《Destined To Be Yours》Chapter 3 - Doctor's Appointment II


"Viswa, you know your aunt's brother's daughter Sunita right?"

"Yeah. She is studying in some college right?" he asked.

Sunita was his cousin's cousin.

"Yes, final year in B. Com. Her father was searching for a groom. He asked for you to your aunt and she spoke to your father. You father has agreed."

"What are you talking mom?" he looked stunned.

"She is 21! I am 28 for God sake! There is huge age gap. Look for some other girl." he advised.

"Come on, your dad and I have age gap of 10 years. Does age really matter?"

"Yes. For me it does. Age can be a number, but there is lot of generation gap, that's what I feel so. Cancel that alliance. Look for some other girl." he said.

But what can children do when parents stand stubborn?

Next week itself he got married to Sunita. His father played an emotional blackmail to which Viswa agreed. He even tried to speak to Sunita, but his parents didn't give her number to him in the fear of his son brainwashing the bride.

He asked his aunt, seems like her brother was reluctant to give number to him.

So without any option he got married to her. His friends used to tease by referring his wife as His little bride.

On the day of marriage only he had got to see his wife.

Oh my God! I seriously doubt whether she is adult enough! She looks so young.

"Mom, are you sure she is 21? Remember I can get into jail for child marriage." he looked concerned.

His mother laughed saying, "Look he is smitten by her beauty."

His cheeks turned pink in embarrassment.

Later that night, he entered his, correction their room.

His wife was sitting on their bed looking down.

He can feel the nervousness in the room, because he, himself was nervous.

He was never against arranged marriage. He have seen how his friends fell in love after marriage. The thing is, it is weird to share a room with a complete stranger. He haven't spoken to her the whole day.

He went near their bed and cleared his throat.

She sensed his presence but didn't look at him.

Being a project leader, he has always been a bold person. For first time in his life he was scared to speak.

"I can understand that you are nervous. I am as nervous as you are. We will get to understand each other slowly." he said.

But there was no response from her.

"I know you are still studying, your father told me. You can study, no one from my family will stop that. Actually even I suggested to have marriage after your studies get completed, but your father rushed this wedding. Anyways, I will not be any hindrance to your studies."

He looked worried when there was still no response from her.

He touched her shoulder. Instinctively she flinched and moved back.

That time only he got to see his wife's face. Her eyes were red on crying.

"Sunita, what happened? Why are you crying? Did something happen? Or did someone say anything?" he looked for all possible things that could have happened.


She shook her head. Once again he calmly asked her.

"I didn't want this marriage." on hearing that, his heart broke along with the hopes he built on his future.

He smiled sadly.

"I can understand you. Don't think marriage will cage your freedom. You are free to do whatever you want. I won't restrict you in anyway."

She sighed and nodded her head.

Viswa started to feel guilty for caging a young bird into marriage.

Days passed, he tried to be the understanding husband he could be, to Sunita. But she maintained her distance.

One day he left to attend his friend's bachelor's party. How usually refrain himself from drinking alcohol. He was never fond of it.

(AN/- sorry this part may look like NIDLY scene. In future I will change this part.)

His friends urged him to drink but he refused. Unknown to him, his friends mixed Coke with alcohol and made him to drink.

After drinking only he realised he was pranked.

Later he went home and slept. He couldn't remember what happened previous night. He asked his wife whether he disturbed her, and she shook her head.

Again few weeks passed, Sunita fainted during her exam. Viswa was called to pick her up.

"You take rest."

She nodded her head and went to sleep.

Next day she asked him to take a leave, as she wanted to speak to him.

"I think I am pregnant." she whispered.

"What? We haven't..." he was shocked to learn the possibility of her being pregnant when he haven't been intimate with her.

She looked nervous. "I am sorry, I hide this from you."

He started to imagine all the worst scenario like, Wife having affair behind husband.

"That day you went to party right? You were drunk. We did that night."

He felt as if cold water has been spalshed on him.

"Did I force myself on you? Why didn't you tell me before?"

He felt ashamed of himself for behaving like that. How could he do this unconsciously?

His friends used to say, after drinking we tend to do what we always wanted to do. But he never thought of having intimacy with Sunita, then how the hell did he force himself on her?

Suddenly he felt dirty and started to feel so cheap of him.

"No no. You didn't force. It just happened like that. I was ashamed to tell you next day. On wedding night you said you would wait, but when it happened I know it will hurt you. That's why I didn't tell you. But now I had to." she looked down with guilt.

He kneeled down infront of her and cupped her face.

"Sunita, I am extremely sorry. I feel ashamed of myself. I am glad that I didn't force you, but still it hurts. I am extremely sorry. I should have been more careful. I shouldnt... you have one more semester. How could I spoil your life?"

More than sadness he was angry on himself.

"It's fine. As long as you are with me, I am happy. 6 months right for college to get over? I can manage." she smiled.


"Let's go to hospital tomorrow."

Next day they went to give blood test since there was many tests to be piled up, they said the result will be couriered to them in 2-3 days.

Even though the blood tests hasn't come, while checking with pregnancy kit, they'll found that they are expecting. Even though at one side he was angry on himself, other hand he was in cloud nine.

He took care of her like a baby. Till then he thought his wife as friend, after learning about pregnancy, he felt something has changed between them.

Mother of his child! The respect towards her grew.

Anyone looking at the couple would even say that his overwhelming love for her could suffocate her.

Even if there were any important work to be done at office, he will come how and work.

Soon reports came to their house and as expected it was positive.

They informed both the parents and they were to arrive home next week.

Meanwhile they thought of visiting hospital for general checkup.

So next day, they booked an appointment with Dr.Sanchana. That's when Viswa meet Shruti.

Soon after they were called in, Sanchana read the report.

"Nurse get the ultrasound scan room ready. Sunita follow the nurse, she will give you the gown. You change into that and we will go for scanning."

Sunita left to the adjacent room.

Vishwa frowned looking at the doctor.

"Doctor, can we see the baby within four weeks?" he wondered.

"Answering your question, yes. We can. It will look like a tiny bean. Since your wife is 8 week pregnant, we can even see the heart beat of the baby." Sanchana explained

"8 weeks? No no. It should be around four weeks." he corrected her.

Sanchana chuckled. She showed him the report they brought in.

"See, your wife is 8 week pregnant."

Viswa has viewed the report just to check saw the result of pregnancy only, didn't check any other information.

He was bit shocked about the revelation.

No! There must be something wrong. Maybe hospital had a pile of test, so they should have sent the wrong one.

"Mr. Viswa, you can also see your baby." Sanchana called them.

He came out of the shock and followed her to the scanning room.

When doctor showed them the ultraimages of the baby, Viswa forgot everything about the discussion they had few minutes ago. His screen was glued to the screen and he squeezed Sunita's hand.

Then doctor showed the heart beating, he felt immense happiness.

My baby!

The pride of going to become dad overtook him. Soon after the ultrasound, Sanchana asked nurse to help Sunita.

Meanwhile Sanchana and Viswa came out if the scanning room and started to discuss.

"Viswa, your wife is 8 weeks pregnant. The baby looks healthy. I will prescribe her diet. You need to take care of her properly." she started to list down the diet and some health tips.

"Doctor, please forgive me for asking. As you sure she is 8 weeks pregnant?" he asked her.

"Yes yes. I showed you baby's heart beat right? We can see it only after 6 weeks of pregnancy. Blood test sometime may vary, but ultrasound is accurate. We can relay on them."

Soon Sunita joined them.

"Doctor." they heard a new voice behind them.

"I spoke to all our regular sperm donor banks. Everything is booked. They asked us to book 3 months advance itself." nurse informed Sanchana.

"What? It will take 3 months? She has been asking me to get that next week."

"Fine you book for one. I will speak to her." Sanchana dismissed.

"Sperm donor?" Vishwa asked in wonder.

"Yes. Just like blood donation, men donate their semen."

"Wow. Nice. I have never heard like that" he said. Viswa was Computer Science student both in school and college. He was never fond of biology. So he never got updated to the latest news.

"It is quite trending now. They are many couples, where men are infertile, or where independent woman wish to have child on her own. In those cases, we use sperm donor. Actually like blood bank, there is sperm bank also."

He was astonished on hearing this new information. But soon he was brought into reality.

Could his wife have deceived him? Is that why she didn't like to marry him?

While leaving the hospital he was zoned out on only thought.

That how the hell she can be 8 weeks pregnant, when he got married to her 6 weeks ago and it was just 4 weeks ago that bachelor party took place?


Hi guys! Actually I planned this part to be more. Where everything break loose. But already this is 2k and another one is about 2k, so I am breaking the chapters into two. Guys one help, can you tell where this Chapter 3 is placed? in my draft it is showing between chapter 1 and chapter 2. I tried to change the order, but couldn't. If it is in correct order, then fine, else tell me.

I think it is going to exceed my chapter limit. I mentally plan this should go into this chapter. But while typing it is getting spilt. First time happening like this. Sorry for that. Now I have outlined all my chapters. It is coming around 17 chapters. Don't get shocked, everything will be small chapters maximum 2k per chapter.

Coming to chapter. How is the chapter? I am really sorry if you feel it as boring. I know starting part might be like that. It is just the flashback part of main leads will be kinda boring. After that it will get better.

Cases likes Sunita has also happened. Recently came across a news about couple saying that girl gave birth to a child after one month of marriage. Husband was shocked. But I was like, hey what about the baby bump? Wouldn't they have noticed that? But I don't know what happened. Later the husband divorced her. I just read the headline.

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