《Birds of a Feather》Hush


"You can't sleep".

Tina approached Newt, sitting alone on a couch in the lobby. There weren't people around. The students in Castelobruxo were all asleep and Pedro had found a place for them to sleep. There was a lobby, separating into two bedrooms.

"Neither can you" Newt let out a little laugh.

"I can. I just came to get some water" Tina pulled out a glass and poured herself some water.

"I'm concerned. Are we safe here?" Newt asked her.

"That sounds like an awful lot of worrying to me" Tina grinned.

"It's not worrying. I'm concerned" Newt said, "There's a difference".

Tina took a seat next to him, "Would you like to listen to a story?".

"A story?" Newt asked.

"A bedtime story. It sounds kiddish, but it works. It always does" Tina said, "I used to tell this to Queenie every night after we. . became orphans. However this version is a bit more modified".

"Okay" Newt decided, "Go on".

"Once upon a time, there was a prince. He had everything in the world. A beautiful palace, friends and family who supported him. He was handsome and very modest" Tina began.

"Sounds more of a lie. He's spoilt" Newt rushed to a conclusion.

"Soon enough, he knew that he had to become a king within a few years. He didn't want to become a king, for he seeked knowledge more than anything else" Tina continued.

Newt's eyelids began to droop. He tried his best to stay awake.

"In the other side of the world was this woman. She was ordinary and not as beautiful compared to others. She was a protector and helped people a lot"

"She's amazing, then" Newt yawned.

"But she yearned for a person who could understand her better than anyone. People talked about her behind her back and started hating her because of how powerful she was" Tina continued, "She wanted a person. Just a person who could understand her".


"What happened to her parents?" Newt asked.

"They're not in this story" Tina answered, quite hastily, "Anyway, this prince came to her hometown, seeking knowledge. He met her at a town festival. Though they didn't know each other, they knew they were destined to be friends".

"How can that be?"

"An intuitive thought, Newt. Ever experienced a situation where you go with your gut?" Tina asked.

"Coming from a practical Auror" Newt joked.

"Shut up. You can't question fantasy. It's just the way things are meant to be" Tina shrugged, "Back to the story. The woman quickly introduced herself to the prince and showed him her hometown. They had a good time and as a little token, the woman gave him a book".

"The book contained knowledge beyond the imaginations of the people. It was eternal knowledge. The prince vowed to return back to her and help her"

Newt's eyelids closed. His head rested on her lap, unknowingly as he keenly listened to the story.

"And he kept his promise" Tina's soothing voice echoed in his ears, "He came back. They fell in love and eventually moved back to the prince's kingdom to marry".

"Mmm" Newt nodded, as he slowly fell asleep.

"And it was a happy ending indeed. The woman became a queen. The prince became a king. They lived happily and best of all, they loved each other very much. Until the very end" Tina finished her story. She looked down at Newt who was sleeping soundly.

She didn't want to move and wake him up. She pressed a small kiss to his forehead and muttered, "Goodnight, Newt".

Jacob looked out of the ship's window. He was staying in a suite and it would take more eighteen days to reach Rio. God he missed Queenie, Tina and Newt so badly.


The ship wasn't exactly welcoming as he expected. Half the people were drunk and had a hard time partying. The only decent people were some professional investigators and business people on board.

He couldn't get a ticket for an individual suite because they were all sold. A bit like the theatres, he thought. He had to put up with Magnuson, another fellow, about twenty years old and immature.

Magnuson entered, half dazed from partying.

"Heya Jacob" he smiled devilishly, "Whatcha upto?"

"Something productive. Unlike you" Jacob threw a comeback.

"That hurts, man" Magnuson said, "So, whatcha business in Rio?"

"Uh, nothing. Here and there, y'know what I mean?" Jacob said, "What about you?"

"Top secret business. Can't tell you" Magnuson said. The man had a strange accent. Perhaps a bit of Scottish and French maybe? Jacob couldn't exactly put his finger on it.

"Anyway, gotta rush. They're having a good time and I don't wanna miss it" Magnuson said. He grabbed a couple of tissues from the pantry and rushed outside.

Stupid Magnuson and his cronies. Always trying to act like an adult but behaving like a two year old at the same time.

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