《Birds of a Feather》Heap


Tina and Newt made their way to Woolworth Building where Tina proudly flashed her ID. She was supposed to meet Madam President and the whole crew that day, but she figured that it could wait.

"Tina, you're awfully fast" Newt tried to catch up to her pace.

"Yeah and you're slow. Come on!" Tina implored and grabbed his arm.

A wave of nostalgia knocked Newt a few years back when Tina dragged him to the Ministry, his suitcase with her. That time, Newt didn't know how to react.

They reached the Record's Room, a narrow iron door holding it's secrecy. They opened it and slipped inside.

The Record's Room was a highly secured place. It didn't allow any sort of access without the proof. The guards had sworn to protect all sorts of documents.

There were documents dating back to centuries. Ancient runic scriptures, old contracts, information about criminals filled each and every cabinet, all alphabetized.

"So, where do we search?" Newt asked.

"It's according to the alphabet. We have to look for Deathly Hallows, which is under D. Grindelwald under C for criminals and Dark Magic under M" Tina processed the information.

"So we have to look in three different places?"

"Sounds like it".

They quickly spread out to search. Tina went to the cabinet marked D. Newt hovered around the C section.

"I still don't understand how this is going to help" Newt murmured.

"It's going to be useful!" Tina snapped, "D'you want to kill Grindelwald or not?"

"It's better if Dumbledore did it" Newt suggested, "It'd be the perfect solution".

"It is utterly nonsensical" Tina commented, "Dumbledore cannot take on Grindelwald without help".

"Are you saying he's weak?"

"Well maybe I am" Tina's ears grew hot, "I'm saying, everyone needs help. Just people don't take it much. Or acknowledge it".


After a few moments of searching, they found a few files marked with the necessary information. They scoured through the documents, searching for traces of the Hallows.

"Found em!" Newt declared and read a section of the document, "The only known possessor of the most powerful wand in the world seemed to be a well known wand maker situated in the East".

"That's it?" Tina said.

"Yes, nothing much" Newt shrugged, "I think Ollivander might know".


"Ollivander. He is a wand maker" Newt told her, "He's based in London. He can tell us about the wand maker".

"There's literally nothing else in this document?" Tina took the papers and shuffled through them, "Nothing at all?"

"Nope. Nothing about the wand. Nothing about the Hallows" Newt sighed, "Great".

"C'mon, we at least know about the wand, right?" Tina said, "The most powerful wand is the Elder Wand. So that means that the Hallows exist! That means. . "

". . . the Resurrection Stone does too" Newt breathed, "C'mon, let's search!"

Suddenly the door burst open to reveal Serephina Picquery wearing a stern expression. She scanned the room and looked at them.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Madam President, I. . " Tina began, pulling Newt up with her.

"Welcome Miss Goldstein" Picquery snarled, "Pity to see you here. And you, Mr Scamander".

"Uh, greetings?" Newt raised his eyebrow, "Pleasure to meet you again, Madam President".

"Yes, indeed" the President marched up to them, "Care to tell me what you two are snooping around? Miss Goldstein, I'm aware that you do not work here anymore, so your ID cannot be validated".

"Yes, I'm aware" Tina said, "But we think we might have an answer to certain questions. We came here because we wanted to learn about something".

"This isn't a school, Miss Goldstein" Picquery snapped, "We do not entertain you to look at our documents. They are very important and confidential. We do not permit. . . people to waltz right in and look over at some files. I hope you got that".



"And speaking of your rather dramatic entrance, shall we discuss your observations in my office?" the President said, more commanding than a simple request.


After narrating their adventures to the President of the Congress, almost everything excruciatingly detailed, the President seemed a bit enthralled.

"We'll be happy to offer our assistance to the Ministry in Britain, if they weren't so secretive" Madam President said, "We have tried our level best to connect with them, since we are all part of a magical community but they never seem to take up our offer of skilled Aurors in the battle".

"I'll tell that to Fawley" Newt suggested, "He's an old man, you see".

"Tell them that if they need any help, we're there for them" The President instructed, "And offer my deepest condolences to Castelobruxo for the sad demise of their headmaster. Pedro was truly a miracle".

"Yes, indeed he is" Tina said, "We'll tell them everything".

"Good. I'm happy this meeting might strengthen our relationship with the Ministries around the world. And I'll order Aurors to put the surrounding areas near Illvermorny on lockdown" Serephina decided, "I suppose you two would want to come? I have a meeting with the Head tomorrow".

"Oh sure!" Newt agreed, gleefully, "I want to see Tina's old school!"

"Speaking of you two. . " The President glared at them, "How's your new life, Tina?"

"Good, good" Tina snorted, "Not much"

"Please convey my wishes to Queenie. She might've been through a lot" the President muttered, "And my best wishes to you two"

"Um. . why?" Tina asked, "We're still here?"

"Oh, you two aren't. . married?" the President looked at their hands. No rings.

"No? Why would people think so? First my landlady and now. . you?" Tina asked, bewildered.

"No, its just that, Mr Scamander here has spoken greatly about you a few years ago" President said, "What were the exact words? I can't remember, but I can certainly tell that he was very much. . . fond of you".

"President Picquery!" Newt's ears grew hot, "I thought we were discussing Grindelwald and not our relationship!"

Tina was a bit taken aback at Newt's sudden outburst, but then kind of agreed with him.

"Calm down, Mr Scamander" Picquery said, "It's not everyday I gain interest to talk about such things. Anyway, I shall proceed. And keep your hands off my documents!"

Newt and Tina grinned as they exited the office. Along the way, Newt asked Tina, "Why do people think we're married?"

"'Coz we aren't?" Tina shrugged, "I bet Queenie and Jacob face the same thing everyday"

"D'you think it'd happen someday in the future?" Newt asked.

"Probably" Tina smiled, "Provided you and I don't die or explode"

"I think I can guarantee that" Newt entwined his fingers with hers, "Hopefully".

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