lên, đoán không raThề muốn triệt để rời xa nam nhân lại vì nàng phải chết muốn sốngĐời trước tử địch tỏ vẻ thầm mến nàng rất nhiều năm Còn không hạnh bị một cái trên đời này tối tuấn tú vô lại bò lên.
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