《Birds of a Feather》Hive


Due to some unforeseen circumstances, Newt and Tina's meeting with the Illvermorny staff was postponed. A few days later, they were going to attend the same.

However, as much as nearer the solution was, the farther and farther Tina and Newt went. Both were conflicted by opinions.

"How are meetings gonna help us?" Newt complained, "We need a solid plan".

"That's what you've been saying for the past few months" Tina scoffed.

"Excuse me?" Newt said, "I was the only person who had a plan!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't aware of the whole "rescue mission" which was totally out of your hands!" Tina started.

"Let's not fight" Newt suggested.

"Good call" Tina snarled in return, "I wouldn't dare, if I were you".

"I don't think I should be afraid of you" Newt spat.

"Well, then, don't care" Tina threw on her coat, "Go back to your London".

"I wouldn't recommend insulting my home" Newt threw her a glare, "You know how important it is to me".

"If it's so important, why don't you leave?"

"Well, I'll leave then! At least I'll be happier there!" Newt snapped, "I'm leaving, then".



Newt threw on his coat, "I'm getting a boat ticket now".

"Well I'll be darned" Tina folded her arms, "Go ahead".

To her surprise, the once sweet Newt turned to the door, opened it and let himself out without saying a word. Tina didn't care.

Conflicting interests and opinions are part of a relationship, Tina agreed to that. But Newt was becoming more in denial than ever. Since they couldn't find any record of the Deathly Hallows apart from a few statements written in some age old documents, Newt said that he needed proof.

Well, he got proof, Tina thought before leaving to Illvermorny.


Once she got there, she met up with Madam President, Agilbert Fontaine, the headmaster of the school and Eulalie Hicks, one of the most notable teachers.

"Welcome back, Miss Goldstein" Fontaine shook her hand.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Tina" Eulalie hugged her. After all, she was her old professor.

"My my, professor! You hadn't changed a bit!" Tina said.

"I'll take that as a compliment" Eulalie smiled.

"Well, where is Mr Scamander?" Madam President asked, "Isn't he with you?"

"He. . isn't coming" Tina said.

"Let's get in"

As they marched up to the school, Tina could've sworn that she saw someone with a good walking along the school grounds.

Maybe it was her mind playing tricks.

". . We have already tightened our security. We don't want any more attacks" Fontaine said, "We need Auror security".

They wer all gathered in the headmaster's office, making notes of important things.

"And that's added to our Short Term list" Madam President said, "Anything else to add, Eulalie?"

"Just protection" Eulalie shrugged.

Just then the door burst open, with Modesty rushing in.

"Professor Fontaine!" she cried, "Trevor is bullying me again!"

At once, the eleven year old froze at everyone. It was a lot to take in.

"Modesty, we talked about this. No complaints during meetings, understand?" Fontaine said, "Tell Trevor that he's in detention".

Modesty looked at the headmaster and nodded. Her gaze went to Tina and she nodded curtly, a small smile dancing on her lips.

"Modesty" Tina acknowledged before she left.

"You know Barebone?" Eulalie said.

"I do know her. She was an orphan unable to control her emotions. I asked Miss Tibber to accept her into her orphanage since she was the only lady around willing to do so" Tina said, "She knows me quite a bit".


"I thought students don't direct complaints at the headmaster, Mr Fontaine?" The President said.

"Oh, she's a special one, that girl" Fontaine informed, "She's a bit sensitive about things ever since Eulalie got her out of the orphanage. I told her she could talk to me whenever she wants".

"You shouldn't allow such things. They might take an advantage" The President said.

"Serephina, I, for one, know that they wouldn't. They are afraid to break my trust. Unlike everyone, I find it easy to trust people. People who are in need of something" Fontaine said, "I know it sounds crazy, but I feel it".

"Okay, back to the discussion" Tina brought back order, "What do we do about the casualties?"

"We can't guarantee wizards' safety if they aren't students. . " Fontaine started.

"That's barbaric!" Tina yelled.

"Tina! Inside voices!" Eulalie hissed.

"Let me finish" Fontaine said, "Look, we can't accept everyone into Illvermorny. We need to build some kind of safe houses for them to live. Like magically bound ones".

"How about creating a village?" Eulalie said, "It can bring every wizard close by and in Massachusetts so that they can be next to their children".

"It's not bad" Serephina thought aloud.

"But what if Grindelwald's men find them? He would kill them all" Tina said.

"Magically bound" Fontaine repeated.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Modesty, I told you no interruptions!" Eulalie said, getting up from her seat. The door opened to reveal. . Abernathy.

"Hi there" he smiled devilishly, "Care to talk?". He pulled out his wand.

Tina retaliated by doing the same, "What in the name of Deliverance Dane are you doing here?"

"Uh oh, bad timing huh?" Abernathy walked in, "Sorry".

"Aurors! Do something!" Fontaine yelled. But all of them stood as statues, unable to do anything.

"I'm alive, Tina sweetie" Abernathy smiled, "Fit as fiddle. Your little fire didn't stop me".

"Shut. Up".

"You might wanna step back, honey" Abernathy gritted his teeth, "For we're not lettin' you go until you spill the tea on Scamander".

"What?" Tina hissed.

"Didn't you hear?" Abernathy said, "News flash, we're searching for Newt Scamander. And we're going to find him and kill him. And kill all of you. We've got to eliminate Dumbledore's pawns before we get to the king".

At once behind him, marched in a troop of Grindelwald's men, dressed in serpent green and black.

"Brace yourselves" Abernathy smiled again, before the men came and took them away.

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