《Birds of a Feather》Hunt


Miss Goldstein,

Thanks to your neverending and committed efforts, the Auror team has managed to track down Grindelwald using several sets of complex magic.

We'd require you to be part of Auror Team Alpha to go to Rio de Janeiro, in South America where Grindelwald was last spotted. You shall leave London at precisely seven in the morning of September 21st. The ship would be waiting for you in the docks.

Make sure you carry your essential supplies such as books, your wand, the boat ticket which is enclosed in this envelope and first aid, such as essential potions.

Good luck,

Hector Fawley

Tina clutched the letter, her hair falling on her face. She was going to Rio? Might as well get prepared for it. She didn't know what Grindelwald would bring her.

But she had to tell Newt and Jacob, and also Nagini. Keeping the envelope under her pillow, she got up and put on some socks. Then she dressed in her usual attire - white shirt untucked, grey pants and her watch.

When she proceeded to the kitchen, Newt and Jacob were already fixing breakfast. Nagini was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she's gone for a walk, or something.

"Newt, Jacob. I've something important to tell you about" she declared, as she descended down the steps.

"What is it?" Jacob asked.

"I'm going to be part of an Auror team. We're going to Rio on the 21st in search of Grindelwald" Tina explained, "And yes, it is a perilous mission, but I can handle it".

"No" Newt muttered.

"What?" Tina said, as she grabbed a glass to pour some milk in.

"I won't let you go" Newt said, "Tina, you're . . I mean, you'll die. It's suicide"

"Newt, I have to. The Minister says so" Tina said, "Plus, I'll be very careful. And even if I die, it's for a good cause".


"No, Tina, I won't let you" Newt quickly grabbed Tina's wrist, "No Tina. Grindelwald is terrible. Then let me come".

"I don't need a magizoologist to protect me" Tina snapped, "It's my wish to go on this mission, Newt and I can! If you ever want to feel safe, let me go!". She pulled her hand out of his grip. Jacob looked at the both of them, shaking his head.

"Theseus is my brother. He'd let me come" Newt declared, "I want to come, Tina. This mission is as important to me as it is to you. Dumbledore is close to me as well".

Tina stared at him for a bit, before grabbing her mug and rushing out of the house after throwing on her coat.

"That's not the only reason you don't want her to go" Jacob winked.

"Okay, fine, I fancy her. Happy?" Newt glowered, "I don't want her to go, b-because there's only a slim chance they'll all come out alive. It's better to die together than live lonely".

"Wish Queenie was here. She'd have video taped this entire confession" Jacob laughed, "So what are you waiting for? Chase after her!"

"Tina, wait--!"

Newt caught up to her, panting his lungs out. Tina turned to him, sharply. They had the same feeling. Dèja Vu.

"Please Newt, just listen. You're far more precious. You don't want to lose your hard-won reputation by accompanying a bunch of careerist hypocrites on a stupid mission" Tina said.

"Tina, I've explained. I never meant you. You're the most perfect person ever, fit for an Auror. I meant the statement to the Aurors here, in London. They have no empathy for magical creatures" Newt said, "You deserve the very best".

Tina remained silent.

"And I don't care if I'm risking my life for you, but I'd do it anyway. Please Tina, let me come with you" Newt said, "Please? I uh. . I want to come".


Tina just smiled. Then she grinned like the Cheshire Cat. It wasn't creepy, and it was very sweet. "Oh, Newt. You aren't an Auror!"

"Can I come? At least for moral support?" Newt asked, his eyes widened like that of house elves. Tina wanted to laugh so much that she resisted the urge of smiling by biting the inside of her mouth.

"Well, it's not my decision" Tina shrugged, "Ask your brother. But I'd like it if you come. Especially for moral support and help".

"Am I that encouraging?" Newt gave her a little smirk.

"Shut up, Mr Scamander" Tina said, "If we were to stay any longer out here, people are going to think we're crazy".

"We're already crazy" Newt pointed out.

Tina punched him playfully on the arm. She muttered, "What a moron" before grabbing his arm to Disapparate back home.

To think of it, Tina isn't the luckiest woman in the world. She lost her parents, her sister, her old Illvermorny friends, Mr Graves and she can't exactly be friends with the President when they clearly corresponded on formal matters.

She has no support, except for this awkward little British man and the No Maj. Of course, Jacob wasn't exactly the "cheery" man he used to be, with Queenie gone and all, but hey, at least she can count on Newt.

And Newt? He lost a best friend, his brother never contacts him. His father and mother were already dead by the time Newt started his long dream of studying magical creatures. All he has was his little suitcase of magical creatures.

But he has Tina. It has always been about her. Back when he came home from New York, it has always been about her.

"Do you think Tina's writing me a letter now?" Newt asked.

"Shut up Newt and go to sleep" Theseus said, sleepily, "Why are you even awake now?"

"It's morning in New York" Newt said, "I'm hoping she writes back".

"You're not in New York" Theseus reminded him.

"Of course not. Do you think she'll like what I've written? I've talked about. . "

"Blah blah blah" Theseus sang, "I know you love her very much. But don't wake me up and tell me that".

"I do not!" Newt said.

"Oh Merlin, save me from this nonsense" Theseus covered his blanket over his face, breaking the conversation.

"D'you think she'll like the Thunderbird quill I sent her?"

"Here we go again".

And Theseus, poor Theseus had gotten sick of the numerous times Newt has talked about this "American Auror" and he tried to write a letter to her, but couldn't.

Maybe it was the idea of a happy ending that they were all fighting for. A happy ending involving many happy marriages, family reunions and everlasting peace.

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