《Destined To Be Yours》Chapter 1 - Her Broken Engagement


One year ago...

Shurti was happy when her marriage was fixed to her family friend's son, Vijay. Moreover both the families reside on the same street in their hometown.

So when Vijay's family put forth this marriage alliance, her family gladly accepted.

Vijay wanted the wedding to be held within one month. So wedding preparations were started immediately.

On the day of reception, two girls who seemed to be mysterious came to the stage and congratulated the couples.

On seeing them, Vijay started to panic. When Shurti asked what happened to him, he brushed it off saying it as 'wedding jitters'.

But Shurti wasn't a fool, she did notice the sudden changes in him after the mysterious girls came to stage. Things started to look more suspicious when they didn't leave the hall even after wishing them. Both the ladies sat in the front row glaring at Vijay.

After reception got over, when everyone retired to their respective rooms, the same two girls entered the bride's room.

The information the first girl said made Shurti furious.

"We both were in love from college days. He was my super senior. I used to always propose marriage, after getting a job, but he always denied that idea saying he needed time to settle.

"One month ago, I was really in need of getting married to him. I had a valid reason too." saying that Nandhini looked down and caressed her empty stomach.

Shurti looked stunned at the information she gave.

"You are pregnant?" she asked shockingly.

She shook her head and corrected Shruti by whispering, "was."

When Shurti looked puzzled, that girl explained.

"When I revealed that I was pregnant, he asked me to abort it. But I couldn't. The baby was going to be my family. The one I longed for. Being an orphan, this brought brought me happiness.

"When I stood stubbornly against abortion, he promised me that he will marry only if I abort. First I refused, but he explained me that he needed to settle down first. 'Marriage was manageable but child at this stage is very difficult.' he said. Naive I was, and I believed him and got abortion.


"You may judge me, I don't care. Because at that time, I had no one to guide me. I have no family or friends. My salary was too low. And I also knew if Vijay didn't marry me, I will not be able to manage my child on my own. He also convinced me that we will have as many as children after 3-5 years. That's why I accepted his decision."

"But he left you." Shruti completed for her.

Nandhini nodded sadly, but continued to say the rest.

"He asked me to come to register office one day. I was waiting for him, but he didn't turn up. I went to his office, that's when I saw her." Nandhini pointed the girl beside me.

"I don't know whether it was pure coincidence or God's grace for me to open my eyes, I met Swetha. When I asked about Vijay, she was surprised. Later I revealed the truth about my relationship with Vijay, she got shocked. Because Vijay was dating her also.

"Before we could speak to Vijay, he took leave for one week. First we thought he got into accident till this evening. Later only I got to know through his facebook status. You have added your relationship status with him. He didn't even invite his close friends from office circle."

When she finished her story, Shruti felt like cold water has been splashed on her. For few minutes she stood numb.

"We don't want another girl to get ruined by him. That's why, we rushed to here. We know it is last minute, but if we had known it earlier, we would have contacted you." Swetha said.

Shruti nodded her head. There was no doubt in her decision.

She called everyone to reveal the truth. First Vijay declined the girls confession, later when they showed their photos they took together, he accepted.

And the wedding was cancelled, leaving the rumors to grow.


Things were never easy for her after marriage got cancelled. Her neighbours, even though they pretended to be sympathetic, behind their back people started to bad mouth her family.

How many times they tried to tell the reason of cancellation of wedding, people believe what they want to believe instead of the truth.

Same case happened in office too. Colleagues started to speak behind her back, she was taunted for not holding a guy to herself. Many more rumours were circulated in office, to which she went into depression.

At one point she even thought of quitting her job. Later she picked herself up, put herself together and stood strongly infront of others.

She did learn many lessons in that phrase. People no matter what, they will always go for rumours. They pretend they care for you or try to console you. But all those were to get information from you. One day it could be about you next day or could be about someone else. It is not going to last forever.

To divert, her attention she indulged herself in work. Already she was known as work alcoholic , now she started to work like maniac and that made her to get promoted to Team lead.

Everything was going well until her family brought her marriage topic again. That's when a fight took place between her family and her. She was against marriage. Even though it happened one time, it got etched in her mind. By that time she started to hate men too. She knew that not all men are same. But her insecurities made her to think so.

Outside she may seemed to look like she moved on, but only she knew how hurt she was.

When she tried to explain that, her family didn't want to force her, but at the same time they wanted their daughter to be in good hands. Couldn't blame her family also, they wanted the best for their daughter.

They know how hurting it is to her, so they wanted her to move on. That's why they brought another alliance.

"All we want is you to settle down dear. Have we ever forced you? Nope right? Why can't you understand from other point. We are also getting old, won't we like to see grandchildren before anything could happen to us." her mother spoke her worries.

Shruti thought, Do I really need a man in my life? What if he also turns out to be like Vijay. I don't want to be like another Nandhini or Swetha.

As she was indulged in those thoughts suddenly her mind popped with a procedure that she studied in her third year Plant and Animal biotechnology.

Her mind froze for a second and in the next second she was jumping in joy.

Mom, you asked for grandchild and you will get one, exactly in 10 months


Hi guys. How are you? Actually this chapter should have been longer than this, covering hospital details. But I felt this is short story, so ending with a short chapter instead of long one. So I think hero introduction will be pushed to chapter three.

How was the chapter?

Regarding Nandhini, girls like her get betrayed by cheaters like Vijay. Yes it is a true story, I saw a news in TV about a girl who was waiting in front of her lover's house. She was asked to abort the baby in return for the marriage and she did. But the boy left her at the last minute. That's all I saw from the news.

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