《Birds of a Feather》Hues


Tina woke up early, before the sun even rose. She quickly changed into her normal clothes. She looked at the giant grandfather clock, one similar to the one in her room back in Newt's apartment. It was four forty in the morning.

She gazed out of the window. Brilliant colors of light danced on the sky. They were bright red and orange, almost like a curtain, waiting to open for the dramatic entrance by the sun.

Bored, Tina decided to wake Newt up. They should get going. Silva had agreed to collaborate with the international Aurors in terms of catching Grindelwald. Now it was to be finalized and they can get going.

They still hadn't heard from Theseus. Judging by Newt's face, he didn't seem worried. Tina was happy that Newt entrusted Theseus with such a great job. Unlike her and Queenie.

"Newt, wake up"

"Mm?" he mumbled.

"We're supposed to go".

"Right" he yawned, "Let me get ready. . "

When they went downstairs, there was chaos and uncontrollable student running around, crying for help.

"What's going on?" Tina asked a nearby student who happened to be a Prefect.

"It's him. Grindelwald is nearby. Near the markets" the boy answered, "Silva told us to stay here".

"You take care of the kids. Make sure you're all on one place. Take them to the dungeons. Ask the house elves" Tina instructed, "Let's go, Newt!"

"Where?" he pulled out his wand.

"It's going to be a rough morning".

When they Apparated to the market, there was even more chaos than ever. The salesmen were rushing by, their livelihoods hanging by a thin thread. Quite literally, to be honest. They carried all that's little left and rushed. Grindelwald was setting the place on fire.

"Where is he?"

"Over there!" someone pointed to a tall building. There he was, Grindelwald. With his nearly trimmed beard and his blonde hair, carved into spikes. His long black cloak flew behind him.


"Incendio!" he cried, setting a small shop on fire. Two kids came running out, wailing that their parents were underneath that rubble.

"Grindelwald" Newt gritted his teeth.

"My my, it's Scamander's little brother. Pity he couldn't be here. He was searching at the wrong place. How cute" Grindelwald's voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Where's Queenie?" Tina yelled at him, "How dare you"

Grindelwald jumped down. He didn't hurt himself, unfortunately and approached Tina.

"Oh, Tina. . You're beautiful and perfect for our team. Yet you have to stick up for Dumbledore who's too cowardly to even fight me" Grindelwald laughed, "I can assure you Queenie is in very safe hands".

"Let me see her!" Tina snapped.

"Tina. . " Newt stepped in between Tina and Grindelwald.

Grindelwald sniggered, "No amount of protection would make you escape my wrath". He grabbed Newt by the cuff, "Tell me where Dumbledore is".

"You'd know that" Newt coughed.

"That old fogey travels a lot" Grindelwald's voice became deathly quiet, "Tell me where he is, and I'll let you go".

"Leave him alone!" Tina cried sharply, "Flipendo!"

Grindelwald was thrown into a pile of barrels. He shook of the cinders from his coat and looked at Tina.

"You'll pay, my dear" Grindelwald hid the pain, "Crucio!"

A beam of red light enveloped Tina as she fell on the ground, withering in pain. Newt quickly went to her side. Grindelwald laughed and Disapparated.

"Tina. . don't leave me. ."

"Newt. ."

"C-can you see me?"

Tina closed her eyes, the Cruciatus Curse taking over her, slowly. She closed her eyes and let out a little cough. Her wand lay down on the ground.

Jacob couldn't spend another day on the ship. There was still a week left. Magnuson was making it harder than it actually was.


He missed Queenie. Everyday he reminded himself of Queenie and her radiant smile and her ever delicious apple strudel.

Thinking of food made him hungry. He decided to make some food rather than get it. There was a loaf of bread sitting in the pantry, some marmalade and cheese and crackers.

He cut a portion of the bread and layered it with marmalade and cut some cheese and sprinkled it on. He closed the sandwich, cut it into several cross sections to make it like a strudel.

"Whatcha makin'?"

"Magnuson" Jacob greeted.

"It's food" Magnuson looked hungrily at the sandwich disguised as a strudel, "Give me some".

"No, it's. ."

"You miss your girl again?" Magnuson grinned. That's right, Jacob told Magnuson a bit about Queenie, avoiding the magic part.

"She's not my girl" Jacob protested, "I just want to make something to remind myself of her".

"Didn't you say she's gone missing?"

"I did".

"Oh. I'm sorry" Magnuson said, "I'll help you look for her, if you want. My mission is only for a few days. I can return and we can look for her".

"Huh, there's some morality in you after all, Magnuson"


"Never mind" Jacob grinned, "It's fine, Magnus. It's a complicated search and I don't think I can let you know".

"Okay, well" Magnuson shrugged, "Just lettin' you know. I'll help. I'm stayin' in Rio for a couple of weeks. Need any help? Let me know".

"Of course".

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