《Destined To Be Yours》Chapter 10 - Damsel in Distress


On seeing her grill gate and door open, Shruti froze. Her hands started to shake in fear.

Viswa was also stunned on witnessing such a scene. Immediately he asked her to check for money kept in cupboard.

Shruti rushed to her bedroom cupboard to see, all her clothes were pushed down and locker in the cupboard was cracked open.

"How much did you keep in the cupboard?" Viswa questioned.

"Around 15000. I mostly use debit card, I kept this for emergency purpose only. Plus I kept some jewels for Vidya. Everything is gone." She cupped her mouth to control her sob.

"Shh, don't get tensed. We will complain to police."

"I felt as if someone was watching me. But I brushed it off. Finally when I left home, they must have used it as a chance to loot the money. I kept Vidya's chain and anklets in this locker only. I didn't want her to wear them while travelling." Shruti was still in shock that all the precious little jewels she brought for Vidya is lost.

"Shruti, don't panic. We will get Vidya's jewels. At this situation, be glad that they robbed when you both were not there in home, think what would have happened if they tried to rob when you both were there. So calm down."

He gave her glass of water. She didn't have time to analysis when he went out to get it. She started to panic more on hearing his last words.

'They robbed when you both were not there in home, think what would have happened if they tried to rob when you both were there?'

Oh no! What have I done? They have been watching me the whole time! Many times I left Vidya at home and went to buy groceries. What if they tried to use that as opportunity? I would never ever leave her alone and go out.

Shruti started to get angry on her foolishness of leaving her baby alone. On seeing her getting panic, Viswa asked her. When she explained what she did, Viswa got angry. But at the same time he could understand why she did. All he could do was thank god for making them to attack the house when both Shruti and Vidya were not there.

Soon he called police, before they could arrive, he asked Shruti to inform the area association about the incident.

It was surprising that none of the neighbors in the apartment heard any noise when the house was looted.

When police came along with forensic scientist, they started to investigate in and around the house.

"Mam, you need to come to police station to write a complaint." Head constable informed Shruti.

"But mam, we will tell you frankly. Since there is no eye witness or any suspects, we will not be able to track the buglars. We need to wait for forensic report. Using that only we will be able to track. In case the collected samples were yours as we suspect that thief could have used gloves, in that situation, we might dismiss the case."


She nodded her head. She informed the house owner who is staying in U.S about the incident. Meanwhile Viswa went to speak went association head.

After all procedures Viswa dropped Shruti at home.

"Do you want to stay in my home? The doors are not safe." He asked.

"No, it's fine. I will lock it using the latch. In case I need any help, I will call you." She said in dejected tone. He nodded and went to office.

Then she started to arrange her things. Meanwhile Vidya slept whole afternoon.

Later Shruti called for furniture store to repair the doors and the cupboard. They said they will fix them the next day. So for now she locked the main door using inside latch.

The entire day seemed to move slower because of trauma she went through.

At night she tried to sleep, but when she tried to close her eyes, images of burglars attacking her home were clouding her mind.

After diverting her mind to her baby Vidya, finally she slept. Suddenly Vidya's cry woke her and made her heart to beat fast.

She fed milk to the baby and made her to sleep, but for her, sleep was long gone.

At one point she thought of calling Viswa. But she felt that she was troubling him. Because of her, he was late to office. She felt sad and disturbed on knowing that she made motivational Monday to misery Monday for him.

She searched her first aid box to get sleeping dose, but stopped on hearing door bell sound. For self defense, she took a vase in her hand.

Thieves don't come inside after knocking or ringing door bell, they just barge in. She thought and placed the vase on the table.

She slowly walked towards the door. With each step, her heart started to beat loudly.

She peaked through peep hole and saw Viswa standing other side of the door. After seeing him, she relaxed and immediately opened the door

"You scared me for a second." She took deep breath to calm her.

"You thought me for a thief?" He grinned.

She opened the door widely and allowed him inside.

"I thought of checking you and Vidya before leaving."

She smiled and thanked him.

"I thought of visiting in the evening. But there were many issues to be reviewed. After completing all the task I found that it was past 10. I really didn't mean to disturb you." He apologized. He could have called her, but he felt to check upon them personally, as he needed to make sure they both were safe.

"Not a problem. I didn't sleep still. Only she slept."

On reading her face, he knew she was scared to sleep alone. He wished he could take her to his home, but he was scared to ask her that. Already she refused when he suggested that. What if she mistakes him thinking he is taking advantage of the situation?


At the same time, Shruti wanted to ask the same question to him, but she refrained from asking.

They both talked for few minutes and he said,

"I spoke to association head regarding installation of CCTV for the area and assigning watchman. He said that he will discuss with other members of association members and put them."

Head constable was shocked on knowing there was no CCTV in the residential area. So Viswa immediately suggested this to the head of the association.

Seeing it was past 11, he got up to leave. Shruti accompanied him till the main door.

"Would you want me to stay?"

"Can you stay here?"

Both of them asked at the same time. On hearing each other's question they both laughed.

"You can take my bedroom. I will sleep with Vidya in her bedroom." she directed him her bedroom.

She really didn't know how she is going to pay gratitude to him. He was always their when she needed.

When she said this to him, he extended his hand towards her.

"Friends?" he asked.

She chuckled. "Friends," saying that she shook with his hand.

"So no thanks between friends." He said.

Soon both retired to sleep.

He decided to stay with her for one week until they install CCTV and assign watchman.

Next day morning, as he was getting ready to office, Shruti served him morning breakfast and also packed lunch for him.

"Don't blame me if the food is not good. I learnt it only during maternity period." she grinned.

He thanked her, for which she teased him by repeating his words, "Ahh, no thanks between friends."

He laughed, he knew she wanted to help her like he did.

On during midnight Vidya's cry made Viswa to rush to their room all in his defensive mode. On seeing baby crying he panicked at first. Later Shruti explained to him that it is normal for baby to sleep.

For next two days, he did panic on hearing loud wail from Vidya, later he got used to it, just like Shruti.

At one point it made him tired while working as he was not getting proper sleep. But then Shruti was helping as much as possible with the work. Even though she hasn't worked with the project Viswa was working, with his guidance, she learnt it faster and worked from home.

As much as he was exhausted, he loved being with Vidya. Vidya reminded him of his own child with whom he didn't have this chance. If in better situation, his baby would have been with him and he would been taking care of his baby. But the situation he caught himself is not letting him to do that.

Taking care of Vidya when needed, made him feeling satisfied. Not that he is seeing Vidya as replacement, but something in him made him to bound to the baby and the mother of the baby.

For first time, after his broken marriage he felt better. First he didn't realize it until his mother pointed out the change in him.

Even though he didn't discuss about the people who are the main reason for his happiness, his mother could guess that her son is moving on. She didn't pester him regarding anything. She was happy as far as her son is happy.

In this one week, both broke their barrier and started to get to know each other. On the other hand, not only he got fond of Vidya, Viswa grew a small crush on Shruti.

Who knew he would develop a crush on her? Is it a sin to have a crush on a 'friend'? he thought.

He shrugged it off. Can't help it. He smiled.

After one week he returned to his home, but every two to three days, he will visit them before returning to his house.

One evening he brought anklets for Vidya. He remembered how sad Shruti became after the theft incident. So he decided to buy one for her as 3rd month gift.

He gave the anklets to Shruti.

"Viswa, you need not..." he cut her off saying, "I never brought anything for her. So I wanted to buy this."

Shruti smiled and wore the anklets to her small legs.

"Vidu see what uncle has brought for you."

Uncle? he frowned

Vidya kicked her legs up in the air in joy.

"Seems like she is loving it." she said. On hearing cooker sound, she rushed to kitchen after handing over the baby to Viswa.

"I am not that old to be called as uncle." saying that he pulled Vidya's nose, to which she moved legs to hear the sound made by the anklets.

"There is 28 years gap between you both. That makes you an uncle." he heard her shouting from kitchen.

He rolled his eyes at him. He knew he is old enough to be called as uncle by any kid. Yet he couldn't accept that for Vidya. Actually even he doesn't know what he wanted to by Vidya.

"Don't listen to your mommy." he mouthed to baby to which baby smiled and tried to hold Viswa's hand.

He kissed the baby's forehead. "That's my girl." he unknowingly uttered them.


Not much of author's note. So ending it shortly.

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting on my story. Felt like it has been ages since I posted this line on a chapter. So thank you for your support for this story so far. *Bows down*.

Do leave your views on the story. Thank you.

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