《Birds of a Feather》Home


It has been a couple of hard months, yet nobody managed to get over their sorrows. It seemed rather idiotic, to mull over what happened instead of working for the future, but nobody seemed to care about anything anymore. All they wanted were their loved ones by their side.

Never, had Tina Goldstein, actually felt any place like home. Ever since her parents' death, no place was home. The little apartment above Mrs Esposito's place wasn't home. It was a house, and not a comforting home.

Mainly due to the reason because of Queenie. Tina didn't know what ever happened to her sweet little sister, the one she often mollycoddled and one whom she defended, against picky bullies and pesky little teenage boys who fell for the blonde witch because of her looks.

Never, has she felt London to be a comforting home.

She often felt like an insecure little tortoise, hiding cooped up inside it's little shell, which it calls as it's home, carrying the world's burden on its back whenever Tina traveled abroad for several investigations.

Other than that, she hadn't traveled around the world and never, in her whole life she had felt like home.

London was a queer place. It had so many surprises, yet the place gives out an aura of comfort and home and a place you'd want to go for a cup of tea and a chat. Something Tina wanted, craved mostly, after going on crazy adventures.

It has been a hard three months. Tina had been working with the Ministry for Magic, the "other Ministry" as she called it. She worked along with Theseus and the Minister and a few other Aurors. Until Tina had gotten a place of her own, Newt had willingly accepted Tina to stay in his house for the meantime.


Apart from a few exchange of words and greetings, the main duo never spoke much. With Jacob usually lamenting about Queenie and Nagini, often turning into a snake, because of how mad she was with Grindelwald, they simply didn't get privacy.

Theseus had been visiting them, especially his little brother, making sure he's eating well and not overworking himself. To be frank, Newt wanted to ask his brother the same question, but being the younger one, he had to entrust all of his burden on Theseus. It was almost like a "brother code" among them, which sounded stupid.

Tina was now, sitting on her bed in a lonely corner of Newt's little home, drinking hot chocolate and swirling it. She had completely avoided to stir it properly, leaving little lumps floating around, which she hesitated to make it perfect.

As Tina recalled all of this, she wondered whether everything was real. How could it possibly be real? Queenie joining Grindelwald? Credence choosing a side? Aurelius Dumbledore? How could it even be possible? It would make a great story someday, but it's simply vague.

There was a knock at the door. Tina got up, set her mug down on the table and opened it.

Newt stood there, his bowtie undone, his shirt untucked and his sleeves all rolled up. He smelt of fresh earth and grass, which made Tina yearn for a hug. Of course, that would be childish and immature.

He was clearly working with the creatures. His shirt was crinkled, which somehow showed that he had used a Drying Charm on his shirt after riding the Kelpie and making sure that his creatures eat well.

"How are they?" Tina asked.

"Patrick is fine. Dougal is throwing tantrums again about my strict rules on his little pranks and Pickett is trying to socialize, but it will take time" Newt narrated, "And the Kelpie is being such a menace. A pain in the leg. He never wants to eat".


"They'll be fine" Tina murmured, "They have feelings too".

"I am aware" Newt rubbed his palms together to rub off all of the dirt, "But that's no excuse for behaving improperly".

"Looks like you're too strict" Tina offered him a gentle smile, "Let them take their time. They'll eventually come to you for everything. They just need some space".

"That's good enough to hear" Newt sighed, "I'm honestly worried".

"Hey, we're going to be fine. And whatever happened to the worrying means you'll suffer twice part?" Tina raised her eyebrow.

Newt grinned, "I might've contradicted my own statement. But opinions do change, do they?"

"Sit down, Newt" Tina said, "Anything important? Any letter from the Ministry or something? Is that why you're here? Sorry I'm just trying to ask, not to be rude. ."

"Nothing. I wanted some company" Newt folded his hands, "Working with creatures and listening to their chatter can be a bit tedious sometimes".

"Says the man who devoted his life to them" Tina laughed.

Not only to them, Tina. Newt thought, but shook it off. He gave her another smile before shaking his head in disagreement.

"Would you like to take a walk around London? There are a lot of interesting places to visit" Newt said, "I can show them around, if you want to".

Just then, Jacob, who had been paying attention to their conversation from that point onward, entered the room.

"Can I come too?" he asked, "Need to get my mind off things".

"Where's Nagini?" Tina asked.

"She's fine. Somewhere in Newt's case, talking with the creatures in the form of a snake, perhaps" Jacob shrugged, "So, can I come?"

Newt didn't know how to react. He kind of wanted a personal moment between him and Tina. Just them. But Jacob just had to come along. And he was too polite. Newt didn't know how to say no.

"It's okay, Jacob. You can tag along" Newt said.

Tina looked a bit downcast too. For she wanted a moment, with just Newt and her. They could talk so much about everything, if Jacob and Nagini didn't have to interrupt them.

Mercy Lewis, how am I supposed to tell him how I really feel? Maybe I'll tell him in another couple of million years. That'd be fun.

As they got up to leave for their walk, Newt stayed behind, and excused himself to adjust his shirt.

Merlin, how am I supposed to tell her how I really feel if people just get in the way?


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