《Birds of a Feather》Hype


"Okay, I have good news and bad news" Theseus burst into the room the next morning. Tina and Newt were finishing up some "important paperwork". Bridget was finally better and able to get on her feet and Jacob was writing down something.

"What happened?" Newt asked.

"The good news is that I've persuaded the Rio Ministry to side with us in the fight for Grindelwald" Theseus cracked his knuckles, "The bad news is that we have this. . "

He pulled out a tiny crystal vial from his pocket.

"The blood pact. . " Tina breathed.

"Precisely" Theseus pocketed it, "We are it's new guardians. .".

"Oh heck no" Jacob cursed silently, "Aren't we done with this spiel? I wanna go home".

"I haven't finished my sentence" Theseus said, "We'll be guarding with. . Ally here".

The real Albus Dumbledore stepped forward into the room. He took off his top hat and bowed subtly.

"Hello there, friends" he greeted with a pleasant smile, "Sorry it took a while to get here. I had to make necessary arrangements for my departure, you see".

"Dumbledore!" Newt was relieved to meet his professor. He took his hand and shook it.

"Newt, I'm glad that you're well" Dumbledore smiled, "And Tina? Merlin's Beard, how are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks" Tina shook his hand.

"Jacob Kowalski, always a pleasure to meet you. I've heard a lot about you and your endeavors. Your contributions to the wizarding world shall be valued very much" Dumbledore said.

"Well, I hardly did anything, but thanks!" Jacob said, giving him a quick hug.

"And Bridget my dear" Albus said, "How have you been? It's been tough for you, I presume".

"Well you can say, but I'm not giving up without a fight" Bridget smiled, determined.

"I'm so glad to see all of you very much" Dumbledore sighed, "Nevertheless, it is important to get to our business. We are here to gather support from each and every individual, not just the Ministry".


"Including us?" Jacob said.

"Well, we might have to rule out the Muggles. ." Theseus began, "But you can stay".

"I'm not leaving Rio without Queenie" Jacob snarled.

"Firstly, we must be aware of what Grindelwald's doing" Dumbledore stated the objective.

"We know" Newt spoke, "He wants to take control of the British Ministry. We were talking about a control mechanism to stop Grindelwald's forces from penetrating".

"That is a brilliant idea. Looks like I'm yet to do my homework" Dumbledore smiled, "Anyway, let's do it. Let's develop that control mechanism".

"But what about the blood pact?" Tina asked.

"I've done some thorough research about it and there are specifications on the type of potion that is required. . " Albus rambled, "Never mind. That's my problem".

"No it isn't. It's our problem" Newt snapped up, "You're the only one who can duel Grindelwald. You have to figure out how to destroy it".

"I'll do my best. Meanwhile, let's visit the Ministry to see what they're upto" Albus said, "Maybe after breakfast".

The Scamander brothers sighed. Dumbledore seemed to look like he was comfortable and confident with the way things were going and it was getting increasingly confusing for them.

Nevertheless they followed Dumbledore out.

Along the way, Bridget cornered Tina.

"What is that for? You're blocking my way" Tina urged her to move.

"What happened last night? When I was tipsy?" Bridget asked.

"You were asleep. Newt and I talked about the control mechanism" Tina said, "Nothing much".

"I happen to have slightly tossed and turned in my sleep and maybe, I've seen that you've kissed?" Bridget prompted.

"Very funny. That only happens in dreams" Tina quickly lied.

"I can see that your ears are turning red. You're lying! You actually kissed!" Bridget clapped her hands.


"How can you even be awake? You were so drunk and you fell asleep!" Tina said.

"I have my own secrets" Bridget said, "Okay, fine, I wasn't that tipsy. I acted so, just to hook you two up".

"You acted?" Tina asked, "How can that be even real? You were drunk! Genuinely!"

"That's not the point" Bridget quickly defended herself, "The point is, are you two courting?"

"No, no!" Tina shook her head, "It was just a kiss, alright? No big deal".

"Yes big deal!" Bridget said, "Oh God, you're going to have the best wedding ever!"

"Shut up!" Tina snapped, "I'm hungry. Move".

Tina brushed her as she increased her pace to catch up with the others.

"This is not over yet, Tina!" A very hyperactive Bridget yelled, "You're gonna have to give me some answers!"

Tina sighed. Sometimes people can remind you so much of your family that you'd never want to leave them.

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