《Destined To Be Yours》Chapter 9 - Heart's Missing Puzzle


­­"My cousin's daughter is in third trimester. They are asking for my presence." Lakshmi indirectly mentioned about her leave.

Shruti sighed. She knew Lakshmi can't stay with her always. She is grateful to her for her help during her pregnancy.

"Sure. Take care. If you need anything call me. Okay?" Shruti said to her.

Before leaving Lakshmi did tell her about all the necessary methods and precautions that needed to be taken care for her and the baby.

Two weeks passed. Shruti got accustomed to handling of her baby. Initially it was difficult, still it is. But now she doesn't feel helpless like before.

Now then Viswa used to drop messages on asking about baby's and her wellbeing, but he was not able to visit her as he got busy with the work.

For shopping she had to go alone leaving the baby at home. She could have taken baby with her, but, Lakshmi and doctor had advised her to not take baby outside at least for 6 weeks. So she hurries to home as she couldn't leave the baby all alone in the home.

What am I going to do after my maternity period got over? Need to look for another maid mean gap.

On the way to her home, she felt someone's gaze on her. When she turned around, no one was there. She shrugged and left.

As soon as she entered, she heard baby's loud cry from baby's room. She rushed to the room and held the baby.

"Mommy has come, Vidu. I am here. See I got new toy for you" saying that she showed her Rattle N Rock Maracas. She shook the toy in front of the baby which in turn made noise. That made Vidya to stop cry and tried to grab the toy.

She laid the baby on the new mat she brought and played with the toy. That was only sound that could be heard in the house.

'Do you really know what you are getting yourself into?' her mother asked her when she said about her decision.

'Taking care of baby all alone is not that easy.' Her father too stood by her mother.

'I want to have baby. That's why.'

'Then we will search for a groom. Not all are like Vijay.' Her mother tried to get some sense to her daughter.

'I don't need a man to take care of me and my child. I lost trust in them. All men are same. Don't compel me.' She said stubbornly.

'What will you do all alone with a kid?' On hearing this question Shruti confirmed that her parents are not going to help her.

'I will see to it.'

'Stop saying like this. You are still a kid for us. Don't do this.' Her mother tried to convince her.

'Moreover, I can't go back. I already went through the procedure.' She revealed shocking her parents.

'You didn't think about us right? Don't ever show your face to us. You will definitely regret taking this decision.' Saying that her father shut the door on her face.

She humorlessly chuckled at the memory. What her mother was trying the tell her was true. It is difficult to manage a baby without anyone. But that doesn't mean she is regretting her decision. But expecting others to help when it was her sole decision is wrong.

I can manage on my own. I will take care of you Vidu.

On seeing her mommy thinking, Vidya waved her hands up and down to grab her attention. Shruti lifted her baby and swirled around making the baby to smile.


Soon she heard knock on the door. When she opened the door, she saw Akshay and Harshita at her doorsteps.

She invited them in. As soon as seeing some strangers in the house Vidya started to cry.

"Ohh, did we scare the princess?" Akshay asked.

"Who doesn't get scared on seeing your strict face? I really hope you don't scare our baby in future." Harshita commented.

Akshay is Shruti's project Manager. Both Akshay and Shruti were from same batch in the college, but both are from different department. Harshita is her junior from same department, but Shruti joined the company the same year as Harshita joined.

"Vidya is always like that only. She starts crying on seeing new face."

"Then get used to us." Akshay said in threatening manner to the baby, to which baby started to cry more.

"Seriously Akshay, I am going to kick you out of the house when we are having baby. Poor her, you scaring her too much." Harshita slapped his arm.

Shruti chuckled at the couple in front of her. She knew Akshay is strict. Even though both are of same age, she easily gets scared on seeing him.

But after working with him in the same project she got to know about his playful nature.

Harshita then showed the baby some toys which they brought on the way to Shruti's house.

Soon Vidya started to like Harshita and started to play with her.

"I thought of visiting before, but we both were busy with visiting friend's house." Akshay started the conversation.

Shruti looked at the couple in front of her back and forth. "Wait you both are getting married?" she asked them shockingly.

To which both of them nodded their head.

"And you are telling me this late?" she glared at her college mates. She knew both were dating few months back.

They grinned sheepishly.

"Well it was sudden decision. First we thought of getting married after one year, but both of our parents forced us to get married soon. That's why this hurry burry," saying that Harshita gave the wedding invitation card to her.

"Next month is our wedding, you should surely come. And don't tell me you can't as you are having the child. Bring your baby also." Akshay said before she could refuse.

"I wish, but she is too sensitive. Doctor has asked me to not travel for 6 weeks."

"Our wedding is next month end only. Moreover you stay at the Mandap itself. Next day morning you can leave. We have arranged travel bus for our relatives, you can join them. So you can't say no." Harshita said strictly.

"You come to my wedding okay? I will get you more toys." Saying that Harshita caressed the baby's cheeks.

Vidya grinned even though she can't understand what Harshita said.

"See Baby approved. You are coming. Dot." Saying that both left as they had to invite many more people.

She smiled at them. They both were one of the few people, who didn't judge her for her decision. They supported her when needed. Akshay lessen her work during her pregnancy. He even allowed her to work from home during her second and third trimester. As much she wanted to attend their wedding, she was afraid of her bay's health.

Weeks passed and finally the day arrived for her friend's wedding. She was still in dilemma whether to attend the wedding or not. The venue was two hours from her place. She can't return to home at midnight disturbing her baby's sleep.


She can stay at the room they are providing, but she felt as if something bad is going to happen.

Soon she got a call from Haristha reminding her to come to reception.

Fine. Let's go out. This would be a change of environment for the Vidu and me.

Before leaving she consulted the doctor about the safety of the baby being outside the home. After which she booked a cab to attend the reception.

She reached the venue soon and after getting refreshed she attended the reception.

Soon her colleagues started to notice her and made conversation with her. Unknowingly she searched for one person in the crowd, but he seems to be missing.

Vidya started to become restless on seeing many strangers showing funny faces to her. So Shruti decided to call it a day and went to her room and made Vidya to sleep.

Next day morning, she got herself and baby ready for the wedding function.

Soon wedding procedures began.

'Who will marry you when you have a baby?' her mother called her when she was in second trimester.

As much as she wanted to tell her mother that she is not interested in marriage, she said, 'Ma, don't you think, people don't get married second time? Many divorcee having baby and get remarried. Many widows having babies get married. Then what is the problem?'

'Their baby is accepted is because it was born after marriage. And not out of wedlock.' Her mother replied harshly.

'Whatever, I don't have intention to marry,' saying that she cut the call.

On seeing Akshay tying knot to Harshita, tears formed in her eyes.

Not that she wanted to get married. But she did feel lonely sometimes looking at the baby.

Yes, Vidya kills her loneliness, but somewhere at the corner of her heart, she is feeling void, missing puzzle piece of her heart.

On seeing her friends getting married, she realized how important, companion is to one's life. One may say friends are good companions. Yes they are, until they find their own life. Parents will guide to certain period, you need to lead on the life. Children would, until they find their own lives. At the end, you might need a life partner.

Shruti sighed. I am thinking too much. I have Vidu, that's all matters. She tried to convince herself.

But the question is how long will one convince themself that things are good, when actually it is not?

Suddenly she felt someone's gaze on her. This time is wasn't creepy like she felt one and half month ago.

She turned around to find the only person she was searching yesterday. He waved his hand at her and walked towards her.

"You came? I thought you wouldn't come with the baby." he asked and extended his hand towards the baby. Soon Vidya jumped to Viswa's arms.

"Did my angel miss me?" saying that he hugged her and made her to lie on her shoulder.

"I feared for her hygiene. But later felt, change of environment would be good for her."

"When are you leaving?" he asked, while patting the baby.

"Afternoon I think. Harshita and Akshay said that they have arranged for a bus. Mostly it will leave by afternoon after the lunch."

"Why don't you join me? I will be leaving as soon as all the rituals are over." He suggested. He didn't like the idea of her going in the bus with 2 months old infant.

"I... I don't want to disturb you."

"Come on, it is not disturbance. I came here today morning only, that too alone. It was boring to travel alone. So why don't you accompany me? Moreover I don't feel it will be good when you are travelling in bus with baby." he explained.

She thought for a while and agreed to his idea.

"Fine, let me drive as you must be tired on travelling early morning."

Soon after the wedding got over, she went to her room to pack the stuffs and get the baby ready for travelling.

"Will be you able to hold her while I drive?" she asked him

"I would love to." Saying that he got the baby from her.

"Just shake the toys if she becomes restless." She showed the soft toys placed inside her handbag and then took driver's seat.

He sat in passenger's seat and looked at the handbag.

"Seems like you have entire toy shop in your handbag." He teased.

"No other go. Babies will cry most of the time. Either for hunger or out of boredom. So we need to entertain the baby as much as possible."

For some time, Vidya was playing with Viswa by trying to touch his nose, to which he will do the same, imitating the baby, which made her smile.

On seeing Viswa getting along with her baby, she said, "You are great with kids." To which Viswa laughed.

"No, No. At first I also thought on seeing Vidya not getting afraid of me. But there was another baby to make my theory prove wrong." He said.

She laughed and asked what happened.

He sobered up and said, "One month ago I met her and her husband along with their 5 months baby."

"Who?" she didn't get whom he was referring to.

"Ex-wife. She got married to her lover."

Shruti made a mental calculation and blurt it out without thinking, "She was having an affair?"

"Huh? Nope not like cheating. I mean she didn't know she was pregnant while getting married to me. She didn't cheat on me after marriage just that she hid the truth from me."

"She said it was your baby?" she asked. She remembered the hospital incident. Viswa was on cloud nine when he informed her about them expecting baby.

He nodded.

Shruti didn't know how to react. Till now she was blaming men and proudly said that women were the victims. But in Viswa's case, he was a victim too.

On seeing the environment turning into serious, he brought back to how it was started.

"Coming to the story. He was smiling when he was in his mother's arm. As soon as I held him, he started to wail. I was scared like anything at that time. He literally gave me a heart-attack at the moment. That time only I realised I am not great with kids."

"Uh-huh. That's so sad. Not all kids get along with everyone. See Vidya got along with you. But she screams when someone tried to hold her. It is normal only. So it doesn't mean that you are not great with babies." She encouraged him.

"Next time he might recognize you. Then he won't cry." She said. But mentally she didn't want him to meet them. She can understand how it must have hurt him on seeing his ex-wife happily moved on, while he still stuck where she left.

"I don't think her husband would allow anywhere near his wife and baby." He said.

Shruti raised an eyebrow at him.

"Possessive. He was glaring at me when I went to talk to her. It is not like she is going to enter into my life or I am going to be part of their family. When I held the baby one should have seen his face. He was looking as if he would kill me at any moment." He shook his head at the vivid memory.

Shruti laughed on seeing his expressions.

Suddenly Vidya started to become restless to which he started to cradle her slowly. Soon the baby slept in his arms.

"She slept." He whispered.

"Yeah, in morning she sleeps. At night she will be awake." She whispered back.

Soon she reached her home. When she was about to get her baby, he stopped her and gestured her to take the bag.

He carried the sleeping baby and followed her to Shurti's house.

Getting her key from the handbag, she went to the door to notice that key was not needed, as the lock was missing and door was wide open.


BTW who all recognized Akshay? Actually two chapters before I mentioned him. Anyways, I wanted a couple from office getting married for this scene. I thought of using Akshay and Harshita as theirs is also office romance.

Coming to other boy, while thinking of this scene after divorce of Viswa, I thought of making that boy as Kishore. But later I left that. I mean, Vidya and Kishore are not blood related. But still Vidya's father and Kishore's mother were married, even though their marriage is not legally approved. But initial plan was that one. When I got the idea I was like, 'finally I got idea for Kishore and Vidya' later on thinking they will be step brother and step sister I dropped the idea.

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