《Mystery of Redpaw (PAW Patrol Fanfic)》The Clues (Part Two)


Redpaw regained consciousness and began barking wildly. "Alex! The cabin! Jake's Mountain!" He jumped down from Ryder's bed and ran down the stairs. He could here the big screen in the command room. Apollo the Super Pup was on. Skye was asleep on a bean bag while Chase and were wrestling quietly.

Rocky had bit down on Chase's ear when he noticed Redpaw. "Phey, Redphaw," he mumbled. Chase pushed him off and proceeded to tackle him.

"Where's Alex?" Redpaw said frantically. "Is he okay?"

Chase had sat on Rocky's stomach, smirking at the struggling pup. "Relax, pup. He's at home with Mr. Por-" Rocky managed to get the upper hand, flipping them over. They were now intertwined, paws in each others faces. "-ter," he mumbled.

"Oh," Redpaw breathed, sitting on his haunches. "How'd you guys do it?"

Rocky accidentally kicked Chase in the head, causing him to yelp. "Sorry, buddy!" Rocky said. He sat up, a sheepish look on his face. Chase rubbed his muzzle, but then began laughing. Rocky too giggled, and looked over at Redpaw. "Right, right. Chase, you wanna go first, or should I?"

Chase regained his composure almost immediately. "Ahem, yeah, sure."

Skye and Everest had stayed behind, watching Mr. Porter and Redpaw, while Chase and Rocky sped up Jake's Mountain. "So Redpaw thinks it's Alex's dad?"

"Doesn't matter," Chase growled. "You don't just kidnap someone. Sirens on!" He flipped the switch of his rig, red and blue lights flashing. Rocky did the same, following behind him.

Up on Jake's Mountain, Jake had locked down the area, keeping everyone inside. He knew where the man had taken Alex, for he had watched them. He heard the sirens and ran outside. "Dudes! There at the farthest cabin that way!" He pointed to his right.

"Keep everyone safe," Rocky said.

"Don't come out until we give the okay," Chase ordered. Both pups hopped out of their rigs, running towards the cabin. "Rocky," Chase said once they had reached it. Both were shivering a bit from the snow, but they didn't seem too bothered. "This guy could be dangerous. We don't know what he wants or if he's armed."

"He's got Alex. We can't take any chances. I say we peek through the window."

"Good idea. Stand on my back." They approached the cabin quietly. Chase knelt down so Rocky could hop on top of him. Luckily for him, the mixed-breed was lighter than he thought.


Rocky peered through the window. "I see Alex," he whispered. In the far corner to his right, Alex was tied up, shaking in fear. "Should I get his attention?"

"No, he'll only get excited. Do you see the man?"

Scanning the room, he shook his head. "No, no sign. Wait..." A flash lit the room.

"What was that?"

"I think he's taking pictures?"

"Sick man..." Chase growled. "We've got to get Alex out of there."

"How do we get inside?"

Chase thought for a moment. If we bust the door down, he could hurt Alex. If he sneak in, there's a chance we can sneak him out. Maybe it's best we take the man down first... "Is the fireplace on?"

"No, why?" Chase smiled. "Oh... I get it..." Hopping down from his back, the two pups went back to their rigs. Chase drove his rig as close as possible to the cabin without making too much noise.

"The fireplace is near Alex. Once your in, attach the wench to him. I can see you from my rig through the window, so give me a signal. I'll start retracting my wench."

"Got it." Rocky strapped in, letting out a deep sigh. The chimney would no doubt be filled with ash.

Using Chase's grappling hook, Rocky climbed the side of the cabin. He kept his collar on low so as to hear Chase's instructions. "Take a deep breath and start climbing down. Whatever you do, don't breathe in." Rocky did as he was told, slowly climbing down the chimney. Don't breathe, don't breathe... "Wait...." Chase whispered. He spotted the man walking past the window. "He's in the room. Hold your position."

Chase ran up to the window, trying to get a better look. He hopped a few times on his hind legs, getting a few glimpses. He heard a door open and shut. "Go, go now!" Chase whispered.

Rocky let himself drop, catching himself before he hit the bottom. Stick his muzzle out, he scanned the room. "Target sighted," he breathed. Padding across the room, he shushed Alex. "We're getting you out of here." He bit down on the restraints, freeing him. "Attach this to your belt loop."

"How are you going to get out?" Alex asked.

"Don't worry about me. Go!" Alex did as he was told, approaching the fireplace. "Hold your breath before you get inside." Alex nodded, taking a deep breath before climbing inside. "He's in. Get him out, Chase."


"On it." Chase hopped back in his rig and began retracting his wench. He ran up to the side of the cabin and grabbed the grappling hook line so Alex could easily climb down. "How's he doing?"

"He's almost at the to-" Rocky's ears perked. He cut his communicator.

"Rocky?" Chase asked. A gunshot rang out. His heart nearly stopped as he activated his rigs battering ram. "PAW Patrol, put your hands in the-" He looked in every direction. There was no sign of neither the man nor Rocky. He took a few steps inside, wondering what had happened. The door slammed behind him. Chase brought out his stun gun.

The man was holding Rocky by the scruff, a gun aimed at his stomach. "Well, well. I must say, I'm impressed." His beard was long and dirtied. He wore a beanie, an old tattered jacket and torn jeans. "But, you've lost. Stand down, pup." Rocky shook his head.

'Do it,' he mouthed and whined. 'Just do it.'

Rocky knew the risk. The man had cocked the gun before hand. One electric shock to the chest and the gun would go off, no doubt. Rocky would get shot. Chase didn't want to take that risk. He hesitantly lowered the stun gun.

"Good pup," the man smiled, showing his disgustingly yellow teeth. He tossed Rocky towards Chase, knocking them both over. "I wonder how many bullets it takes to kill two pups?" He aimed the gun towards them both. Chase stood over Rocky protectively as Rocky stared at him in disbelief.

An engine roared outside. "What was that?" the man asked. Rocky's ears stood tall. He bit Chase's collar, rolling them both over as Chase's rig came crashing through the wall. It continued, plowing through the man until they both hit the fireplace. The gun was knocked out of his hand, as was his consciousness. Chase and Rocky stared in completely disbelief.

"That was awesome!" Alex yelled triumphantly from the wreckage.

"Alex?!" both pups yelled.

Everypup began laughing. All the noise woke up Skye. "What's going on?" she yawned.

"Telling Redpaw what happened today," Chase laughed. "Hey, has anyone heard from Ryder or the others?"

"Now that you mention it, no," Rocky said. He trotted up to the control panel. "Give me a minute while I check to see where they are. Maybe they made it." He began pushing a few buttons. Images flashed on the display, none of which the pups understood.

Redpaw, being the hyperactive pup he is, tackled Chase and gnawed on his ear. "Oh, you wanna wrestle, pup? Chase growled playfully. "You asked for it!" The two pups playfully bit and pawed each other, growling. Skye admired Chase as he played. He'd be a great father, she thought.

"Pups..." Rocky whined. Chase and Redpaw paused to look at the screen. It read 'Connection Lost' and a flashing red 'X' was on top of Rubble, Marshall and Zuma's icons, along with the PAW Patroller.

"What's their last known location?" Chase barked. Rocky inputted a few commands before the map showed them on the road. It also showed a hazard warning. "What's that?"

"Usually means there was construction on the road." Rocky tapped on the icon. Everypups jaw dropped. The screen read 'Emergency - Sinkhole'. "Oh-"

"-my-" Skye said.

"-pup," Chase finished.

Redpaw stared at the screen curiously, wondering exactly what could have happened. He thought hard of Ryder, Katie and the pups, who were now potentially trapped underground. I could try to see them, he thought. I could find them. He shut his eyes and concentrated. He whined out of frustration.

"Don't worry, Redpaw," Rocky said. "I'm sure they're fine."

"I'm trying to see them," Redpaw said. "You know, with my visions?"

"Don't they normally happen randomly?" Skye asked. "Like today, with Alex?"

"I don't know," Redpaw said. "What I do know is that there are people in danger and I could save them if I really tried." He stood and turned towards the elevator. "I'm going to go think." With that, he left the room, leaving half of the PAW Patrol to think about what to do next.

Skye and Rock looked to Chase. "With Ryder not here, you're in charge, Chase," Rocky said.

"What are we going to do?" Skye asked.

"We're going to save them," he simply said, walking over to the porch.

"How?" Rocky asked.

The door opened in front of him and he walked out. "I don't know." With that, the door shut and he looked out across Adventure Bay. The sun was setting, giving the sky a nice orange glow. "Ryder. Katie. Pups. Where are you?"

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